  • How to get rid of acne on the face, back, pop

    Acne can cause an inferiority complex and problems in communication. The reasons for their appearance are the activity of the sebaceous glands, which causes the blockage of pores and inflammation, an imbalance that has arisen in the intestines with malnutrition. Let's find out how to get rid of acne.

    Types of Acne

    Acne can be of different types:

    1. Non-inflamed - white or black dots 1-2 mm - hair follicles that clogged the sebum. They can themselves disappear without scars or become inflamed.
    2. Inflamed - pimples of red color up to 1-2 cm, with pus. After their disappearance, scars remain.

    Ways to get rid of acne

    For getting rid of acne it is important to take care of your skin properly: cleanse, nourish and moisturize. Recipes for skin care and treatment are selected individually, each type of skin has its own characteristics. To treat it is necessary in a complex:

    • the reference to the doctor for an establishment of the reasons of occurrence of spots;
    • skin cleansing, normalization of the hormonal balance and restorative procedures. More details on the video.
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    You can not extrude acne by yourself because of the danger of infection. The doctor will give the correct advice on the treatment of acne.

    How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face

    The question of how to get rid of pimples on the face, especially worried about girls. Approach their treatment should be correct, otherwise you can spoil the skin. Solving the issue requires patience. Treatment of the house consists of several stages:

    1. washing with cold water in the morning;
    2. limiting itself in fatty, spicy and salty foods;
    3. 3 times a week a breakfast of Herculean porridge and fruit juice;
    4. application before going to sleep on the clean face skin of ichthyol ointment( for 20-30 minutes).

    An effective way to fight acne is a mask: a whipped egg egg mixed with 100 g of alcohol and a few drops of iodine. The mask is applied to the face, washed off. It is approved by doctors, cleans, disinfects, heals wounds.

    In the morning it is recommended to rinse your face with infusions of herbs( sage, eucalyptus, elecampane, mother-and-stepmother, St. John's wort, chamomile).For treatment to become more effective, you need to see a doctor to identify and eliminate problems with digestion.

    How to remove the redness of acne

    If a pimple on the face turns red, you need to think about how to remove redness. Excellent work the following methods:

    • apply for 2 minutes a cube of ice, repeat after 30 minutes, apply a camouflage pencil;
    • gruel from aspirin and water apply on the pimple for 4-5 minutes, rinse and disguise;
    • eye drops with antibacterial substance( levomycitin) apply to the pimple.

    How to get rid of acne on the back

    It's difficult to decide how to take acne on the back. Acne on the back is very painful, in contact with clothing and difficult to respond to medications. Let's get acquainted with the recommendations how to get acne from the back.

    You need to act like this:

    1. Let's analyze the reasons.
    2. Determine how to get rid of pimples on your back by yourself.
    3. If nothing helps, we go to the doctor.

    The right diet

    The first step, how you can get rid of pimples on your back, is proper nutrition: eat fruits and vegetables, exclude harmful foods( sweet, fatty, fried), alcohol, drink more water, buy vitamin complexes, including A, E,zinc and folic acid for the skin.

    Doctors prescribe brewer's yeast. If the cause was dysbiosis, take probiotics, leading the intestinal microflora back to normal. A few details on the video.

    Personal hygiene

    The second step is to observe hygiene rules: wash your back, taking a shower regularly. Do not apply the usual means, but use the means for acne: either it will be the same remedies as from acne on the face, or tar soap, or a mixture of shallow salt and soda with shower gel. You can take baths with sea salt, herbal decoctions( chamomile, turns, marigolds), make masks from clay and sea mud.

    After washing, the back is treated with disinfectants( chlorhexidine, boron alcohol, metrogyl, tincture of calendula, hydrogen peroxide, furacilin, levomycetin), apply zinc paste, sulfur ointment, liniment of shintomycin. The effect will be in a few weeks.

    You can use the essential oil of tea tree, cream with mummy, a mixture of baby powder with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate. Give up synthetic clothes.

    Acne in a teenager: how to get rid of

    Let's talk about how to get rid of pimples on the face. Problems arise from the misuse of the sebaceous glands. The forehead line is prone to acne, since, when in contact with hair, it often sweats. The pores become dirty, the pimple appears. The situation is aggravated bangs.

    In adolescence, it can be the acne on the forehead - how to get rid of them? It is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance. This, most often, violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, a lot of fatty foods, soda, canned food in the diet.

    After this, you can start to treat acne on the forehead with special means:

    1. Medicinal preparations( skinoren-gel, zinerite, basiron, diferin, retin A).Instructions for their use are given by the doctor.
    2. Folk remedies( compresses and lotions from tinctures of chamomile with sage, lindens with horsetail, birch buds).

    Prevention and treatment of adolescent acne

    Attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of acne in adolescents. How to get rid of problems, prompt the rules:

    1. you can not suppress acne;
    2. do not rub your face;
    3. do not use scrubs and alcohol when the pimples are already there;
    4. do not use unfamiliar drugs without a doctor;
    5. new means to test on a small area of ​​the skin;
    6. rest on the air;
    7. eat right.

    We told how to get teenage pimples. The methods described above will be suitable and will be discussed later. It all depends on what part of the body is affected. Secrets of getting rid of pimples on the video:

    How to remove acne on the pop.

    There are almost no sebaceous glands on the skin of the buttocks, it is covered with a layer of clothing. There is a blockage of pores and friction, which leads to acne.

    It is important to look after the skin on the pope: regularly wash with a washcloth with soap, apply a cream to soften and moisturize, use a scrub 2-3 times a week, massage.

    It's easier to prevent a problem than to figure out how to clean up pimples on the pope. But if they have already appeared, it is recommended to use the means that are used on other parts of the body( see above).

    How to get rid of internal acne

    A painful internal pimple can appear under the skin of any part of the body. It looks like a red bump. It occurs when the sebaceous glands work as an inflammation.

    Subcutaneous pimples can not be squeezed, this will lead to the appearance of spots and scars. Let's find out how to get rid of subcutaneous acne folk remedies:

    • to prepare a solution of salt, moisten the circle of a cotton pad and paste on the pimple at night;the pus will go away, the skin will dry up;
    • make a mixture of water and aspirin, apply to the pimple for 10 minutes;wipe with salicylic alcohol;
    • soap the face with a mixture of laundry soap and salt for 15 minutes, rinse and apply the cream;
    • to mix pressed yeast with hydrogen peroxide, apply for 10 minutes, rinse.

    Before removing the internal pimple, it is necessary to find out the cause of its appearance and try to eliminate it.

    We hope that in the article you found useful information for yourself, how to remove acne on the face and body.