
How kidney nephrosis manifests, the causes of the lesion, and the methods of treatment

  • How kidney nephrosis manifests, the causes of the lesion, and the methods of treatment

    Renal nephrosis or, in a different way, a nephrotic syndrome is a clinical symptom that is formed with a deep dystrophic lesion of the renal tubules, which are characterized by impaired protein metabolism.

    Kidney nephrosis is a multifactorial pathology that is provoked by primary kidney damage or other pathological changes in the kidney caused by common diseases.

    Causes of pathology

    The main reasons for the manifestation of nephrosis include the following:

    • genetic abnormalities of protein metabolism in the body;
    • is a transmitted infection with a severe or chronic course;
    • systemic pathologies, for example, rheumatism, amyloidosis, etc.;
    • kidney disease - nephroptosis, glomerulonephritis;
    • severe poisoning;
    • tumor pathology.

    This lesion occurs in people regardless of their age, but is more often detected in children and adolescents, and the first clinical signs can be found already in 2-6 years. Boys suffer from this pathology more often than girls

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    Classification of pathology

    Depending on the cause of nephrosis, the disease is classified into four types, each with a specific clinical flow pattern:

    Lipoid nephrosis characterized by minimal changes in the kidneys

    This is a rare type of pathology in whichdystrophic involvement of renal tubules. It is usually a secondary form that develops against other infectious diseases of the body, such as malaria, syphilis, tuberculosis, dysentery, chronic form of heavy metal poisoning.

    The main reason for the formation of such pathology is a sharp violation of the exchange of proteins and fats in the body, which provokes a violation of the permeability of capillaries in the glomeruli of the kidneys.

    Molecules of proteins in the blood plasma penetrate the walls of the capillaries, then infiltrate the epithelium in the tubules of the kidneys, provoking serious dystrophic deviations. Recently, more and more data on the use of autoimmune mechanisms in the development of this pathology have appeared in medicine.

    Necrotic nephrosis

    is a shock infectious and toxic kidney damage, characterized by eating disorders and blood flow, as well as the subsequent formation of necrosis in the epithelium of the kidney tubules. Such a process provokes the development of an acute form of kidney failure, a violation of water filtration processes and a decrease in the volume of urine that is separated.

    Necrotic type of nephrosis progresses simultaneously with acute impairment of blood flow in the kidney. With the reverse absorption of water in the tubules, the concentration of toxins increases, and the disease is complicated by the damage to the kidney tubules by toxic substances.

    The nature of painful changes is fully correlated with the effect of bacterial and chemical toxins on epithelial cells. Sometimes there is a shock kidney syndrome.

    Amyloid nephrosis

    This form of pathology develops in amyloid disease. Amyloidosis is a severe chronic pathology with a violation of protein metabolism, for which the deposition of amyloid in tissues is characteristic.

    Primary form of amyloidosis can be formed due to hereditary deviations from the processes of protein synthesis. Secondary form of amyloidosis occurs due to the violation of protein metabolism in the defeat of the body with long infectious pathologies.

    Infectious lesions become a trigger mechanism for the initiation of the synthesis of mutated proteins that provoke the onset of an autoimmune response in the body. Such proteins in combination with antibodies of the human body form an amyloid, which begins to be deposited in various tissues and organs, especially in the organs of the urinary system. In this case, the glomerular vessels are damaged in the kidneys, there is a violation of urine filtration, provoking the occurrence of amyloid nephrosis.

    Posttransfusion nephrosis

    This pathology is a type of necrotic nephrosis developing as a complication after transfusing a person with unsuitable blood. All this leads to hemolysis inside the vessels, that is, to the destruction of red blood cells. At the same time acute kidney failure is formed, shock may occur.

    A special type of pathology is febrile nephrosis, which accompanies many infectious lesions, but is not characterized by clear clinical symptoms. The only sign of such damage is an increase in the concentration of protein in the urine. For the treatment will require the organization of special therapy simultaneously with the treatment of an infectious disease.

    Symptoms of pathology

    All of the listed forms of the disease are characterized by some common symptoms of kidney nephrosis. Any nephrosis is supplemented with dystrophic changes in the tubule of the kidneys. This increases the degree of their permeability for plasma proteins, thereby provoking pronounced metabolic disturbances in the body.

    At the same time, protein concentration decreases by 3.5 - 5.5%.In the normal state, such proteins maintain normal blood pressure, preventing fluids from entering the intracellular space.

    The loss of albumin from the body causes a decrease in blood pressure, which causes the formation of stable edema. There is also a decrease in the volume of urine that is separated, and it acquires a darker shade. This feature is considered important in the conduct of diagnosis.

    Treatment of pathology

    Treatment of kidney nephrosis often correlates with some difficulties and depends on the type of pathology with prevailing symptoms. The main directions of treatment are:

    1. Getting rid of the cause of the disease.
    2. Reduces puffiness.
    3. Restoring the concentration of proteins in the blood plasma.

    To achieve the expected effect, special therapy is required. It presupposes the elimination of causal factors that provoked the onset of the development of pathology. So, with necrotic nephrosis, the focus is on detoxification, that is, removing toxins from the body, as well as resisting the developing shock.

    With lipid nephrosis, the focus is on identifying an infectious lesion. Then antibacterial treatment is carried out, presupposing the destruction of the infectious agent.

    The process of treatment of amyloid nephrosis takes a long time. Supportive treatment implies compliance with a strict diet enriched with fruits and vegetables. The diet includes foods with a high concentration of potassium and vitamins. At the acute stage of the pathology, it may be necessary to perform a transfusion of the central blood and plasma, the intake of albumin and diuretics is necessary.

    To reduce the formation of puffiness, a special salt-free diet helps when it is allowed to consume no more than 1-2 grams of table salt per day, and also to limit the use of liquid. With the development of a strong puffiness, a course of treatment with diuretics is prescribed, which help to restore the processes of excretion of water and salts from the body.

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