  • Herbs for blood vessels - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    In this article I will tell you about the treatment of herbs of the most common vascular diseases:

    1. Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized by the deposition of fat cells in the walls of arterial vessels with subsequent disruption of the blood supply of tissues and organs, until the blood flow is completely blocked. At the initial stage, individual fat accumulations in the form of "spots" accumulate in the wall of the vessel, then they combine and appear atherosclerotic "striae", against which background atherosclerotic plaques begin to appear, which protrude into the lumen of the vessel, considerably narrowing its diameter. Atherosclerosis is a systemic disease that affects all arterial vessels without exception, but the smaller the diameter of the vessel, the more significant the circulation will be due to it due to atherosclerosis. Therefore, one of the first symptoms of atherosclerosis is most often angina( as a result of the lesion of the coronary arteries feeding the heart muscle).

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    2. Obliterating atherosclerosis is a manifestation of general atherosclerosis. This disease is characterized by narrowing of the lumen of the vessels up to complete obliteration and disturbance of blood flow. It is accompanied by clinical manifestations.

    3. Varicose disease or chronic venous insufficiency is a disease in which venous vessels are affected. The lumen of the veins increases, the vascular wall becomes thinner and its tone decreases, the valves of the veins become invalid. Due to the fact that the outflow of venous blood is slowed down, the risk of venous thrombosis increases.

    phytotherapy objectives in vascular diseases:

    • hypocholesterolemic effect
    • hypolipidemic action
    • anti-sclerotic effect
    • angioprotektornoy action
    • improve cerebral circulation
    • vasodilatory action
    • Nootropic action

    anticoagulant activity • viscosity reducing
    reducing vascular permeability • Antioxidant effect of
    • Increasing metabolism of

    With obliteranttherosclerosis:
    • Anti-sclerosis action of
    • Angioprotective action of
    • Antioxidant effect of
    • Vasodilating action of
    • Anticoagulant effect of
    • Antithrombotic effect of

    In case of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency:
    • Increasing vein tone
    • Strengthening walls of capillaries
    • Anticoagulant effect
    • Fibrinolytic action of
    • Immunostimulating effect of

    Herbs and collections for vessels

    What herbs and saOras are used, how to brew, dosages, the duration of the course of treatment, when can I repeat the course? At the Department of Phytotherapy PFUR the following treatment algorithms are proposed:

    Treatment of atherosclerosis with herbs:

    • Gathering( gr):
    Throat of sea kale 10,0
    Cowberry leaves 10,0
    Root of the skullcap of Baikal 10,0
    Herb of the motherwort 10,0
    Chamomile flowers of the pharmacy 10,0
    Columns with the stigmas of the corn 10,0
    Fruits of blood-red hawthorn 15,0
    Preparation: 5 g of collection pour 200 ml of hot water, insist in a thermos for 30 minutes, take 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals. Duration of admission 1,5 - 2 months.
    • Collection( parts):
    Hawthorn flowers prickly 2 pieces
    Puffy grass 2 parts
    Leaves of mother-and-stepmother 2 pieces
    Herbaceous frogfoot grass 4 parts
    Herb cobweb grass 5 parts
    Herb Yarrow 2 pieces
    Seeds of dill 2parts
    Grass horsetail 3 parts
    Preparation: 12 g collection pour 200 ml of hot water, insist in a thermos for 1 hour, take 100 ml 2 times daily before meals. Duration of admission 2 months.
    • Allilchep 30 drops 3 times a day for 4 weeks.
    • Apilac 0,01 g 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals under the tongue.
    • Polyponin 1 tablet 3 times daily after meals. Receiving 30 days, then a break for 10 days, then the course is repeated again.
    • Chitopan 1 tablet 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals.
    • Hawthorn extract 30 drops 3 times daily before meals.
    • It is recommended to add the following plants to the food:
    - Avocado
    - Watermelon
    - Eggplant
    - Banana( better green)
    - Strawberries
    - Kiprey
    - Nettle
    - Onion
    - Raspberries
    - Sea kale( in the absence of contraindications from the sidethyroid gland)
    - Nuts( especially almonds)
    - Ashberry ordinary
    - Beetroot( better in raw form)
    - Soybean
    - Garlic
    - Rosehip

    The above treatment according to the VF method. Korsun and E.V.Korsun is recommended to apply for 3-4 weeks 2 times a year.

    Traditional medicine:

    • Salad from sea kale.
    • In raw form, onion and garlic( 2-3 cloves) daily.
    • Juice raw onions with honey in a ratio of 1: 2, take 1 teaspoon 3 times daily before meals.• Eggplants with walnuts and garlic.
    • Compotes from gooseberry, wild strawberries, blueberries, black and red currants.
    • Raspberry-beetroot soup.
    • Mixture of juices( gr): carrot 230,0 + garlic 60,0 + pineapple or beetroot 170,0.Take 1/3 cup 1-times a day in the afternoon and evening after eating.
    • Mixture: celery( 4 kg of root with a leaf) + garlic( 400 g) + lemons( 8 pieces) + horseradish( 400 g of root).Skip all the ingredients through a meat grinder, put the mixture in a glass or enamel ware, tie with gauze, put it for 12 hours in a warm place at 30 C, then for 3 days - in a cool place. Then squeeze the juice. Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals.

