
Medications for headache( tablets from the head) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Medications for headache( tablets from the head) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    In the modern world, you rarely see a man who has not had a headache for at least once in his life. Beginning gradually, the headache soon becomes unbearable, forcing to postpone all affairs for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to have medicines at hand and be able to use them correctly to alleviate this pain.

    First aid for headache

    So, the headache took you by surprise. Let's try to cope with it on our own, without the help of pills. Let's assume. You are lucky and you are in a comfortable home environment. The first, the simplest and often the most effective treatment that you can afford, is to completely relax. To do this, mute the light or curtain the curtains, remove all noise stimuli or, conversely, include light, pleasant music. If possible, open the window a bit, let in a little coolness. Lie down on the bed, lie with your eyes closed for 10-20 minutes. Also, you can do a head massage: stroke yourself from the forehead to the back of the neck, smoothly going down, not forgetting about a slight massage of the neck. In addition, you can take a warm bath with your favorite foam, do aromatherapy. Or just go out into the fresh air, take a short walk.

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    If the pain does not go away, or you can not put things off and relax, the only effective method of treatment is taking medications. Depending on the cause of the onset, experts identify several types of headaches. Why is it important to know? The fact that effective in one type of pain medications in another situation can be not only useless, and even bring harm. Therefore, further we will try to tell you about the types of headache and about the most effective methods for its relief.

    Medications for headache

    Migraine .In most cases, pain is severe, lasting from 4 hours to 3 days. The head hurts both from one and two sides, mainly in the forehead or temples. The pain is pulsating, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, worse with noise and bright light.

    Pain of tension .It arises from a long stay in an uncomfortable position, due to psycho-emotional overstrain, with severe fatigue. The pains are rarely intense, as a rule, they are stupid, aching, as if the head is clamped with a hoop. But, with this nausea, vomiting is absent. Such pain lasts from 30 minutes to several hours.

    Strain pain and migraine make a person extremely irritable, nervous. Therefore, to endure such pain is not worth it. Correctly selected medications help in a few minutes to completely remove the pain. In this case non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most effective.

    So, from this group can be appointed:
    • Tablets Aspirin( acetylsalicylic acid) - the maximum single dose of 2 tablets, but not more than 6 tablets 3-4 times a day.
    • Ibuprofen tablets( ibuprom, ibuprom max, imeth, nurofen, brufen) - the maximum single dose of 2 tablets, but not more than 6 tablets 3-4 times a day.
    • Naproxen tablets - the maximum single dose of 2 tablets, but not more than 4 tablets 2 times a day.
    • Tablets Diclofenac( Orthofen) - the maximum single dose of 1 tablet, but not more than 3 tablets 3 times a day. Can be used in the form of rectal suppositories: 1 candle-1-2 times a day.
    • Tablets Indomethacin - the maximum single dose of 1 tablet, but not more than 3 tablets 3 times a day. Can be used in the form of rectal suppositories: 1 candle-1-2 times a day.
    • Piroxicam tablets - maximum single dose 1 tablet, but not more than 3 tablets 3 times a day. It can be used in the form of rectal suppositories: 1 candle-1-2 times a day.
    • Ketoprofen tablets - maximum single dose of 2 tablets, but not more than 6 tablets 3-4 times a day.

    All medications of this group should be taken after meals, washed down with plenty of water( not milk, juice or alcoholic beverages).The effect develops 0.5-2 hours after administration, the duration of the analgesic effect is approximately 4-6 hours. Duration of treatment: up to 4 days or until the pain disappears.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated:
    • in the presence of an allergic reaction to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • with active or suspected bleeding( exception: menstrual);
    • with gastric or intestinal ulcer in the acute stage;
    • during pregnancy and lactation;
    • with a significant impairment of liver and kidney function.
    • in the presence of severe heart failure or hypertension.

    For the treatment of migraine,
    is used. • Dihydroergotamine preparations( Ditamin, Digigergot);
    • selective serotonin agonists - sumatriptan( antimigren), zolmitriptan( zolomigren, rapimig), naratriptan, rizatriptan, almotriptan. The drug is effective only if it is taken at the beginning of an attack. If the pain does not pass, re-reception is possible after 2 hours. The drugs of this group are often by-products, so they resort to them only according to the doctor's indications.

