  • Hypotension of the renal pelvis, its causes and signs

    Hypotension of the renal pelvis is a process of lowering the tone in the renal pelvis. Such pathology can be caused by various violations of an organic and functional nature in the structure of the kidneys.

    Causes of the development of the disease

    In the normal state, the kidney consists of a large number of nephrons, in which the urine is formed after the end of the filtration process. The renal pelvis is the so-called muscular organ and a peculiar cavity that sucks in urine through natural negative pressure indices. In this case, the urine initially comes from the papillae of the kidney into the calyx of the kidney, and later - into the pelvis of the kidney.

    In the process of forming a decrease in tone, urine leakage is disturbed, stagnation in the renal pelvis is formed, resulting in a variety of complications such as pyeloectasia, pyelonephritis, and the like.

    The main reasons for the development of hypotension of the right kidney or left kidney are as follows:

    • Changes in the ratio of hormones in the body that occur during hormonal failures - this is the period of puberty, pregnancy, menopause, that is, the period of extinction of sexual functions.
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    • Some medications may cause hormonal imbalance in the body.
    • The defeat of the body by acute and chronic infectious pathologies that cause a state of general intoxication.
    • Long stay of a person in a lying position due to illness.
    • Congenital abnormalities of renal pelvis
    • Hypotension of the stomach, which provokes the formation of hypotension in the kidney.
    • Continued emotional stress and stress.
    • Disturbance of the central nervous system.
    • Mechanical damage to the upper urinary canals.
    • Anatomico-physiological characteristics of the human body.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Reducing the tone and worsening of the process of urine movement to the ureter from the kidneys may not manifest itself in any clinical symptoms. Hypotonia of the renal pelvis does not affect the process of urinary retention and does not cause difficulties for the passage of this process.

    As a rule, this pathology is diagnosed during an ultrasound examination, which reveals pyeloectasia or pyelonephritis.

    Often, complications develop when there is a disturbance in the nervous regulation of the functioning of the bladder. Complications can be congenital. In this case, the newborn has an inadequate development of the muscular layer of the renal pelvis and a decrease in tone. These patients need an ultrasound examination after several months.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Methods for diagnosing the presence of this pathology include:

    • Total urine test.
    • Urine culture for the detection of pathological microflora.
    • Clinical blood tests.
    • Ultrasonic examination of the kidneys.
    • Cystography.
    • Cystoscopy.
    • Excretory urography.
    • Cystometry.
    • Contrast radiographic examination of the kidneys.

    The normal size of the kidney pelvis does not exceed 10 mm and it looks flat on the monitor screen during ultrasound. If the pelvis is enlarged or a change in its shape occurs, it is possible to diagnose pyeloectasia - a one-sided or bilateral expansion of the kidney loops.

    When carrying out a general urine test, many leukocytes in the blood are detected, which indicates the development of the process of inflammation in the kidneys. This requires the elimination of the presence of gynecological diseases in women.

    When implementing a bacterial culture of urine, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that, when organizing the first sowing, in 20% of cases, incorrect results may result, in connection with which, three times sowing is performed. The disadvantage of this method is the duration of the procedure, and the treatment should be started urgently. Despite this, this method is actively used, because it helps to establish the causative agent pathology, to establish the level of its sensitivity to antibiotic drugs, and this will necessarily be required in the implementation of subsequent treatment.

    In general blood tests, indicators are established that correspond to the presence of infection in the human body, namely the high rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, the increased concentration of leukocytes.

    Treatment of the disease

    To conduct correct and effective treatment, it is first necessary to establish the causes of the development of abnormalities that provoked such a condition. For example, if the cause of hypotension becomes stress, then during the treatment it will be enough to get rid of all the negative factors so that the state of the renal pelvis is normal for several weeks.

    Much attention is paid to the treatment of complications, for example, pyeloectasia, provoked by hypotension of the kidney of the kidney. The increase in its size is formed due to the difficulty of pushing the urine into the ureters. In some situations, surgery may be required, because an increase in the pelvis may provoke hydronephrosis due to severe pressure on the kidney.

    When hypotension of the renal pelvis develops during pregnancy, the doctor must constantly monitor the patient, and also organize a re-examination after the birth of the child for several months.

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