
Physiotherapy, physiotherapy in neurology - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Physiotherapy, physiotherapy in neurology - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Physiotherapy - what is it?

    Physiotherapy is a treatment with natural and physical factors: heat and cold, ultrasound, electric current, magnetic field, laser, ultraviolet, infrared and other types of radiation, therapeutic mud, water, massage, hirudotherapy, etc.

    Undeniable advantage of physiotherapybefore other methods of treatment - its high efficiency coupled with safety. It not only does not require the use of medicines, but also due to its active effect on the body allows you to reduce the intake of drugs at times by increasing the sensitivity of the body to the medicinal properties of medicines. Physiotherapy helps to minimize possible side effects and unpleasant consequences of both the disease itself and its treatment, sometimes adversely affecting the body's defenses. Physiotherapy awakens the internal reserves of the body, strengthens the immune system and thereby shortens the treatment time, accelerates the healing of wounds and inflammations, activates the most important biochemical processes in the body, adjusting the body's natural strengths for recovery. Physiotherapy is successfully used to treat a variety of diseases of organs and systems of the human body. As an independent method of treatment, physiotherapy is effective at the initial stages of the development of the disease. Physiotherapy is an excellent means of preventing many diseases. Most often it is used as an additional method in the general course of treatment.

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    Cryotherapy - one of the directions of physiotherapy, a unique technique for the effect of low temperatures on the body with the help of liquid nitrogen. Cryotherapy has a general activating effect on the body: it stimulates the immune and endocrine systems, has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and spasmolytic effects, promotes blood saturation with active biological components - endorphins, rejuvenates due to increased surface blood flow. By activating all regulatory systems, the body restores the ability to independently "audit" existing violations and eliminate them. Applying cryotherapy in a complex of therapeutic measures, you can achieve excellent results in the treatment of neuroses and depressions, arthritis, psoriasis, papillomas, eczema, sexual disorders in men and women. During a short session, there is an activation of metabolic processes of such intensity that the patient loses up to one kilogram of weight, which opens the prospect for the treatment of the metabolic syndrome. Cosmetic and therapeutic results even from the first 2-3 procedures are immediately felt - smoothing of the skin, cessation of pain in the musculoskeletal system, healthy sleep, increased mood, etc.

    Laser therapy, or laser therapy. The biostimulating effect of laser therapy on the human body is based on the effect of directional light flux( laser) on living tissue. Absorbing light, enzymes activate the most important biochemical processes in the body, and cells are renewed, restore their vital activity, self-regulation mechanisms are activated, and the body's natural forces are mobilized. Under the influence of laser therapy, capillaries expand, microcirculation of blood, tissue nutrition improves, and all this together leads to acceleration of healing processes in affected areas. Laser therapy has a beneficial effect on immunity, reduces blood viscosity, strengthens the lymph drainage, reduces cholesterol, anesthetizes, antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-allergic effect. Laser therapy, like other methods of physiotherapy, helps to reduce the time of treatment, prevent the transition from acute to chronic, and most importantly, to achieve a positive effect of minimal doses of drugs. Short laser therapy sessions, which the patient undergoes in the long-term after the treatment, strengthen health: stimulate metabolic processes, nutrition of organs and tissues, reduce the likelihood of early age changes, in particular, menopause in men, and sexual weakness in men.

    Magnetotherapy with the help of a magnetic field has a system-wide health-improving effect on the body, each cell of which is the final receiver of electromagnetic signals, by activating the compensatory-adaptive mechanisms - internal reserves of the body. Magnetotherapy improves cerebral blood supply and oxygenation of the myocardium, as a result of normalizing blood pressure, reducing blood sugar, increasing immunity, normalizing the activity of internal organs. With the help of the vortex magnetic field, the internal biological reserves of the organism are stimulated for active protection against damaging effects of the external environment, it is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory action that contributes to real improvement in health: well-being, appetite, sleep, and working capacity. Physiotherapy with the help of a magnetic field simultaneously on the entire body allows you to directly influence all body systems, including nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and lymphatic, as well as metabolism and oxidation-reduction processes, etc. The normalization of the oxidation-reduction balance makespatient is resistant to stress, helps him to cope with diseases faster. The therapeutic effect of magnetotherapy is effective in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, with chronic inflammatory processes of the digestive system, with calculous forms of the pathology of the gallbladder, with hypertension, etc.

