
Kidneys in children: diagnosis of three stages of nephroptosis

  • Kidneys in children: diagnosis of three stages of nephroptosis

    Kidney defect in children in medical practice is called nephroptosis. With this disease, the doctor with palpation can easily feel the kidney - it shifts from its natural position and is in the risk zone, subject to the possibility of trauma.

    Until now, it was thought that nephroptosis is a fairly rare disease for children, but after research, scientists found that the percentage of patients is increasing.

    Girls are the most exposed to nephroptosis, in boys it is much less common.

    Diagnose this disease by the method of palpation, placing the child in different positions: vertical, horizontal and lateral or with the help of a radiographic picture, lying and standing. It is possible to talk about nephroptosis in children, when the mobility of the kidney is slightly higher than the height of one lumbar vertebra.

    Kidney shortcomings in children: 4 main causes of

    1. One of the first reasons is an anatomical feature of the body. With the growth of the child, the degree of the disease increases. This is due to the weakness of the muscular tissues and the imperfection of the spine, due to the age-related disproportions of the body.
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    2. The second cause is the transmitted infectious diseases, as well as rickets, in which deformation of the spine and the appearance of muscle tone can occur.
    3. The third is a significant loss of body weight, which leads to a decrease in the amount of fat in the space next to the kidney.
    4. One of the main reasons is the resulting injury in the lumbar region - it can be a punch or fall from a height.

    Kidney shortcomings in children: diagnosis of stages of nephroptosis

    • Stage 1 - with a sigh, the lower part of the kidney is probed.
    • 2 stage - with the help of palpation the whole kidney is palpated.
    • Stage 3 - the kidney is very mobile and moves in different directions.

    To identify this disease in the first stage of development is quite difficult, half of the children it is asymptomatic, only occasionally the child can complain of stitching pain in the lumbar region, mainly this happens with small loads - running, jumping, lifting weights. Significantly less frequent swelling( bags) under the eyes in the morning.

    The second stage is accompanied by increased pain in the abdomen, back and bladder.

    In the third stage, the intensity of pain is significantly increased and acquires a permanent character, which often contributes to impaired ability to work. The patient is lethargic and apathetic, often there is a loss of appetite.

    Prevention and treatment of kidney omission in children

    Treatment is assigned conservative. It consists of wearing a bandage and performing certain restorative measures.

    Therapeutic gymnastics with omission of the kidney consists of the following exercises:

    1. Exercise No. 1.
      • The child is laid on his back, bending his legs. On inhalation, it is necessary to maximally inflate the stomach, and in the exhalation to draw. Repeat 5-6 times.
    2. Exercise No. 2.
      • Position too. Between the knees, squeeze and unclamp the ball 5-7 times.
    3. Exercise No. 3.
      • Place a small roller under the waist, possibly fold a towel not more than 15 cm high. Inhaling and exhaling alternately raise each leg.
    4. Exercise No. 4.
      • Take the prone position, stretch your arms along the body, the legs are joined together. Raise your legs and make rotational movements, imitating a bicycle. Perform 1-2 minutes.

    Under the general strengthening measures it is customary to imply not only therapeutic gymnastics, but also the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, adequate nutrition, being in the natural environment( regular outdoor walks, sunbathing and water procedures).

    This is important! Children of school and preschool age are prone to nephroptosis, therefore it is very important to undergo regular checkups in medical institutions and to carry out a number of preventive measures to prevent this disease.

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