
Pyelocalocalectasia of the kidney, manifestations and organization of treatment

  • Pyelocalocalectasia of the kidney, manifestations and organization of treatment

    Pyelocalocalectasia of the kidneys is a process of expansion of the bowl-and-pelvic organ system, which can be observed, both in norm and in pathology. In the normal state, this deviation is formed with large volumes of consumed fluid and increased degree of diuresis, as well as due to overflow of the bladder.

    In pathological conditions, pyelocalicectasia develops with hydronephrosis, ureteric stricture, presence of stones in the ureter and pelvis, etc.

    Causes of development of

    deviation This deviation is mainly manifested already at birth and is considered a physiological anomaly that makes itself felt due to intrauterine growth disorders. In this situation, pathology is supplemented by dystopia, a horseshoe-shaped kidney, narrowing of the ureteral lumen, and the like.

    In an adult human pathological condition may occur due to the development of urolithiasis, that is, when the stone is located in the cavity of the renal pelvis.

    Symptoms of pathology

    If other diseases are absent in the development of renal pyelocalicectasia. That anomaly does not cause any symptoms. But often the expansion of the cup-and-pelvis system provokes narrowing of the ureteral lumen, thereby causing a violation of urinary diversion. The patient may complain of difficulty urinating, changing the shade of urine and her smell, pain in the lower back. Such signs indicate the presence of the process of inflammation.

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    Classification of pathology

    Pyelocalocalicectasia of the right kidney or left kidney is classified according to several features. In accordance with the first, this deviation is one-sided, the right or left kidney is affected, bilateral, when both pelvis are damaged.

    In severity, the pathology is divided into a light, medium and heavy form. If, simultaneously with the expansion of the pelvis, the calyx dilates, then we can talk about the formation of hydronephrosis transformation of the kidneys. This phenomenon is called pyelocalicectasia. There may be an additional enlargement of the ureter.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    In most cases, pyelocalicectasia in a child is detected already during pregnancy or in the first year of life. Given this fact, doctors often refer this pathology to congenital anomalies of the structure.

    There are situations when the disease makes itself felt during the intensive growth and physical development of the child, because it is at this time that the position of the organs is changed relative to each other. In an adult, the expansion of calyxes and pelvis of the kidney is formed due to the overlap of the ureter with a stone.

    Most pathology does not provoke any symptomatology and is found quite accidentally when performing an ultrasound examination of the kidneys. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct diagnostic methods such as scintigraphy, biochemical blood tests and urinalysis.

    It is required to organize a comprehensive examination involving all organs of the genitourinary system.

    Sometimes, in order to establish the exact cause of the enlargement of the calyx and pelvis, additional examination is necessary. As practice shows, the main causes are pyelonephritis. Urolithiasis, congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract, etc. For this purpose, excretory urography is performed - a specialized X-ray study using a contrast medium. Depending on the causes of the pathology and its severity, a suitable tactic of patient treatment is developed - observation by a doctor, conservative therapy or surgical intervention.

    Treating the pathology of

    When a person with pyelocalcicectasia of the kidneys is found, treatment primarily involves the elimination of associated pathologies such as urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and other urological diseases. Treatment of pyelocalecoectasia of the right kidney or left kidney is appointed personally and correlates with the general health of the patient, the presence of other abnormalities in the medical history, the sex and age of the patient, his diet, lifestyle, etc.

    With asymptomatic pathology, a regular visit to a urologist or nephrologist for an ultrasound examination of the kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary system is required.

    In neonates, the pyelocalcicectasia of the kidneys can be a consequence of physiological disorders and often it passes by itself as the body matures.

    Pyelocalocalectasia is another disease that can provoke the development of pyelonephritis. Pyelocalikikoektaziya right kidney in pregnancy or the left kidney may not manifest itself as any symptoms and correlates with the very processes of carrying the child, in particular with the pressure of the uterus in later periods. In this situation, the doctor decides on the treatment, taking into account the size of the renal pelvis. It is necessary to carefully monitor the symptoms of the disease, as well as the timely diagnosis and treatment simplifies the process and helps prevent complications.

    This pathology can be cured if the patient is treated appropriately. Sometimes pyelocalicectasia in children passes independently due to the ripening of the organs in the genitourinary system. There are situations when it becomes impossible to do without surgical intervention. Usually.the operation is carried out in 25 - 40% of cases.

    The organization of timely treatment of various lesions of the genitourinary system helps prevent the formation of dilations of calyxes and kidneys of the kidney. It is also necessary to limit fluid intake if the urinary system does not have time to remove it. When a woman is pregnant, a woman must adhere to all the rules and recommendations of a doctor concerning a healthy lifestyle.

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