    UFO blood( ultraviolet irradiation of the blood)( or photomodification of the blood, photohemotherapy) -it is physiotherapy by the action of a light flux on the blood with the introduction of a disposable sterile light guide catheter through the needle into the vein. The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of photogemotherapy is based on the activation of the antioxidant system of blood, the increase in the total amount of hemoglobin and the increase in its affinity for oxygen, bactericidal and antiviral effect. Due to nonspecific stimulation, the state of immunity is significantly improved. UFO blood stimulates immunity, improves the nutrition of tissues in diseases of internal organs. By affecting visible light, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the function of hemoglobin, erythrocytes and leukocytes, activation of metabolic processes, normalization of the acid-base balance, decrease blood viscosity, and accelerate the resolution of thrombi. In the treatment of purulent wounds of the blood UVA reduces the edema of tissues, stimulates their healing.

    Red and infrared radiation perfectly helps in the complex treatment of cardiovascular and broncho-pulmonary diseases by improving the viscosity and fluidity of the blood, restoring normal microcirculation, and activation of oxidation-reduction processes.

    The photomodification of blood has shown its high effectiveness in the treatment of diseases such as ischemic heart disease, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic bronchitis, asthma, atherosclerosis, dermatoses, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, trophic ulcers, burns. It is advisable to conduct photomodification of the blood to professional sportsmen and other people experiencing considerable physical exertion.

    Hirudotherapy is the treatment with leeches. It is referred to physiotherapy, since it is an absolutely natural, non-medicament method of treating and preventing various diseases. The powerful therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy is achieved through three effects that medical leeches simultaneously affect the patient. The first is a reflex action: the leeches bite the skin only at the biologically active points( acupuncture points), awakening the additional reserves of your body, the natural ability to resist illnesses and stresses. Second - the biological effect: immediately after the bite of the leech anesthetize the wound, injecting into the patient's body the secret of the salivary gland, containing more than 20 biologically active substances that have beneficial effects on human health. These enzymes prevent the formation of blood clots, reduce the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood, suppress the development of inflammatory processes, strengthen the defenses, restore the body, rejuvenate it, stimulate the production of endorphins. The active enzymes are gaining strength and in two months they begin to act already at the cell level, and for 8-10 months the patient can benefit from hirudotherapy. Third - the mechanical effect: leeches suck the "unnecessary" blood out of the body, stagnant, full of slags and decomposition products, poorly circulating. The mechanical discharge of the blood flow excellently affects the microcirculation in the organs and tissues. The basis of the secretion of the salivary gland of medical leeches are anticoagulants - substances that dilute the blood, as well as an enzyme that breaks down excess cholesterol, and they further enhance the therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy, improving microcirculation, cleaning the vessels and strengthening immunity.

    Hirudotherapy allows you to act immediately on several problem areas and cope not only with the disease that the patient complains of, but also with those that he does not suspect, due to a comprehensive health-improving effect on all immunocompetent organs( liver, kidneys, pancreas, adrenal glands, intestines).

    Massage - the most physiological for the human body, a health product, tested by long-term practice of treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases. Massage is a mechanical action by hands or special tools on the surface of a body or an individual organ. Massage is used for the prevention of many diseases for general strengthening of the body and as an effective remedy in various fields of medicine such as orthopedics, therapy, neurology, surgery, gynecology, etc. Therapeutic massage can be used only according to the doctor's prescription. Massage can be combined with basic treatment or used as an independent method of physiotherapy.

    General health massage improves microcirculation in organs and tissues and muscle tone, reduces weight, relieves fatigue, raises vitality. Classical therapeutic massage is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system, endocrine and metabolic disorders, etc. Anti-cellulite massage improves the skin condition, promotes the "burning" of fats and the strengthening of turgor tissues. Acupressure is an active effect directly on the sore point with a finger or an elbow - quite painful, but very effective in diseases of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems, headaches. Segmental reflex massage allows you to accurately affect the "problem" areas in the body: internal organs and organ systems. Each organ in the human body corresponds to the projection zone, affecting it( and not the pain point itself), you can treat a specific disease. Massaging your back, you can reduce pain in the hand, elbow, shoulder joints, acting on the cervical vertebra - to treat the vocal cords, forearms, and so on. Periodic massage is an indispensable addition to the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of the spine and joints. The most effective for changes in the periosteum, inflammatory processes. Cosmetic massage improves blood circulation, complexion, blush appears, wrinkles and wrinkles are smoothed. Manual therapy is indicated for certain diseases of the spinal column, osteochondrosis, circulatory disorders in the vessels of the vertebrobasilar system, dorsopathy of various origin, scoliosis, etc. The main task of manual therapy is to relieve pain and restore mobility of the spine and joints. Can be used in combination with a massage or as a separate treatment.