    If the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is insufficient with a tension headache in combination with them, antispasmodics may be recommended.

    The group of antispasmodics include:
    • Papaverin tablets - 1 tablet 3-5 times a day.
    • No-pill tablets - 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.
    • Halidor tablets - 1 tablet 3 times a day.
    • Buskopan tablets - 1-2 tablets 3-5 times a day.
    • Drotaverin tablets - 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 240 mg.
    Duration of treatment: up to 2 days or until the pain disappears.

    Spasmolytics are contraindicated:
    • with severe renal failure;
    • for severe hepatic impairment;
    • with severe heart failure;
    • with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • with arterial hypotension( due to danger of collapse);
    • with glaucoma( increased intraocular pressure), except No-shpa.

    Vascular headache .It occurs with excessive expansion( hypotension) or vice versa, narrowing( hypertension) of the blood vessels of the brain. The right treatment in this situation is to raise and lower systemic blood pressure. Such drugs are taken only by agreement with a specialist. Relief with this kind of pain can bring analgesics .

    This group includes well-known tablets Analgin, Baralgin, and also Minalgin, Nebugin, Nobol, Novalgin, Optalgin, Piretin, Ronaldin, Spazdolzin and others. Applied 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day, but not more than 6 tablets per day. The analgesic effect peaks at 20 minutes after the first dose, the duration of the drug on average is 2 hours. After taking the drug, red staining of urine is possible - do not worry, this is normal.

    Metamizole sodium derivatives are contraindicated when:
    • hypersensitivity to sodium metamizole;
    • pronounced impairment of liver and kidney function;
    • hematopoiesis;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • hereditary impairment - deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

    A good effect in some cases is Citramon is a combined preparation containing acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine. Apply 1 tablet every 4 hours before the pain stops.

    Fluorodinamic pain .In this case, the pain is intense, bursting, as if the brain becomes tight in the skull, intensified during coughing. Such pain is a manifestation of serious problems, including trauma, meningitis, brain tumors. As a rule, pain sensations only slightly decrease after taking analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Urgently consult a doctor with such pain.

    Medications for headache during pregnancy

    When pregnant or breastfeeding, doctors do not recommend uncontrolled intake of medications. If the headache is unbearable, then drugs such as no-shpa( 1 tablet 3 times a day), tsitramon, paracetamol in minimal doses are allowed. Categorically prohibited: aspirin, analgin, nurofen.

    Medications for Gingival Pain for Children

    Only children containing paracetamol or ibuprofen are used in children. These drugs are recommended in the lowest effective dose, given the weight of the child. Ibuprofen for children with an analgesic effect is inferior to paracetamol. Apply it is recommended only in cases where paracetamol is contraindicated and only in consultation with the doctor.

    In any case, before using any medication, it is recommended that you read the instructions carefully.

    Folk remedies for headache

    Along with traditional medicine, the following herbal preparations can be used as a helper for treating headaches.

    - anise ordinary( fruits) - 1 tbsp.a spoon, a cowberry ordinary( leaves) - 1 item.spoon, linden heart-shaped( flowers) - 2 tbsp.spoons, raspberry( fruit) - 2 tbsp.spoons, mother-and-stepmother( leaves) - 1 tbsp.a spoon. One st.spoon collection pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, drain. Drink 1 glass before going to bed( hot).
    - hawthorn blood-red( fruits) - 2 tbsp.spoon, valerian officinalis( root) - 1 tbsp.spoon, motherwort Five-lobed( grass) - 2 tbsp.spoon, bearberry( grass) - 2 tbsp.a spoon. Take as a decoction of 0.3 cup 3 times a day an hour after eating.

    Headache is not only a pronounced discomfort, significantly reducing the quality of life. Headache is also a formidable symptom that indicates the presence of a particular disease, including hypertension, vascular anomalies, head trauma, meningitis, encephalitis, and a brain tumor. And the medical measures described above do not eliminate the cause of pain, but only have a temporary anesthetic effect. In addition, many drugs, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, with prolonged use exacerbate the headache. Therefore, to make the unpleasant sensations not return, a complex effect on the cause of the pain is necessary. In this you will be helped only by a specialist who, after a comprehensive examination, will prescribe a treatment aimed specifically at the cause of the disease.

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