  • Gneiss in children: ways to treat it

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    Gneiss is not an independent pathology, but becomes a sign that the child has an allergic form of diathesis. Diathesis, which develops in infants, is not considered a disease - it is just a violation of the adaptation of the organism or its restructuring to environmental conditions, which with time passes by itself.

    Gneiss in children is a new formation in the form of scales that occurs on the scalp, usually in the region of the temples. Gneiss are the so-called seborrheic crusts and consist of a secret secreted by the sebaceous glands and a mixture of skin scales.

    Gneiss is formed in newborns usually during the first month of their life. He is not dangerous to the health of the child, does not cause discomfort, but still requires a visit to a specialist, since it is considered a signal that the newborn has some susceptibility to the development of hypersensitivity reactions.

    In addition, these children have poor resistance to infection of the body with infections. Proceeding from the foregoing, it can be concluded that the formation of the gneiss is a sign that the health of the baby should be carefully monitored.

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    The causes of gneiss

    Newborns grow quite quickly, and, therefore, the same applies to their skin. Cells of the skin grow at a high rate. At the same time, an oily substance develops with sebaceous glands located on the scalp. This oil substance is called sebum. It allows you to keep the skin healthy and hydrated.

    Excessive production of sebum can occur because of the mother's hormones that the baby receives at birth. Excess sebum provokes the formation of scales, consisting of dead cells of the skin, which are glued together. Medical science calls this process the term seborrheic dermatitis or gneiss, which is more or less manifested in most newborns. Sometimes the pathology affects the skin in the neck, ears and eyebrows. The exact causes of gneiss in children have not been established.

    Gneiss in infants, as a rule, is formed in the first three months of life and passes by six months.

    Symptoms and manifestations of gneiss

    This pathology is formed in the first weeks of life and makes itself felt by the formation of scales on the scalp. Such scales remain for a long time in the baby. When ointments and other medicines that are safe for the child's health are put on them, rejection of the scales takes place and the reddened areas become visible on the head, which subsequently are again covered with new scales.

    In case of irritation of the skin on the head, there may be a wetting, while the exudate exudate is removed in the form of a continuous mass of brownish or yellow in the form of a shell. The crust can be dry, viscous, crumbling. Sometimes hair, which fit tightly to the skin of the head, are glued together by bundles. The child does not worry about itchy skin and the process proceeds painlessly.

    When the child is properly cared for, the crust gradually dries up and leaves, the flakes peel off and the skin again takes a normal healthy hue, the hair becomes elastic and soft.

    How to get rid of gneiss?

    Gneiss, unlike eczema, very rarely worries children, but the unattractive appearance of such rashes makes parents worry about it. Usually, special treatment is not required, and over time, neoplasms will begin to pass on their own.

    Treatment of gneiss in children may be required in the event that the scales increase in size and over time become thick crusts. For such situations, there are several proven ways:

    1. Smearing the scalp with oil, rubbing it into thick flakes to soften them. The oil must be absorbed within 15 minutes, after which the scales can be removed using a scallop or a soft comb.
    2. Baby shampoo - it is necessary to wash the baby's head with a non-prescription baby shampoo once a week, the main component of which is tar, in order to prevent the appearance of scales. Also great for this purpose is a children's shampoo with tea tree oils. It is important to ensure that shampoo does not get into your eyes. Often parents are afraid to wash and comb the area of ​​the fontanelle, and in fact it is on it that the crust has the largest thickness. In fact, the skin over the fontanel is quite dense, and under it a layer of fibrous tissue is formed, so this zone can also be combed safely, as well as the rest of the head surface.
    3. Moisturizing the scalp of the baby's head. In winter, the scales become firmer due to the dryness of the air under the influence of central heating. To humidify the air in the room you should use a humidifier.
    4. You can put your child's scalp under the sun's rays. The child should receive enough fresh air and be able to stay under the healing rays of the sun for at least a few minutes per day. It is important to try, that in winter the head of the child was under sun rays at least 15 minutes a day.
    5. The use of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats can soften the dry crust on inflamed skin. If a woman is breastfeeding, then she needs to take special supplements with Omega-3 fatty acids for food. If the infant is fed a mixture, then the food should be enriched with docosahexaenoic acid.

    Hormones and sebaceous secretions are active only during the first months of the child's life, therefore, over time, even if gneiss treatment in newborns has not been carried out, the crusts will begin to disappear by themselves, and silky and soft to the touch will appear on the baby's head.

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