    1. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system( neuritis, plexitis, neuralgia):
    In acute period:
    UHF on the affected area
    laser therapy
    DDT and SMT therapy
    UFD segmental zones and in the fields of the affected limb
    In the subacute period:
    ultrasoundwith hydrocortisone ointment, gel on segmental areas and along the course of the affected nerve
    drug electrophoresis
    galvanic mud
    In remission phase:
    ozocerite - and mud therapy
    balneotherapy( iodide-bromine, turpentine baths, baths with laurel,
    underwater shower massage
    hand massage

    2. Osteochondrosis of the spine with neurological manifestations:
    In case of pain:
    UFO segmental and projection zones
    DDT or SMT segmental and projectionzones
    darsonvalization of segmental and projection zones
    laser therapy for pain zones
    PMP segmental and pain zones
    With a weakened pain syndrome:
    electrophoresis of the vasodilator
    ozocerite applications on irradiation zones
    massage of segmental areas of the spine and affected limb
    ultrasound paravertebral and along the nerve
    In remission phase:
    ozocerite and mud treatment
    underwater shower massage
    balneotherapy( bischofite, turpentine, iodide-bromine baths,bath with
    hand massage
    dry carbonated bath

    3. Multiple sclerosis:
    At 1-2 degree of severity of the process:
    hydrophorrhizone hydrophobic paresis vertebral and
    spine( D7-D12)
    ozocerite or mud applications for the same area
    magnesium-electrophoresis on the same area
    During remission:
    coniferous, oxygen baths
    massage of segmental zones of the spine and extremities

    4. Disorders of cerebral circulation.
    The goal of physiotherapy is to improve cerebral blood flow, reduce
    vascular spasm.
    a) transient cerebral circulatory disorders of mild degree -
    2 weeks after the crisis, cf.and severe - after 3-4 weeks.
    alternating magnetic field( Pole-2) on collar zone,
    time of exposure 10 minutes
    darsonvalization of collar zone, exposure time 3-5 minutes
    electrophoresis of euphyllin, magnesium sulfate, novocaine
    oxygen baths
    iodide-bromine baths
    head and collar zone massage
    dry carbonate bath
    b) ischemic brain damage - no earlier than 5-6
    weeks after the onset of the disease.
    electrophoresis of vasodilator drugs( magnesium sulfate,
    papaverine, euphyllinum) on the collar zone
    darsonvalization of the head and collar zone
    alternating magnetic field( Pole-2) paravertebral,
    time 15-20 minutes
    massage of the collar zone and affected extremities
    laser therapyexternal, VLOK)
    a) for hypertonic type:
    drug electrophoresis with novocaine, magnesium sulfate,
    euphyllinum on the collar zone
    darsonvalization of the head and sore
    coniferous, coniferous-pearl baths, calendula baths, iodide-bromide
    dry carbonated bath
    collar zone massage
    b) hypotonic type: in the late recovery period.
    hydrotherapy( conifers, oxygen, iodide-bromine, turpentine baths)
    heat treatment( ozocerite) for paretic limbs
    hand massage
    VLOK 2 times a year
    galvanic mud on the affected limbs

    5. Parkinson's disease.
    - CMT paravertebral to the cervicothoracic spine
    - darsonvalization of the head and collar zone or along the spine
    - ozocerite, mud applications on the spine area
    - hydrotherapy( coniferous, coniferous, iodide-bromine, baths with
    - laser therapy externally paravertebrally

    6. NDCs
    - calcium electrophoresis on the collar zone
    - underwater shower massage
    - white turpentine baths

    7. Neurasthenia.
    a) Hypersthenic form:
    galvanic collar for Shcherbaku
    darsonvalization of head and collar zone

    LASER head and collar zone massage
    tadular, coniferous-pearl, iodide-bromine and bischofite baths
    b) with hyposthenic syndrome:
    underwater shower massage
    dry carbonated bath
    calcium electrophoresis on the collar zone

    8. Cerebrosclerosis, atherosclerotic encephalopathy.
    - drug electrophoresis of vasodilator, sedative,
    local anesthetics
    - magnetotherapy( Pole-1) on the collar zone
    - darsonvalization of head and collar zone
    - laser therapy( externally and VLOK)
    - dry carbonic bath
    - hydrotherapy( iodine-bromine, oxygen,turpentine baths)
    - manual massage of the head, neck, vodnikovoy zone

