  • Treatment of cystitis with herbs - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Herbs and collections
    Traditional medicine
    Contraindications to herbal treatment

    Phytotherapy should be used only as an adjunct to treating acute cystitis and exacerbations of chronic. And as the only treatment - only for the prevention of exacerbations of chronic cystitis. The inclusion of herbal remedies in the complex treatment of cystitis allows to increase the effect of the main therapy and improve the patient's condition and the tolerability of chemical drugs.

    In acute forms of cystitis, and even more so with exacerbation of chronic cystitis, many patients can not go to the doctor for a long time. Symptoms of the disease can be minimal and some do not consider it necessary to be examined on time and immediately to see a doctor, even if they have frequent urination accompanied by discomfort, darkening of the urine and drawing pains in the lower abdomen. Especially this situation is often found in women. Many of my patients said so: "it used to be worse!" Or "I thought that it would pass by itself!".As a result, the infection rises higher in the ureters and leads to the development of pyelonephritis.

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    Timely and adequate treatment of acute cystitis prevents its transition to a chronic form and, moreover, does not allow "to rise" the infection higher and cause inflammation in the kidney - pyelonephritis.

    Not all patients know that cystitis can be not only bacterial, but also viral, allergic, radiation, chemical and even medicinal. The bacterial cystitis is still in the lead, and one of its frequent pathogens are facultative( that is, living in the norm) microorganisms, namely, the inhabitants of the intestine, such as E. coli. And it can get into the bladder through the lymphatic vessels of the small pelvis. Recently, the cystitis caused by Trichomonas has become more frequent. These bacteria are related to sexually transmitted diseases. If there is a likelihood that you may have similar diseases, it is better to "give" an extra time to a blood test and a smear-scraping for STDs( sexually transmitted infections).When identifying STIs - do not delay with treatment.

    To the emergence of cystitis and its aggravation can lead any condition, accompanied by a decrease in body defenses, immunity, and stress. My opinion is that cystitis is a "disease - a signal", which indicates that the body has deeper problems and problems. As an example, in addition to the above, the occurrence of cystitis can be caused by prolonged constipation, here it is again about bacterial cystitis caused by the microflora of the intestine.

    Cystitis simply needs to be recognized as early as possible, treated in a comprehensive way: antibiotics, antispasmodics, not to break the diet, I'll talk more about it later, observe a sufficient drinking regimen, increase the body's defenses. And one of the main conditions: to understand that each individual patient has led to the occurrence of cystitis and, if possible, to eliminate these causes and factors that provoke the development of this disease.

    The purpose of herbal medicine for cystitis:

    Phytotherapy for cystitis, acute and chronic and its exacerbation helps achieve the following goals in treatment:

    1. Enhances the effect of essential medicines, has anti-inflammatory effect.
    2. Reduces the severity of side effects of chemical drugs.
    3. Possesses a moderate immunomodelling action, increases the defenses of the body due to the strengthening of immunity.
    4. Increases diuresis, and this is very important! For the prompt and most effective treatment of infectious cystitis, it is necessary that the causative agents and products of their vital activity are "washed out" of the bladder.
    5. Herbal treatment helps to reduce the severity of the pain syndrome by relaxing the smooth muscles of the bladder and urethra.
    6. With the help of phytotherapy in the treatment of cystitis a moderate laxative effect is achieved, due to which the general intoxication of the organism decreases.
    7. Herbal medicine helps to reduce the intoxication of the body, which occurs when the microorganisms die on the background of antibacterial therapy, helps to normalize body temperature more easily and quickly.
    8. Herbal preparations are rich in vitamins and microelements, which has a general strengthening effect on the whole organism.

    Herbs and fees for the treatment of cystitis

    What herbs and doses are used, how to brew, the dosage, the length of the course of treatment, when you can repeat the course? The following algorithms for the treatment of cystitis are proposed at the Department of Phytotherapy of PFUR:

    • lingonberry leaves 2 parts
    Grass letters 2 parts
    Leaves wintergreen 2 parts
    Roots Hedysarum 3 parts
    Grass knotweed 4 parts
    Grass hvosha 1 part
    Preparation 1 teaspoon collection pour 200 ml water, leave in a thermos3 hours, take 50 ml 4 times daily before meals. Duration of admission is 1 month.
    peach tincture 10 drops 3 times a day
    Prostanorm 1 ml 3 times per day
    Fitomiks - 40 1 teaspoon three times a day course of 3-4 weeks.
    • Collection:
    chamomile flowers 4 parts
    bearberry leaves 3 parts
    herb milfoil 2 parts
    Hop cones 2 parts
    Preparation: 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 cup of boiled water, 30 minutes. Perform enema with infusion of medication at 40-42 C daily for a week. It is also possible to carry out 20-minute applications from a hot meal of vegetable collection to the kidney area within 10-14 days.

    Warning! In order to improve the work of the intestine with cystitis, it is not recommended to use Senada, since the drug, which includes senna leaves, intensifies flatulence, which leads to severe discomfort and pain.

    The above preparations and doses are prescribed simultaneously for the treatment of cystitis and for preventive purposes 2 times a year in the autumn-spring time.

