
Herbs in sinusitis and other sinusitis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Herbs in sinusitis and other sinusitis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinus or in another way the maxillary sinus. Sinusitis belongs to a group of inflammatory diseases called sinusitis. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses of the nose. In addition to the maxillary sinus, the person also has one frontal, two latticed sinuses and two sinuses of the sphenoid bone. All sinusitis and sinusitis among them can be classified as follows:

    Onset of the disease:
    • Acute
    • Chronic

    By involvement in the inflammatory process:
    • Single-sided
    • Two-sided( for those sinuses, which are two, for example,frontal, i.e., inflammation of the frontal sinus can not be bilateral)

    By localization, i.e., involvement in the inflammatory process of the sinuses of the nose:
    • Frontitis( inflammation of the frontal sinus)
    • Sinusitis( inflammation of the maxillary or maxillary sinus)
    ) • Sphenoiditis( inflammation of the sinuses of the sphenoid bone)
    • Pansinusitis( involvement in the inflammatory process of all the paranasal sinuses)

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    In our age of detailed laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, timely access to a doctor of any specialty allows us to establish in the shortest possible timea suspected diagnosis of sinusitis, and then confirm it with X-ray diagnostics.

    The prescribed treatment will be aimed at suppressing the growth of pathogenic microflora, removing edema, intoxication syndrome.

    You will tell, what place in treatment phytotherapy is given in the presence of a wide arsenal of modern chemical medical products, physiotherapy, surgical treatment and even laser therapy? Phytotherapy, as a method of treatment with a milder effect, in comparison with the action of modern drug therapy, but with a longer duration, can be used in the following cases:

    1. In chronic sinusitis( chronic sinusitis among them)
    2. To prevent exacerbations of chronicsinusitis
    3. Against the background of treatment of acute sinusitis with other chemical substances and / or surgical treatment as an auxiliary therapy

    The purpose of herbal medicine for sinusitis

    • Increase in the performanceand treatment with chemical substances.
    • Reducing the severity of side effects from therapy with chemical drugs.
    • Prevention of frequent recurrences of the disease.
    • Increased immunity.
    • Reducing the severity of the intoxication syndrome that occurs with any inflammatory disease.
    • As an auxiliary vitamin therapy.
    • Improving the quality of life of the patient.

    Herbal remedies and their action for sinusitis

    The phytotherapeutic drugs and their therapeutic effect are as follows:

    1. Anti-inflammatory action: alantone, infusions, decoctions and tinctures of birch, St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, mother and stepmother, sage, Kuril tea.
    2. Intoxication removal: belosorb, detoxil, superantitox, lignosorb, pecto, polyphepan, ryacen-RD, ultrasorb, stimbipid.
    3. As local therapy: alanton, badanoplast, lutenurin, newimanin, salvin, sanguirithrin, "taban-arshan" collection, tinctal, floravit, rhodiola extract.
    4. Restoration of vitamin and mineral metabolism: korfit, infusions and juice of nettle, plantain, oats, cuffs, sea buckthorn juice, holosas.
    5. Increased immunity indices: ermalax, ovolarin, plantaglucide, ecdystene, rhodiola extract, estifan.

    Herbs and fees for sinusitis

    What herbs and fees are used, how to brew, the dosage, the length of treatment, when you can repeat the course? The following algorithms for the treatment of sinusitis are proposed at the PFUR phytotherapy department:

    • Collection:
    Rhizome rhizomes 10.0
    Rhizome rhizome 2,0
    Birch buds 15.0
    Grass grass 3.0
    Calendula flowers 10.0
    Three-colored violet grass 15, 0
    Eucalyptus leaves 10,0
    Preparation: 1 teaspoon of collection pour 200 ml of water, insist in a thermos for 30 minutes, take in a warm form 70 ml 3 times daily before meals. Duration of admission is 2-3 weeks.

    • Cotton buds should be placed in the nasal passages with an aqueous solution of Sanguirithrin for 20 minutes 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 4-6 days.

    • Rinse your nose with brine or sea water( Dolphin, Solin, Aquamaris) 3 times a day during the exacerbation of the disease for 1-2 weeks and for the prevention of the disease during the season of colds and SARS.