    9. Raynaud's disease( I, II stage).
    - paravertebral ultrasound in the cervical and lumbar
    of the spine
    - darsonvalization along the spine
    - CMT paravertebrally transversely on the hand or foot
    - alternating magnetic field( Pole-2) on the segmental zones
    - hydrotherapy( turpentine, iodide-bromine, coniferous-oxygen baths)
    - underwater shower-massage
    - ozocerite and mud therapy on the limbs

    The hardware modeling of the figure with the help of the HUBER figure modeling system( lpg figure correction) is unique in that the system is capable of simultaneously affecting the entire musculoskeletal system of a person - about 80 muscles are trained per exercise, including those that remain unused during classes on classical simulators. Physiotherapy with this technology involves all muscle groups, as well as joints, ligaments, tendons and spine. Pain in the joints, incorrect weight distribution, swelling, reduced metabolism, premature aging of the body due to incorrect loads, headaches are all a consequence of problems with the spine, and the HUBER system today is the only technology that remedies both the cause and the effectdynamic correction of posture( spine).Its action is aimed at restoring and developing deep back muscles, supporting the spinal column with a peculiar muscular "corset" and providing a person with not only a royal make-up, but also a perfect state of health. This modeling of the figure is most effective.

    With the help of testing, the system allows you to create an individual training program for everyone involved with a gradual increase in loads from a simple warm-up to intensive general or special strength exercises. Techniques of working with the system of figure correction allow you to combine classes with all fitness technologies and simulators, and even completely replace them with efficiency. Equal success on a unique super-training device can be dealt with by elderly or severely ill people who need rehabilitation, as well as professional athletes preparing for responsible competitions. The system will allow all to restore mobility of joints, strengthen the muscular system and posture, improve stability and coordination, model a beautiful figure due to the overall harmonious development of the musculature. After training, the mood improves, the connection between the brain and the body is established, additional body resources are included, the body is toned and heals not only on the physical, but also on the psychological level. An additional advantage in this case will be cardio training, not superfluous at any age and not at any state of health.

    Physiotherapy methods effectively complement the drug component of the complex treatment process, avoid unwanted side effects and achieve persistent positive results of treatment. But the key element in the successful diagnostic and therapeutic process is the doctor. Therefore, the procedure should be carried out only after a preliminary consultation with a specialist - for maximum effectiveness of therapy and patient safety.

    Physiotherapy in neurology

    Contraindications to physiotherapy

    Contraindications to physiotherapy are divided into general and special, associated with the action of a particular physical factor( method).Common contraindications include malignant neoplasms, bleeding, the general severe condition of the patient, accompanied by decompensation of the body's basic systems.

    The method( methods) of physiotherapy is selected individually depending on the stage of the disease, the presence and nature of the complications, the age of the patient, concomitant diseases.

    General contraindications:

    1) Systemic blood diseases
    2) Severe depletion of the patient( cachexia)
    3) Hypertonic disease of stage III
    4) Severe atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels
    5) Cardiovascular system diseases in decompensation stage
    6) Violationcardiac rhythm( atrial fibrillation, extrasystole)
    7) Bleeding( other than juvenile) or inclination to them
    8) General severe condition of the patient
    9) Fever of the patient( temperature above 37.5)
    10) Epilepsi with frequent convulsive seizures
    11) Hysteria psychosis
    12) Infectious diseases in acute stage
    13) Neoplasms
    14) Presence of pacemaker

    Factor contraindications:

    To direct current( electrophoresis):

    factor intolerance 2) Skin defectsabrasions, cracks, rashes)
    3) Acute pyoinflammatory processes of different localization
    4) Allergic reactions to the injected
    5) Sensitivity disorder
    6) Metal objects in the area of ​​exposure

    To ultrasound therapy and phonophoresis:

    1) Diseases of the cardiovascular system( IHD, angina pectoris III fk, hypotension, vegetovascular dysfunction, thrombophlebitis, arrhythmia)
    2) Pregnancy early( when exposed to the lower third of the abdomen)
    3) Acute purulent processes in the area of ​​exposure
    4) LCM MKB( when exposed to the stomach or lower back)
    5) Moisturizing eczema nevi in ​​the area of ​​exposure
    6) High myopia retinal detachment glaucoma( when exposed to the eyes)
    7) Bronchitis and pneumonia in the exacerbation phase with the development of systemic allergosis
    8) Complications of peptic ulcer
    9) Osteoporosis

    To magnetolaser therapy:

    1) Severe hypotension presence of artificial pacemaker
    2) Thrombophlebitis
    3) Nodules in thyroid
    4) Individual intolerance of factor
    5) Condition after ONMC( AMI)1-3 months) aortic aneurysm
    6) Pregnancy of any term