Oily skin seborrhea: treatment with folk remedies, photo
Seborrhea is a medical term, behind which one of the most unpleasant scalp diseases is dandruff. Small scaly particles at the very roots of the hair not only look very unaesthetic, but also are a signal of a number of diseases associated with metabolism and the state of the scalp. You can learn how to treat fatty seborrhea of the scalp from this article.
Causes of the appearance of oily seborrhea
Oily seborrhea is a kind of usual dandruff. Unlike simple dandruff, oily seborrhea usually appears in places where the activity of the sebaceous glands is increased. For example, it can be chest, face, skin on the head under the hair. Most often this type of seborrhea appears, if the skin itself is prone to fat.
The main sufferers of this type of dandruff are people with hormonal disorders( for example, women taking contraceptives or dieting, as well as adolescents).
Among other possible causes of the disease - genetic predisposition, stress, neuropsychiatric and urological diseases, gynecological diseases( in women).
In itself, oily seborrhea does not pose a particular health threat, if you do not take into account the unpleasant look of the head, but this disease leads to the appearance of early baldness, and this is a more serious problem. Examples of such early baldness can be seen in the photo.
How to recognize the disease?
The main symptoms of oily seborrhea are: scaly and itchy scalp, intense hair loss on the affected area, increased fatty scalp, but most importantly - yellowish scales of dandruff, which are constantly present at the very roots of the hair.
The scaly layer appears two hours after washing the head and is easily shaken off( removed), but the whole paradox is that new scales immediately appear on the site of the removed scales. In this case, the hair itself is dull and greasy.
If you notice any of these symptoms, you should immediately begin treatment.
Medication treatment
When you notice the first signs of oily seborrhea, you should immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the right course of treatment. Most likely when confirming the diagnosis of "fat seborrhea" you will be prescribed 2% salicylic acid solution, 60% solution of sodium thiosulfate, alcohol solution of naphthalan oil and sulsen paste.
These drugs will need to be rubbed into the scalp daily. The standard course of treatment is one month. In addition to these funds, the doctor can prescribe medicinal shampoos and ointments.
Folk recipes for oily seborrhea
You can cure fat seborrhea not only with the help of a doctor, but also with folk remedies. For example, to do different masks. Before using them, you should always wash your head and apply a healing mixture only to clean hair.
For example, one of the most effective masks is egg. For her, you need to break the egg and separate the yolk from the protein. Protein lightly beat and apply to washed hair. Keep the mask on your head for 10-20 minutes, then rinse. Do not forget that the protein needs to be washed off only cool and in no case by hot water! Otherwise, it just brews on the hair.
Also onion juice is suitable for the treatment of oily seborrhea. The recipe of the mask is simple: 1 tablespoon onion juice mixed with 2 tablespoons of vodka. Each time before washing the head, rub this hair into the hair. In addition, you can rinse your hair with a decoction of onion peel( 50 grams of husk insist on 1 liter of boiling water 20 minutes).
Well helps with oily seborrhea and such a tool as calendula. Recipe for a mask with calendula: 1 tablespoon of dried calendula flowers, 2 cups of boiling water. All this insist 30 minutes and rub into the roots of the hair daily. You can add to this mixture a few drops of tincture of burdock root. Calendula helps not only to get rid of seborrhea, but also strengthens the hair.
And here's how you can help with oily seborrhea, having at home table vinegar and ordinary lemon. After washing your head, you can rinse your hair with slightly acidified water. For 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar should take 1 liter of water and a few drops of lemon.
Vinegar can be successfully combined with infusion of nettle( 100 grams of fresh leaves per 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 2 hours).
Folk recipes for dry seborrhea
And still there is a kind of a disease of the scalp, like dry seborrhea. In this disease, the hair, on the contrary, receives insufficient nutrient lubrication with sebum and therefore small white dandruff appears on the hair.
In case of dry seborrhea, the patient can also be helped with folk remedies - masks and rinses.
Mask with nettle: 2 tablespoons chopped nettle leaves + 300 grams of boiling water to insist 2 hours and strain. Rub into the scalp daily.
Mask with burdock: 2 tablespoons chopped dry burdock roots + 300 grams of water boil over low heat and strain. Add 50 g of melted lard and keep in a water bath for an hour and a half. The resulting ointment should be rubbed into the scalp 1-2 times a week. The course of treatment is 3 months.
Onion mask: 1 tablespoon onion juice + 2 tablespoons of vodka + 1 tablespoon of castor( burdock) oil. Make a mixture of the ingredients and rub in the head 1 hour before washing the hair. Similarly, you can rub into hair and mask with the addition of tincture of calendula.