
Signs of inflammation and prevention of inflammation of the kidneys

  • Signs of inflammation and prevention of inflammation of the kidneys

    Inflammation in the kidneys is one of the most common lesions of the urinary system. It occupies one of the first places in the structure of human injury, so the prevention of inflammation of the kidneys is so important.

    How to detect inflammation in yourself

    Often, people do not even know how to detect the presence of an inflammatory process in themselves or their loved ones. Knowing the main manifestations of inflammation, any person can visit a specialist on time, which will reduce the risks of serious complications to minimal.

    The main signs of the inflammatory process in the kidneys include pain in the lumbar region even after small loads, severe pain in the kidney area with a slight tapping on the back, blanching of the skin, lack of appetite, pain during urination, swelling in the legs.

    This is important! With chronic inflammation, the pain becomes not passing and aching. If the pain can not be tolerated, then most likely, there was a blockage of the duct.

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    Organization of treatment

    With timely treatment and visiting a doctor, the curative process is limited to carrying out antibacterial therapy, as well as mandatory observance of special dietary rules in the development of the inflammatory process in the kidneys.

    Diet in the detection of inflammation, under the condition of normal blood pressure and lack of swelling, will not practically differ from the usual diet. In such a situation, a milk-vegetable diet perfectly suits the consumption of fish and meat. Every day you should eat fruits and vegetables, enriched with vitamins C, P, B and magnesium, dairy and milk products, eggs. It will be necessary to abandon the use of seasonings and too sharp dishes.

    Prevention of the development of the inflammatory process

    Prevention of the prevention of the development of the inflammatory process is classified into two main groups:

    • Etiological prevention - it involves the removal of causative factors that can trigger an inflammatory process or kidney infection infection.
    • Pathogenetic prophylaxis - it involves the elimination of factors that trigger the development of pathology. With inflammation of the kidneys, pathogenetic prophylaxis is to eliminate the violation of urinary diversion.

    In modern medicine, aetiological prophylaxis is realized by two methods:

    1. Influence on the infectious process right on the site of inflammation, that is, directly in the kidneys until the activation of this process.
    2. Elimination of foci of inflammation outside the organs of the urinary system. Such methods include sanation of the oral cavity, timely treatment of tonsils and nasopharynx, prevention and treatment of pathologies affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

    Prevention of inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system in the female and male organ plays a very important role in preventing the development of inflammation in the kidneys.

    Pathogenetic prophylaxis involves the elimination of pathological factors of a local and general nature. Important factors that provoke the inflammation process are hypothermia, overfatigue, malnutrition and improper organization of the diet. Pathogenetic prevention measures are fully correlated with a specific person and do not assume constant monitoring by a specialist.

    This is important! Everyone is worried about their own health and therefore must remember the observance of hygiene rules, as their violation can cause the development of inflammation in the kidneys, which will be associated with an infection developing ascending way.

    It is important to avoid fatigue, visit sanatoriums and resorts for the purpose of healing the kidneys. Inadmissible are hypothermia, therefore it is necessary to take seriously the protection of the body.

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