  • How to make a flat stomach

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    Read in the article:
    • Is it easy to make a thin waist and a flat stomach
    • How to make a stomach flat at home: methods and tips
    • How to clean the stomach and make it flat: feedback and results

    I want a flat stomach: what to do, how to achieve this

    A flat stomach is the dream of any woman, but not everyone can remove fat folds in this place. There are several ways in which you can get rid of excess weight and achieve a slender waistline.

    Is it easy to make a thin waist and a flat stomach ^

    Of course, it's impossible to make the stomach elastic and flat if you continue to feed on semi-finished products, sweets and other harmful products containing many calories and fast carbohydrates. Also of great importance is sport: with its help it will be possible to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal region and faster to drive away fat.

    Those who have a lot of excess weight, make the abdomen ideally flat quickly will not succeed, because in this case it will take a lot of time and effort, but you can remove a couple of centimeters in just a couple of weeks if you know how to achieve it.

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    If there are not enough extra pounds, you can make a flat stomach for a week: for this it is enough to sit on a strict diet, which depends on the lifestyle. If a person does sports, a protein diet or drying is best. With low mobility, it is worth using a diet on buckwheat or kefir: any of them has a good effect on metabolism, but they can not be kept longer than 7 days.

    What to do to make the stomach flat:

    • First you need to change your diet, because it depends on it the amount of calories entering the body;
    • Sport - an essential condition for losing weight: you should perform special exercises for the upper and lower press, as well as for oblique and transverse muscles.

    How to make the abdomen flat at home: ways and tips ^

    How to make a flat stomach: tips for trainers and fitness instructors

    How to make the stomach flat: diet

    Changing the diet helps to make a flat stomach after giving birth, or get rid of a lot of excessweight. All that is needed for this is to give up sweets, flour, baked goods, fatty and fried foods. Instead, you should eat foods that are of high value for the body, but few calories:

    • Vegetables;
    • Cereals;
    • Berries;
    • Fruits;
    • Nuts;
    • Sour-milk drinks;
    • Lean meat;
    • Low-fat fish;
    • Seafood.

    How to make a flat stomach for 3 days

    As mentioned earlier, it is possible to make the stomach more elastic quickly only if there are not too many subcutaneous fat in this area. To become slimmer, you need to adhere to such rules:

    • All 3 days of dieting, in which, in addition to vegetables and yogurt, nothing else to eat;
    • Daily massage of the abdomen with a massage machine;
    • Be sure to pump the upper and lower press: without this, the results will not work.

    As a man to make a flat stomach

    The structure of the body of men differs significantly from that of a woman, so you will not be able to restrain yourself with light exercises - you need something more serious:

    • Lying on your back with your back on the floor, we have hands along the body, breathing in the air, and at this time we strongly draw inyour belly. Hold your breath for 20 seconds, breathe out. Repeat 5-7 times;
    • In the supine position we rest our hands on the floor, raise our legs up, and so 20 times.

    How to make a stomach flat and with cubes

    To get cubes on the stomach, you need to use a protein diet and regularly perform the following exercises:

    • We lie on the floor, we bend our legs in the lap, we put our hands behind our heads. We perform lifting of the trunk in 3 sets of 20 times;
    • Staying in the same position, straighten your legs and hold them in the air. We rise upward, directing the left elbow to the right knee, touching it, going back and doing the same thing, but on the other hand. We repeat in 6 approaches on 5-7 times for the beginning, then the quantity can be increased.

    How to make a flat bottom of the stomach

    If the largest part of the fat is deposited in the lower abdomen, you can remove it with the help of such exercises:

    • We lay on the floor with our backs, hands are placed under the buttocks. We raise our legs and then drop them in turn, but not touching the floor, and so on 10 times on each side;
    • We rest our palms and socks on the floor, slowly bring the knee of one leg to the sternum, then go back and do the same movement with the other leg;
    • We sit down on the floor, rest on it with our hands behind our backs, we keep our legs straight. We pull the lower extremities to the chest 20 times.

    How to make the abdomen flat: exercises at home

    For pumping all muscle groups, you can use special exercises to help make the abdomen flat fast:

    • Lay on the mat, hands fasten on the back of the head, slightly bend the knees. We do body lifts 10-20 times;
    • We lie on one side, forearm rest on the floor, arm bent at the elbow. On exhalation tear off the thigh from the floor, and on the inspiration - we lower it. We make 10 times on each side;
    • In the supine position we hold hands behind the head, legs raise. Lowering the left leg, perform lifting and turning the body to the right side, then do everything the same way on the other side.
    We also recommend that you read the article How to pump the bottom press.

    How to remove the stomach and make it flat: testimonials and results ^

    Do not think that after sitting on a diet for 1 day and shaking the press a couple of times, you will be able to remove fat from your belly - it's not at all: to get this result,a minimum of 3 days and provided a low ratio of body fat in comparison with muscle mass. People who have a lot of excess weight, you must understand that it takes several months to eliminate it.

    A quick way to make a belly flat at home: feedback from our readers

    Margarita, 28 years old:

    "I weigh 48 kg with a height of 163 cm, but for New Year's holidays I ate myself a rather big belly. After the feast I sat down on the kefir diet, and now, after 3 days, there is no trace of the fat folds! "

    Hope, 30 years old:

    " I was helped to remove the folds of the exercise on the press, however, they had to do about a month, plus satdieting. Now I have a really flat stomach, and to keep the result, I just stick to the right food. "

    Valentina, 35 years old:

    " Over the winter she gained 5 kg of excess weight, and this affected the stomach - it became too noticeable. To remove it, I sat on a protein diet, and also attended the gym. By the way, I did not abandon the sport, becauseI want to always be slim, but periodically I allow myself sweets "