  • How to make curls without curling and curlers: 5 ways

    There are times when there is no possibility to use the usual electric appliances or hair curlers, but you should look good. Do not let go of your hands and use our advice on how to make curls without curling irons and curlers.

    Options that do not require a lot of time

    1) If the hairstyle is needed as quickly as possible, the easiest way, requiring a hair dryer and a round comb. The hair needs to be slightly moistened, and then using a comb from the strand to form a curl and dry it under the hair dryer. Similarly, the whole head needs to be treated. This method can be applied to short hair or medium length.

    The main drawback - fragility, although with a good fixing effect will last for several hours.

    2) Twist on the finger. Wet strands are alternately wound on the index finger, if you need a larger hair, twist on 3-4 fingers.

    Strands can be of different thickness, if possible, pretreated with each foam or mousse. This will add elasticity to the curl, and it will last longer. After the formation of the curl, gently remove the hair from the finger and fasten it near the roots with a hairpin.

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    If the strands are not very thick, such a curl will dry out pretty quickly. If necessary, it can be dried with a hair dryer, placing it not too close to the hair.

    Curl that can be left overnight

    3) If you do not have drying equipment at hand, and time is enough, you can use the ways in which the hair curl during the night, then you can do without ironing or a hairdryer. For example, you can make papillot from an unnecessary tissue or paper.

    From the tissue make flagella, which use instead of curlers, the ends of rags are tied, so that the hair does not bloom.

    Another way to use pieces of fabric is to weave them into the braid.

    4) From the paper, twist a tube, which is then wound up with strands and fixed with hairpins on the head. In this case, it is better to dry your hair during the day, rather than leave it for the night, sleeping with such a construction on your head is somewhat inconvenient.

    5) For the next method you need a wide elastic band that will not strongly compress your head, since it will take a long time to pass through it. Soft, easily accepting hair form quickly, enough for 2-3 hours, hard hair should be left for the whole night.

    Eraser is worn on the head and starting from the face, twist strands on it.

    Remove the elastic also starting from the front, gently untwist each strand, trying not to break the wave.

    How large the waves are, depends on the thickness of the strands.

    6) Earlier we already mentioned a braid with a woven piece of material. In general, with the help of braids you can create completely different in appearance curls.

    Depending on the thickness and total number of braids, and most importantly, the direction of weaving, curls can acquire a variety of shapes. At the same time how magnificent curls turn out, depends on how tightly they were braided.

    Tips on how to extend the curling

    • The hair must be clean and slightly damp.
    • If possible, use a stiffener before stitching. It is best to use liquid or foam, because the easier the composition of the product, the longer the curl will hold.
    • If there is time, allow to dry hair independently, without a hair dryer. This will not only allow the curl to retain its appearance longer, but also keep your hair healthy.
    • Each curl, untwist as neatly as possible, so as not to disturb its structure ahead of time.
    • Do not use an ordinary comb after curling, only with sparse teeth. As an alternative, you can use your own.
    • After the hair is formed into the hair, use a lacquer.

    Below are all of these ways on the video, which clearly shows how to do it quickly and easily.