
Inflammation of the kidneys in children: symptoms of the disease

  • Inflammation of the kidneys in children: symptoms of the disease

    Even the youngest children may have kidney inflammation. For inflammation, there are certain symptoms, if you pay attention to them in time and begin treatment, then relieve the child of this ailment. With inflammation, a specialist's consultation is very important.

    Any mother should comprehensively develop her child and monitor his health. Experts believe that the presence of chronic infections in the child( caries, tonsillitis, laryngitis), can provoke kidney inflammation. Also in children, diseases of the genitourinary system are very common, which are observed in children of early age and newborns.

    The main symptoms of kidney inflammation in children are:

    • Paleness of skin;
    • Pain in the lumbar region;
    • Decreased appetite;
    • Headaches;
    • General malaise.

    Symptoms indicating the presence of an inflammatory process in the kidneys in a child:

    • Frequent and painful urination, change in color of urine;
    • Puffiness of face;
    • Swelling of the lower and upper eyelids.
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    The most common inflammation occurs against the background of sore throat, scarlet fever, due to hypothermia. In such cases, it is difficult to accurately determine the presence of an inflammatory process. If a child has a suspicion of inflammation of the kidneys, it is necessary to see a doctor, take an urine test, and carry out an X-ray examination.

    Symptoms of pyelonephritis in children

    Symptoms of pyelonephritis in children include:

    • Urinary incontinence or retention - with the normal use of fluids, a child very often asks for a pot or vice versa for a long time does not want. He is restless, especially at night. Urine has a sharp unpleasant odor.
    • Color of urine - in the normal state of the child, it must be straw-yellow. If the urine has darkened - this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the kidney or bladder. To buy a reddish shade of urine can from some fruits and vegetables. But if the child did not consume anything this day, this should alert you.
    • An uneasy process of urination and small portions of urine leakage - the child cries or screams if desired to go to the pot, the urine departs very poorly. There are complaints of the child to the pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Temperature rise - the temperature rises sharply to 40 C. The throat is not red, not painful. Runny nose and cough absent. The child complains of headache, decreased appetite, weakness.

    In infants, inflammation of the kidneys can be similar to intestinal diseases, the child will be poor in weight gain.

    This is important! In children, inflammation of the kidneys can be asymptomatic. Therefore, it is necessary to observe it well and, if there are any signs, immediately contact a specialist.

    Symptoms of inflammation in children

    Symptoms of kidney inflammation in children are quite common. Since, the disease is very fast, it is virtually impossible to diagnose it in the early stages. In many cases, after an ultrasound, an accurate diagnosis can be made. What should parents pay attention to in the first place? During the day the child's mood changes many times, he quickly gets tired, behaves sluggishly, apathetic.

    At the stage of active development of the disease, the child has:

    • Lack of appetite;
    • Paleness of skin;
    • Rapid night urination;
    • Pain syndromes in the lumbar region, headaches;
    • Facial swelling;
    • Change in odor and color of urine.

    Diagnosis of this disease is the same as in adults, only some symptoms are distinctive, peculiar only to children. Important for the diagnosis of inflammation in children is the study of the importance of the microbial number and the precipitation of urine.

    In the presence of the above symptoms, it is necessary to immediately call a specialist. In this situation, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound study, to pass urine and blood tests. Parents should especially monitor the temperature regime, in order to avoid the child's hypothermia. In general, hypothermia provokes kidney inflammation in children.

    Compliance with hygiene rules is also very important, since the baby's organism is more susceptible to infections and its immune system can not cope with infections on its own. If the hygiene rules are not observed, infections can enter the urethra, and then into the kidneys. Pinworms and worms can also provoke the appearance of symptoms of kidney inflammation in children. Observing the child can reveal violations in behavior, if they are similar to the symptoms of inflammation, you need to get medical advice.

    Signs of acute inflammation of the kidneys are:

    1. Pale;
    2. Weakness, lethargy, fast fatigue;
    3. Pain sensations in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
    4. Increased body temperature;
    5. Headache.

    For diagnosis, ultrasound of the kidneys, radiography, conduct a test for sensitivity to antibiotics.

    Treatment of inflammatory processes

    During a period of exacerbation of the disease the child must be hospitalized. During treatment of kidney inflammation in children, it is necessary that he consumes a lot of liquid( mineral water, cranberry and cranberry juice, juices, kefirs, compotes), which will help cleanse the kidneys. Kidney and watermelon, fresh fruits and vegetables, zucchini, melons are also used to cleanse the kidneys - they all have diuretic properties. Useful properties for inflammation of the kidneys are warm baths. When warming, the blood vessels expand and the blood circulation in the kidneys improves.

    It is necessary to exclude from the diet of the child acute food and salt.

    In case of medical treatment it is possible to use:

    • Spasmolytic;
    • Antibiotic therapy;
    • Phytotherapy;
    • Antipyretics.

    Also for prevention purposes, uroseptics may be prescribed. It is important to monitor urinalysis. It is necessary to examine the ENT and the dentist for the sanation of foci of chronic infection, the detection and treatment of helminths( helminthic invasion).

    This is important! For treatment appoint an infusion, detoxification, antibiotic therapy, a beneficial effect on the child's body is physiotherapy. In severe, neglected cases, surgical intervention is performed.

    Before starting medication, a specialist consultation( nephrologist or urologist) is mandatory. He will determine the duration of the course of treatment. Usually, the treatment of this ailment is carried out for several months, in order to completely remove the infection from the body, and prevent its re-entry. Since antibiotics destroy the intestinal microflora, along with them, the doctor will advise probiotics.

    This is important! If the child has problems with the kidneys, you need to perform ultrasound twice a year and periodically visit the urologist and pediatrician.

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