
Weaving from the vines for beginners: photo and video master class

  • Weaving from the vines for beginners: photo and video master class

    Weaving from the vines for beginners: video and photo lessons

    Weaving from the vine is one of the oldest kinds of needlework. Our ancestors created from this material a lot of different things that were necessary in everyday life. With the help of a vine you can make not only baskets and wicker furniture, but also chests, trays, vases and even sculptures. Everything depends only on the imagination of the author.

    What you need to know in the first place

    In this kind of needlework, like weaving from the vine, for beginners, first of all you need to know how to properly collect, process and harvested material.

    So, to collect the willow twigs follows in the period from November to February. Cut long, unbranched shoots, both thin and thicker. Make sure that the cut was made at an angle, and on the branch left 3-4 kidneys. This method is useful for plants. And the new branches will easily grow next year at the same place. After the branches are collected, prepare them for processing. Before working with the vine, you need to clean it from the peel. To do this, the twigs are placed in a container with water of such a size that the twigs are placed there for the entire length, and boiled for about two hours. Immediately after the time elapses, the rods are removed and immediately cleaned. If you do not do this, the material will dry and you will have to cook everything again. To prevent this from happening, after cooking it is necessary to place the rods in the water. Once the branches are cleaned, they need to be dried in the sun. When the material finally dries, it should be expanded in length and thickness into separate bundles, this will greatly simplify the work in the future.

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    And here's a good example of how to properly prepare a vine for weaving:

    With what and how to begin to weave

    So, the material is assembled and prepared, the master in anticipation of a new creation. Before we begin to weave, we need to study 6 kinds of weaving techniques. This can be clearly seen on the video.

    Simple weaving. A rope in two rods.

    Weaving the Edge.

    Weaving the handle.

    This is the basic knowledge that is necessary for every beginner.

    The first lesson of weaving

    To begin to weave, only having read the article, it is quite difficult. Therefore, it is worth seeing a master class on weaving from the vines for beginners. First of all, we learn how to weave bottoms, as in most products they are present.

    Weaving of the oval bottom 1h.

    Weaving the oval bottom 2h.


    Additional tools for weaving from the vine

    In addition to the vine, no doubt, you will need tools to work with it. There are not so many of them.

    is a container for boiling rods. As mentioned above, boiling is necessary so that the bark from the branches is easier to remove;

    - tools for pruning, secateurs and scissors. When you start to collect rods for weaving, they are very useful.

    - to work directly with the finished material will need a variety of small things. Tweezers, clothespins, awl, pliers, knife, blades and rags;

    - for the manufacture of some things, wooden parts can be useful, in order to prepare them you need a drill, a jigsaw, drills and plywood;

    - to give finished products a finished look will help stain, lacquer and brushes.

    Furniture, woven from the vine

    Separately, we need to say about weaving from the vine of furniture with our own hands. This can be done by anyone with the necessary experience and knowledge in the weaving. Such work, of course, takes a lot of time and effort, but the result justifies these costs. Weaving furniture, especially if it contains airy, delicate details, is recommended not from willows, but from twigs of cherry. It is unpretentious, and in order to maintain a good shade of the product, it does not require special care. In addition, it is easier to manage it in the process of work. Such rods are more flexible and easier to cut into ribbons.

    The main criterion in choosing a material is the thin core of the rod. Branches with a larger core are better suited for products of large sizes, sunbeds, gazebos and so on.

    When cooking rods, you need to consider how long the vine will be in the water. For light colors, enough and 2 hours, and if you want a darker color, you need to cook the rods for 4 hours. Water in a suitable capacity is brought to a boil and then the necessary amount of material is put into it. The first hour is boiled on high heat, after the fire is reduced and brewed further, as much as necessary. Immediately after cooking, the bars should be cleaned, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

    Here is an example of how this kind of furniture is made:

    And here are photos of various examples of what to do with your own hands:

    Weaving from a vine is a kind of needlework that does not require large financial investments. All you need is a desire to create. Be patient and forward! Successes and excellent results in work!