    Treatment of obliterating atherosclerosis with herbs:

    • Gathering( gr):
    Rhizomes of levisee safflower 30.0
    Hop cones 25,0
    Grasshopper grass 5,0
    Grass of schizoneptae 15,0
    Horse chestnut fruits 20,0
    Grass mountain grassBird 20,0
    Method of preparation: 2 g of collection pour 200 ml of hot water, insist in a thermos for 30 minutes, take infusion during the day. Duration of admission 1,5 - 2 months.
    • With obliterating atherosclerosis, physiotherapeutic procedures can be effectively performed: magnetotherapy, dry carbon dioxide baths, darsonvalization, mud applications, therapeutic baths with herbal remedies, whirlpool baths, and rhodonic baths.
    • It is recommended to add the following plants to the food:
    - Orange
    - Grapefruit
    - Pear
    - Blackberry
    - Strawberry
    - Tomato
    - Rice( especially useful brown rice)
    - Ashberry ordinary
    - Celery odorous
    - Dill
    - Blueberry
    - Garlic

    The above treatment is recommended to be applied for 3-4 weeks 2 times a year.

    Treatment of varicose veins / chronic venous insufficiency with herbs:

    • Gathering( gr):
    Hop cones 25,0
    Sandwich flowers 45,0
    Jerusalem artichoke tubers 15,0
    Horse chestnut fruits 15,0
    Eleutherococcus thorns prickly roots 15,0
    Method of preparation: 2 g of collection pour200 ml of hot water, insist in a thermos for 30 minutes, take during the day. Duration of admission is 1 month.
    • Angion for taking 2 tablets 2 times a day. Reception 1 month.
    • Varicol( oil from the seeds of horse chestnut, hawthorn, dogrose, licorice roots, mint leaves or lemon balm) should be applied from the bottom upwards 2 times a day along the veins. Duration 1,5 months.
    • It is recommended to add the following plants to food
    - Blueberry
    - Celery odorous
    - Dill
    - Grapefruit
    - Ashberry ashberry
    - Basil fungus
    - Redcurrant
    - Tarhun
    - Cherry
    - Blackberry sisaya
    - Fig

    The abovetreatment is recommended to apply for 1 month 2 times a year.

    Contraindications to the treatment of blood vessels by herbs

    Phytotherapy is contraindicated if:
    1. The patient has allergic reactions to the components of charges.
    2. The patient has allergic reactions that have occurred in the treatment of phytotherapeutic drugs.
    3. As the only therapy for life-threatening conditions, such as a marked violation of blood flow through the arteries as a result of obliterating atherosclerosis, the development of thrombosis, a marked violation of the outflow of blood, leading to thrombophlebitis or phlebothrombosis, gangrene, etc. Do not make yourself a diagnosisand do not prescribe yourself a cure. Address to the surgeon in a timely manner!

    Phytotherapy can be used, but with caution:
    1. In case of self-treatment with established diagnosis, if planned conservative treatment is recommended.
    2. If worsened, as an additional treatment to basic therapy by surgical methods or chemical preparations. It is necessary to monitor the doctor and it is possible to change the tactics of managing the patient.
    3. When pregnant and lactating. As for the diet, there are no restrictions. Apply phytotherapy only after consulting a doctor!

    Forecast of herbs treatment

    What effect can be achieved in treatment and why is it so important and traditional treatment prescribed by a doctor? The vascular diseases considered in this article: atherosclerosis and obliterating atherosclerosis and varicose veins and venous insufficiency should be treated in a comprehensive manner.

    In atherosclerosis, the following treatment measures are of great importance:

    1. Increased physical activity of
    2. Anti-atherosclerotic diet: increase in amino acid supply of glycine, alanine, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins B, E, C, trace elements of vanadium, magnesium, manganese, chromium. Reducing the consumption of animal fats.
    3. Normalization of the lipid spectrum of blood by medicinal agents: fibrates, statins, etc.
    4. Prevention and elimination of vascular damage: antihypoxants, antioxidants, angioprotectors, etc.
    5. Prevention of thromboses: antiplatelet agents of synthetic and natural origin
    6. Treatment of concomitant pathology: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland, hypertension, etc.

    Phytotherapy can be widely and permanently applied at any stage of atherosclerosis as an additional therapy. In rare cases, it is possible to start starting treatment with a single herbal medicine under the control of the lipid spectrum of the blood. But even with the first time identified dyslipidemia, the decision about monophytotherapy and its timing should be taken by a doctor.

    In any case, as with monophytotherapy, and when combined with chemical preparations, the result of treatment will be stable, and the side effects of statins are less pronounced.

    Varicose disease and chronic venous insufficiency also require long-term, and often lifelong, combined treatment. This and therapeutic exercise, and wearing compression jersey, and increasing the tone of veins phlebotonics, disaggregant and anticoagulant therapy. Adding herbal medications and preparations to traditional treatment helps to hold longer treatment courses, or to apply phytotherapy with a preventive purpose courses 1-2 times a year. This will significantly improve the prognosis of the disease, reduce the risk of complications and strengthen the entire body.

    Doctor phytotherapeutist Akimova N.S.