
Drugs for cold and flu - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Drugs for cold and flu - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Every time, with the onset of the cold season, our body becomes vulnerable to acute respiratory viral infections, commonly called "colds", and to their most dangerous representative - the influenza virus. For various reasons, we often recall them when it is too late to think about prevention. What to do when you are already sick? How to understand the variety of colorful packages that stand on the windows of pharmacies called "cold remedies", and stop at a suitable product for you?

    Drugs for cold and flu

    All these numerous drugs can be divided into two groups:

    - means for symptomatic treatment, i.e.eliminating the symptoms of colds - pain in the muscles, headache, high fever, runny nose, nasal congestion, coughing;
    - means that affect the virus and the immune system of a person.

    Means that relieve cold and flu symptoms

    These are various dosage forms containing the following main groups in a combination of the combination:

    Antipyretic and analgesic ( most often paracetamol).Has a moderate analgesic effect for joint and muscle pain, with a headache in the early days of the disease, has antipyretic effect.

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    Vasodilating ( phenylephrine).Eliminates nasal congestion, removes the edema of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses, normalizing the air exchange between them.

    Antihistamine ( Chlorphenamine, Pheniramine, Promethazine).Reduces the swelling of mucous membranes, inflammatory secretion of mucus, itching in the nose and throat, lacrimation.

    In addition to those listed, ascorbic acid, caffeine, cough suppressants may be included in the preparations.

    These drugs do not affect the immediate pathogens of the disease and do not shorten the duration of the cold, they can take no more than 3-5 days. What is better to choose - capsules, powders or tablets - a matter of personal taste.

    Caged Flux Plus. Produced in the form of suspension and in capsules of extended action.
    Contains paracetamol 200 mg, chlorphenamine maleate 8 mg, phenylephrine hydrochloride 25 mg.
    Capsules can be taken for adults and children over 12 years - 1 capsule every 12 hours.
    Suspension - for adults and children over 12 years, 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day, children 6-12 years - 1 tsp.3-4 times a day.
    Duration of admission for antipyretic effect no more than 3 days, with the aim of an analgesic effect not more than 5 days.
    Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, angle-closure glaucoma, diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer, increased thyroid function, blood diseases, severe liver, kidney, heart, bladder, urination disorders in prostate adenoma, high blood pressure, severe coronary artery disease, an allergy to the components of the drug. For intake in capsules - children under 12 years of age, for suspension - up to 6 years.
    During the treatment period, alcohol intake, transport management and activities requiring rapidity of psychomotor reactions should be avoided.

    Coldrex tablets ( paracetamol 500 mg, caffeine 25 mg, phenylephrine 5 mg, terpinhydrate 20 mg, ascorbic acid 30 mg).It is prescribed in the presence of cough accompanied by separation of sputum, tk.contains terpinhydrate, which exerts an expectorant effect. Caffeine in the drug enhances the analgesic effect of paracetamol.
    Adults for 1 2 tablets, children 6-12 years - 1 tablet no more than 4 times a day.
    Contraindications: allergy to the components of the drug, increased function of the thyroid gland. Severe disorders of liver and kidney function, diabetes, arterial hypertension, heart disease, age of up to 6 years.

    Rinza ( caffeine 30 mg, paracetamol 500 mg, phenylephrine hydrochloride 10 mg, chlorphenamine maleate 2 mg), tablets. Adults and children over 15 years of age take 1 tablet 4 times a day. In a day no more than 4 tablets a course no more than 5 days.
    Contraindications: age to 15 years, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Allergy to the components of the drug. Severe diabetes mellitus, severe course of arterial hypertension, severe atherosclerosis of the heart vessels.
    During treatment, you can not take alcohol, drive and drive vehicles.