    Weaving from the vine is one of the oldest kinds of needlework. Our ancestors created from this material a lot of different things that were necessary in everyday life. With the help of a vine you can make not only baskets and wicker furniture, but also chests, trays, vases and even sculptures. Everything depends only on the imagination of the author.

    What you need to know in the first place

    In this kind of handicrafts, as weaving from the vine, for beginners, first of all you need to know how to properly collect, process and harvested material.

    So, to collect the willow twigs follows in the period from November to February. Cut long, unbranched shoots, both thin and thicker. Make sure that the cut was made at an angle, and on the branch left 3-4 kidneys. This method is useful for plants. And the new branches will easily grow next year at the same place. After the branches are collected, prepare them for processing. Before working with the vine, you need to clean it from the peel. To do this, the twigs are placed in a container with water of such a size that the twigs are placed there for the entire length, and boiled for about two hours. Immediately after the time elapses, the rods are removed and immediately cleaned. If you do not do this, the material will dry and you will have to cook everything again. To prevent this from happening, after cooking it is necessary to place the rods in the water. Once the branches are cleaned, they need to be dried in the sun. When the material finally dries, it should be expanded in length and thickness into separate bundles, this will greatly simplify the work in the future.

    And here's a good example of how to properly prepare a weaving rod:

    Where and how to begin to weave

    So, the material is assembled and prepared, the master in anticipation of a new creation. Before we begin to weave, we need to study 6 kinds of weaving techniques. This can be clearly seen on the video.

    Simple weaving. A rope in two rods.

    Weaving the Edge.

    Weaving knobs.

    This is the basic knowledge that is necessary for every beginner.

    The first lesson of weaving

    To start weaving, just reading the article, is quite difficult. Therefore, it is worth seeing a master class on weaving from the vines for beginners. First of all, we learn how to weave bottoms, since in most products they are present.

    Weaving the oval bottom 1h.

    Weaving of the oval bottom 2h.


    Additional tools for weaving from the vines

    In addition to the vines, there will undoubtedly be tools for working with it. There are not so many of them.

    is a container for boiling rods. As mentioned above, boiling is necessary so that the bark from the branches is easier to remove;

    - tools for pruning, secateurs and scissors. When you start to collect rods for weaving, they are very useful.

    - to work directly with the finished material will need various trifles. Tweezers, clothespins, awl, pliers, knife, blades and rags;

    - for the manufacture of some things, wooden parts can be useful, in order to prepare them you will need a drill, jig saw, drills and plywood;

    - to give finished products a finished look will help stain, lacquer and brushes.

    Furniture woven from a vine

    Separately, we need to say about weaving from the vine of furniture with our own hands. Anyone can do this with the necessary experience and knowledge in the weaving. Such work, of course, takes a lot of time and effort, but the result justifies these costs. Weaving furniture, especially if it contains airy, delicate details, is recommended not from willows, but from twigs of cherry. It is unpretentious, and in order to maintain a good shade of the product, it does not require special care. In addition, it is easier to manage it in the process of work. Such rods are more flexible and easier to cut into ribbons.

    The main criterion in choosing a material is the thin core of the rod. Branches with a larger core are better suited for products of large sizes, sunbeds, gazebos and so on.

    When cooking rods, you need to consider how long the vine will be in the water. For light colors, enough and 2 hours, and if you want a darker color, you need to cook the rods for 4 hours. Water in a suitable capacity is brought to a boil and then the necessary amount of material is put into it. The first hour is boiled on high heat, after the fire is reduced and brewed further, as much as necessary. Immediately after cooking, the bars should be cleaned, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

    Here is an example of how this kind of furniture is made:

    And here are photos of various examples of what to do with your own hands:

    Weaving from a vine is a kind of needlework that does not require large financial investments. All you need is a desire to create. Be patient and forward! Successes and excellent results in work!