    • The use of inhalations for sinusitis has proven itself. Inhalation of vapors of grasses, essential oils improves nasal breathing, has a local antiseptic effect, reduces the severity of edematous syndrome. For inhalations can be used as herbal collections, so one kind of plants, for example, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, mint, lemon balm, etc., with anti-inflammatory effect. Take 1-2 tablespoons of the collection or selected herbs, pour 1 cup boiling water, insist for half an hour in a thermos bottle, then the inhalations are performed, you can use a nebulizer. Before inhalation it is recommended to take 1 glass of herbal tea, collection, especially for children. Duration of inhalation for 5 minutes, daily course 6-8 times.
    You can also use essential oils for inhalations, adding either to freshly boiled water, or to a solution for inhalation through the nebulizer for 3-5 drops. You can use clove oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree, you can add a ready-made mixture of essential oils "Breath" and for treatment, and for the prevention of recurrence of the disease in the cold and flu season. At home, essential oils can also be added to the aroma-lamp, inhalations should be taken before bedtime.
    Remember that lower dosages are recommended for children, depending on the child's age. Also, allergic reaction to the essential oils is possible, therefore it is desirable to perform a pre-allergological test and begin inhalation with minimal dosages( from 1 drop) and with a minimum procedure time, gradually adjusting to the recommended dosages and time.

    Traditional medicine:

    • Juice of the cyclamen root to dig in 2 drops in each nasal passage in the evening for 2-3 consecutive days. For children, dilute the juice with water 1: 2.
    • Fill the bottle with crushed horseradish and rosemary grass in a 1: 1 ratio. Then pour up to the top with wine vinegar, cork and leave in a warm place for 10 days, twice a day shaking. After this period, every hour through the neck, inhale the contents for 5 minutes, and in the evening with this tincture make a compress on the forehead and the nape( 10-15 minutes).Carry out a similar procedure before clinical recovery.
    • Take in equal proportions( on average 1 teaspoonful) of liquid honey and sea salt, mix. Apply this mixture on the area between the eyebrows( above the frontal sinus) and near the wings of the nose( above the maxillary sinuses).Local application of this mixture has anti-inflammatory effect and reduces edema. Apply 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening for 10-15 minutes, covering with polyethylene, then rinse with warm water. At night, you can not wash off, and get wet with a napkin. Duration to clinical recovery.
    • Honey with honeycombs is 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. To take during an exacerbation of a sinusitis and for preventive maintenance of relapses of disease in the autumn, in the winter and in the spring of duration of 2 weeks.
    • There is another popular recipe: a boiled egg while it is half-hot "rolling" in the area of ​​the inflamed sinus before cooling. From the point of view of Western medicine, the therapeutic effect is based on warming up and improving blood circulation. Although, with acute purulent sinusitis, I would not recommend any "thermal" procedures, since the inflammation and growth of microflora in them can only increase!

    When applying prescriptions for folk medicine, consult your doctor! Always try to understand what the therapeutic effect is based on, whether it is possible to apply this method in your case. Since there is no treatment suitable for all patients, each of us has its own "peculiarities" of the course of the disease, the level of the body's immune forces. One and the same disease can occur in different ways!

    Contraindications to the treatment of sinusitis with herbs

    Phytotherapy is contraindicated if:

    - The patient has allergic reactions to the components of charges.
    - The patient has allergic reactions that occur during treatment with phytotherapeutic drugs.
    - As the only therapy for life-threatening conditions, such as acute purulent sinusitis, high fever, severe intoxication syndrome.

    Phytotherapy can be used, but with caution:

    1. For self-treatment of chronic sinusitis.
    2. In case of worsening of the general condition, indicators of laboratory tests, it may be necessary to include chemicals of chemical nature that have a faster curative effect.
    3. When pregnant and lactating.

    In all these cases it is advisable to consult with your doctor about the use of phytotherapy!

    Forecast of

    recovery What effect can it achieve in treatment and why is it so important and traditional treatment prescribed by a doctor? Treatment of maxillary sinusitis and any other sinusitis should achieve the following goals:

    For acute sinusitis:

    recovery as soon as possible • Complete clinical recovery of
    • Prevention of complications of sinusitis, in the form of meningitis( inflammation of the meninges), etc.
    • Prevention of transition to chronic form

    For chronic sinusitis:
    • Prevention of recurrence of
    • Anti-inflammatory effect of
    • Removal of edematous
    • Vitaminotherapy
    • Enhancement of body defenses
    • Improvement of general condition of patient

    I will summarize: the principle of treating sinusitis with such herbsthe same as with any other disease, that is, the disease in the acute phase is treated with the means of "emergency care" - we comply with the prescribing physician, we go throughUrs therapy with chemical nature, drips, injections, pills and other pills. And if the inflammation does not lend itself to conservative treatment and it is necessary to evacuate the purulent contents from the sinuses with the help of surgical intervention, then it is necessary to trust the doctor-surgeon. At this stage, phytotherapy can only supplement the basic treatment.

    Greater use of herbal medicine is obtained in patients with chronic sinusitis and for the prevention of frequent recurrences of the disease.

    Your soonest release!

    Doctor phytotherapeutist Akimova N.S.