    Fervex. Sachets containing powder containing paracetamol 500 mg, phenyramine maleate 25 mg, ascorbic acid 200 mg. The contents of the bag dissolve in a glass of warm water, take between meals 1 packet 2-3 times a day no more than 1 time in 4 hours. In elderly patients or in the violation of the liver and kidneys, this interval should be 8 hours.
    Duration of admission - as for the co-flax plus.
    Contraindications: alcoholism, allergic reactions to the components of the drug, portal hypertension, renal failure, age under 15, pregnancy and breastfeeding, erosion and ulcers of the digestive tract, severe liver disease.

    Fervex for children ( from 6 years).
    Children 6-10 years - 1 packet 2 times a day
    10-12 years - 1 packet 3 times a day
    12-15 years - 1 packet 4 times a day
    Take 4 hours apart with a course of no more than 3days.

    Coldrex Knight syrup ( paracetamol 1 g, promethazine 20 mg, dextromethorphan 15 mg).The drug of choice with a dry obtrusive cough, disturbing night sleep.
    Adults and children over 12 years old take 4 teaspoons at night.
    Children 6-12 years - 2 teaspoons at night.
    Children under 6 years of age - only as directed by a doctor.
    Contraindicated in allergies to the components of the drug, violations of the liver and kidneys. With bronchial asthma, epilepsy, glaucoma, cardiovascular disease, urinary retention, prostate adenoma - only after consulting a doctor. For the period of taking the drug should refrain from driving the car and taking alcohol.

    Drugs with immunomodulatory and antiviral action

    Despite the wide advertising of this group of drugs, their effectiveness and safety, as well as the long-term effects of taking are insufficiently studied, therefore, if possible, they should be avoided for colds.

    Treatment of colds in children and pregnant women

    When pregnant, you can take drugs containing paracetamol( panadol, efferalgan), with cough - syrups Dr. Mom, gedelix. For rinsing the throat decoctions of herbs( chamomile, sage, eucalyptus).With a cold, drops and ointment for nose pinosol.

    In childhood, the most safe preparation for heat and pain is paracetamol. It can be given starting from 2 months. Preferably in the form of a syrup, suspension or suppositories( children's panadol, Efferalgan).The drug of the second choice is ibuprofen( syrup and candles of nurofen for children), but for children up to 3 months of age, if necessary, it should be prescribed by a doctor. Ibuprofen should not be taken to children with bronchial asthma, gastritis and peptic ulcer.

    Folk remedies for colds

    Infusion of linden flowers and dried raspberries. Mix the one and the other at the rate of 1: 1, pour a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes and use 1 glass at night.

    Infusion of rose hips and mountain ash. In a thermos to fall asleep on a table spoon of fruits and to fill in ½ liter of boiled water. Insist and drink throughout the day for ½ cup to 1 liter a day. Hot milk with honey. In a glass of milk, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 1 glass at night with a dry cough.

    Ginger infusion with honey and lemon juice. Grate ¼ cup ginger, pour boiling water, insist 20 minutes, strain, add 1/2 tbsp.honey and 2 drops of lemon juice. Use 3 times a day for ½ cup.

    Treatment of influenza

    Treatment of influenza should only be dealt with by a doctor. Anti-viral drugs are prescribed only in cases of severe or complicated flu, and in each case, people at risk( chronic diseases of the kidney, liver, heart, lung, endocrine system, including diabetes, and others, age 5 and over 65years, pregnancy, etc.).

    Amantadine and remantadine, which were widely used in the treatment of influenza, are currently ineffective due to the developed resistance to influenza A and B viruses.

    The recommended drugs are oseltamivir( Tamiflu) and zanamivir( Relenza) and should be administered within 48 hours from the startdiseases, and also can be used for prophylaxis in patients with patients.

    With the established diagnosis of "flu", self-medication is unacceptable! At the slightest suspicion, immediately consult a doctor.

    It is also necessary to see a doctor if:

    - the state of health does not improve within 1 week,
    - after a drop in temperature for several days, it is noted again that it rises to the high figures of
    - there were pains in the chest during breathing or shortness of breath,
    - the temperature above 38 does not decrease within 3 days,
    - with exacerbation of chronic heart and lung diseases against a background of viral infection( increased dyspnea, pain in the heart, cough, etc.)

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