
Hair dye Loreal Preference: a palette of colors, reviews and photos

  • Hair dye Loreal Preference: a palette of colors, reviews and photos

    Hair dye Loreal Preference( color palette attached): see photos, read reviews and choose

    The market of hairdressing services today is ready to offer a wide range of hair colors for women. Almost every well-known cosmetic company considers it its duty to patent its own paint. What can you do, a woman's desire every day to be new and unique makes her dye her hair more often than it should be.

    Hair dye Loreal Preference, the palette of flowers which stretches from the lightest blond to blue-black, gives lovely ladies the opportunity to try on any image.

    For blondes:

    For blondes and brunettes:

    For lovers of bright red and red hues( information taken from the official website):

    A little history

    Hair dye has appeared as an independent product on the market since the wife of a French chemist andin combination with entrepreneur Eugene Schueller unsuccessfully dyed her hair. It was then that Monsieur Schueller came up with the idea of ​​indelible paint.

    Production was started, and gradually the brand Loreal paint became one of the most popular among women of all ages. Today the company Loreal is a real "monster" in the beauty industry. To a ruler of its products, especially a paint for hair, women concern with a piety.

    instagram viewer

    Paint Features

    The Loreal paint composition includes lavender oil, which protects the dyed hair from the appearance of yellow spots. Dye molecules are fairly stable, so it penetrates deep into the structure of the hair and stays there for quite some time. In addition, protect the hair from harmful chemicals helps a special balm, which is applied to the hair after staining and creates a protective layer on the surface. This reduces the fragility and dry hair. With proper care, the color is retained for two or more months.

    The color palette is quite wide. In order not to be mistaken with color, manufacturers recommend looking at the photo of the model on a box of paint: the girl is depicted on it with hair before and after staining( on the reverse side).

    Reviews of women

    Here is what user Manu wrote: "Always painted in red. Although I myself am a natural blonde, but I love mad red hair. Prolonging light "glare" on the hair is always cleaned with various shade shampoos and masks. Until I met the paint Loreal. She took 7.43 Shangrila from Loreal Preference Color of high durability and insanely happy! Did everything according to the instructions, so there were no surprises. Thank you, Loreal! "

    St1995 user also liked the paint from Loreal:" I was painted black at the age of 14, but recently decided to become a blonde. After several trips to the salon, where each painting cost at least 3000 rubles., I became a fairy with a slight melirovaniem. I did not manage to achieve the desired light-brown color. Rather, it lasted the first two weeks, and then it was washed off.

    I already despaired of becoming a blonde, when suddenly a friend advised me Loreal. The paint is very comfortable, does not smell and does not flow. When I dried my hair, they turned out to be light-brown color, as I wanted. Hooray! I washed my head several times already, but the color still holds. I strongly advise this paint! "


    The market of hairdressing services today is ready to offer a wide range of hair colors for women. Almost every well-known cosmetic company considers it its duty to patent its own paint. What can you do, a woman's desire every day to be new and unique makes her dye her hair more often than it should be.

    Hair dye Loreal Preference, a palette of flowers that stretches from the lightest blond to blue-black, gives lovely ladies the opportunity to try on any image.

    For blondes:

    For blondes and brunettes:

    For lovers of bright red and red shades( information taken from the official website):

    A little history

    Hair dye has appeared as an independent product on the market since the wife of a French chemist andin combination with entrepreneur Eugene Schueller unsuccessfully dyed her hair. It was then that Monsieur Schueller came up with the idea of ​​indelible paint.

    Production was started, and gradually the brand Loreal paint became one of the most popular among women of all ages. Today the company Loreal is a real "monster" in the beauty industry. To a ruler of its products, especially a paint for hair, women concern with a piety.

    Paint features

    Loreal paint contains lavender oil, which protects colored hair from the appearance of yellow spots. Dye molecules are fairly stable, so it penetrates deep into the structure of the hair and stays there for quite some time. In addition, protect the hair from harmful chemicals helps a special balm, which is applied to the hair after staining and creates a protective layer on the surface. This reduces the fragility and dry hair. With proper care, the color is retained for two or more months.

    The color palette is quite wide. In order not to be mistaken with color, manufacturers recommend looking at the photo of the model on a box of paint: the girl is depicted on it with hair before and after staining( on the reverse side).

    Reviews of women

    Here is what user Manu wrote: "Always painted in red. Although I myself am a natural blonde, but I love mad red hair. Prolonging light "glare" on the hair is always cleaned with various shade shampoos and masks. Until I met the paint Loreal. She took 7.43 Shangrila from Loreal Preference Color of high durability and insanely happy! Did everything according to the instructions, so there were no surprises. Thank you, Loreal! "

    The user St1995 paint from Loreal also liked:" From the age of 14 was painted in black, but recently decided to become a blonde. After several trips to the salon, where each painting cost at least 3000 rubles., I became a fairy with a slight melirovaniem. I did not manage to achieve the desired light-brown color. Rather, it lasted the first two weeks, and then it was washed off.

    I already despaired of becoming a blonde, when suddenly a friend advised me Loreal. The paint is very comfortable, does not smell and does not flow. When I dried my hair, they turned out to be light-brown color, as I wanted. Hooray! I washed my head several times already, but the color still holds. I strongly advise this paint! "
