
When treatment of angiolipoma of the kidney is required and how dangerous this pathology is

  • When treatment of angiolipoma of the kidney is required and how dangerous this pathology is

    Kidney angiolipomas are mesenchymal tumors consisting of smooth muscle fibers, thick-walled blood vessels and mature fat tissue in various proportions.

    This is important!

    Two main forms of pathology are classified: isolated and associated with tuberous sclerosis. Usually, the last form of the tumor is bilateral and multiple.

    Causes and symptoms of tumor formation

    In modern medicine, the following reasons for the formation of angiolipoma, namely:

    • The formation of other tumors.
    • Hereditary predisposition.
    • Fattening of the child, as in the hormonal relation the tumor depends on the estogens.
    • Various kidney lesions.


    When forming angiolipoma, patients most often complain of the following symptoms:

    • Persistent pain of a traumatic character in the peritoneal cavity and in the waist. Typically, the manifestation of pain in this pathology correlates with a hemorrhage arising from damage to blood vessels. In medicine, cases are known where bleeding is the cause of the manifestation of peritonitis or hemorrhagic shock.
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    • Frequent and sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure.
    • Appearance of blood in the urine.
    • The formation of the neoplasm, which is detected by palpation.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    Diagnosis of angiolipoma in the kidney plays an important role, because the timely establishment of pathology allows specialists to prevent the development of serious complications in the patient. In this regard, even with the slightest suspicion of problems with the work of the kidneys, it is better to immediately visit the medical institution to organize a comprehensive examination for the presence of angiolipoma and other severe pathologies.

    For the accurate diagnosis, the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

    1. consultation of the urologist and therapist;
    2. ultrasound examination;
    3. ultrasound angiography;
    4. MRI;
    5. X-ray examination;
    6. computed tomography;
    7. general analysis of urine and blood;
    8. biochemical blood test.

    In practice, more often, small-size agiolipomes are detected, and their presence does not affect the patient's health in any way.

    Therapeutic process

    The treatment of angiolipoma of the kidney correlates with the shape, size and clinical picture of the tumor. An isolated tumor up to 4 cm in size is subjected to constant monitoring, and in the remaining cases surgery is required - kidney resection.

    This is important!

    The way the angiolipoma is administered is also affected by the severity of the symptoms of the disease. Patients with a small tumor in the kidney, less than 5 cm in diameter, without manifestation of symptoms of the pathology, are usually registered with a urologist and no special therapy is provided for them.

    The question of surgical intervention, that is, the removal of angiolipoma, is considered under the condition of active growth of tumor growth and with a pronounced symptomatology. At the same time it is necessary to carry out a resection of the kidney - the removal of its part, in which the tumor is located. With the development of complications such as rupture of the kidney and the development of bleeding, urgent surgical intervention is required.

    When a tumor is transformed into a malignant one, in the diagnosis of renal vein thrombosis, an increase in the size of the lymph nodes resolves the question of organizing a nephrectomy-kidney removal. But this decision can be made only by the attending physician on the basis of thorough diagnostic.

    Complications of the disease

    Large angioedema of the kidney may burst unexpectedly. Provoking severe bleeding in the kidney and space behind the peritoneum.

    In recent decades, in medicine, studies have been carried out to prove that angiolipoma of the kidney is a true neoplasm, basically it is benign in character, but at the same time it can be transformed into oncology during onset, and becomes primarily malignant.

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