    Traditional medicine for cystitis:

    • 2-3 tablespoons of walnut shells boil in 1 liter of water until half of the liquid remains. Drink 50 ml several times a day. The duration of the procedure is 1-2 months and the preventive course is 10 days of each month.

    Alternatively, another recipe can be used:
    • 250 gr oat straw cook for 30 minutes in 3 liters of water. Decoction to use for baths lasting 5-20 minutes at a water temperature of 36 C. Course 10 baths. The same broth can be drunk 50 ml 3 times a day. Duration of admission 1 month and preventive course 10 days of each month. If there is no possibility

    consult phytotherapeutist purchase or herbal can use one of the recipes listed below:
    • 3 tablespoons Samyang flax and 1 tablespoon of fennel leaves or fruits to fill 0.6 liter of boiled water, 2 hr. Drink 3 times daily before meals for 5 days. Duration of admission 1 month and preventive course 10 days of each month. Attention! The seed of flax is contraindicated in cholelithiasis.
    • Berries, cowberry leaves: 2 tablespoons pour 2 cups of boiling water, brew in a thermos for 1 hour, take ½ cup of infusion 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. Duration of admission 2 months and preventive course 10 days of each month. Can be taken during pregnancy.
    • Chamomile flowers: 2 tablespoons pour 2 cups of boiling water, brew in thermos for 1 hour, take ½ cup of infusion 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. The duration of the procedure is 1-2 months and the preventive course is 10 days of each month. Can be taken during pregnancy.
    • Raspberries( in raw or frozen form) 1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiled water, drink instead of tea during the day 4-6 times a day. The duration of the procedure is 1-2 months and the preventive course is 10 days of each month. Can be taken during pregnancy.

    Diet for cystitis

    The first and most important rule in treating any disease is diet compliance. During the acute course of the disease and with exacerbation of chronic cystitis, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

    1. Drinking regimen( in the absence of cardiac and renal failure).The amount of liquids drunk per day should be about 1.5 - 2 liters. It is useful to use simple water. If you prefer to buy water in the store, give preference not to mineral water, but to the dining room. You can take the fruit drinks, compotes from dried fruits, juices are not sour fruit. From vegetable juices it is better to abstain in connection with the addition of salt as preservative in them. Alcohol, coffee, tea should not be taken during the treatment of cystitis.
    2. You should include in your diet as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, all cereals, fish of low-fat varieties. But from meat dishes, fatty dairy products, confectionery, food, rich in calories and saturated fats should be refrained. Also, consumption of starchy foods, especially potatoes, should be reduced. If you do not think your life without it - cook in the oven, bake the washed potatoes right in the skin.
    3. It's great if in your diet there will be watermelons, melons, fresh berries in the season: currant, cowberry, raspberry, parsley and dill possess a good diuretic effect.
    4. At the time of the acute course of the disease to remove from the diet of spicy food, this applies to the rejection of spices, and the exclusion of vegetables that have a sharp taste.
    5. To give preference to raw products, and from cooking methods, baking in the oven is considered more useful, in the second place boiling. Exclude fried, smoked, dried food.
    6. Reduce the addition of salt, replacing with vinegar and herbal spices. For example, rosemary, both in dried and fresh form has antibacterial properties and gives dishes a light spicy taste.

    You should also follow this diet for the prevention of exacerbations of cystitis.

    Contraindications for treatment of cystitis with herbs

    Phytotherapy is contraindicated if:
    1. The patient has an allergic reaction to the components of the charges.
    2. The patient has allergic reactions that occur during treatment with phytotherapeutic drugs.
    3. As the only therapy for life-threatening conditions, such as acute cystitis or exacerbation of chronic cystitis, accompanied by severe intoxication syndrome, persistent increase in body temperature, increased leukocyturia( inflammation in the urine) and leukocytosis( inflammation in the blood), in patients with weak immunity, blood diseases, immunodeficiency.

    Phytotherapy can be used, but with caution:
    1. For self-treatment.
    2. With worsening of the general condition, indicators of the general analysis of blood and urine, negative dynamics of the disease, preservation of the symptoms of the disease. It is necessary to monitor the doctor and it is possible to change the tactics of managing the patient.
    3. When pregnant and lactating. As for the diet, there are no restrictions. Allowed for pregnant and lactating mothers herbs, even with self-treatment, are listed above.

    Prognosis for treatment of cystitis

    What effect can it achieve in treatment and why is it so important and traditional treatment prescribed by a doctor?
    The aim of treatment for acute cystitis is to prevent the disease from becoming chronic and to prevent the progression of the infection with kidney transplantation and the development of pyelonephritis. To do this, you must observe the duration of treatment with drugs prescribed by your doctor. Combined treatment with the use of chemotherapy and herbal medicine helps not only to enhance the effect of treatment, but also to accelerate the recovery period, improve the overall condition of the patient and strengthen immunity. And also helps to completely overcome the disease.

    In case of exacerbation of chronic cystitis, complex treatment also accelerates the periods of clinical recovery, reduces intoxication, improves tolerability of treatment with chemical agents. After the completion of the course of treatment with chemical drugs, even with complete clinical recovery and normalization of blood and urine tests, do not stop herbial treatment for at least half a month, and ideally within a month or two. Long-term treatment with herbs helps maintain the effect of the main treatment and help restore the body.

    Doctor phytotherapeutist Akimova NS