  • Unloading day on bananas

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    Read in the article:
    • Banana weight-reducing day for weight loss: benefit or harm
    • Banana-relief day: popular recipes for banana unloading, menu
    • Banana-relief day: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight

    Banana fasting day: minus 1-2 kgper day

    Unloading day on bananas is one of the most unusual and at the same time popular methods of dietary nutrition, despite the fact that bananas are traditionally considered to be fruits with a high degree of caloric value.

    Few will not have to taste this sweet tropical fruit, which is a real storehouse of microelements, vitamins and useful carbohydrates. It contains a lot of magnesium, potassium, pectin, phosphorus, zinc and iron, vitamins A, B, C, E and fiber.

    In addition, this miracle fruit has a positive effect on the heart muscle, reduces puffiness, perfectly restores the muscles, quickly quenches the hunger, improves mood, activates brain activity and drives depression.

    Banana weight loss day: benefit or harm ^

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    In reasonable quantities, bananas will only benefit and can be a part of the daily diet of any person striving for proper nutrition:

    • Adhering to a banana discharge day, there is every chance to reduce weight by 500 g - 1, 5 kg.
    • Because the banana is sweet enough and tasty fruit, it eliminates the desire to eat something sweet.
    • The calorie content of this product is not very high - only 89 kcal per 100 g, and the fiber it contains has a positive effect on digestion and digestive tract, which leads to weight loss.
    • Banana fruits are hearty and well dull of hunger, so it is not particularly debilitating to unload this discharge.
    • Also one of the advantages of banana days of release is that delicious, ripe fruit can be bought at any time, regardless of the season.

    However, there are a number of contraindications for banana discharge days:

    • With caution to use or even refuse them is with allergies, diabetes, chronic intestinal diseases, pancreas and kidneys, periodic migraines.
    • Bananas are slowly digested, and eating them before meals provokes bloating. Therefore, during normal eating it is best to eat some time after eating and do not drink with water.

    Basic rules for banana unloading

    • For banana unloading, you need about 1.5 kg of bananas and at least 2 liters of clean water.
    • You can drink tea, decoctions of herbs or compote from dried fruits in a banana unloading day without the addition of sugar.
    • To improve metabolism in drinks, you can add cinnamon or ginger, if desired.
    • Under strict prohibition during the unloading day are coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol.
    • In order for the effect to be more noticeable after banana discharge, it is recommended to add some physical exertion( walks, housework, small jogging).
    • A banana day can be cleaned once or twice a week. But do not abuse and delay with this kind of food, otherwise, due to a lack of protein in the body, the metabolism will slow down, and further weight loss will not occur.
    We also recommend that you read the article Unloading days for weight loss: health benefits.

    Unloading day on bananas: popular recipes for banana unloading, menu ^

    Unloading day on bananas: menu, recipes

    There are a lot of recipes and variations on how to spend a day of liberation on bananas. The choice depends on the wishes and preferences of slimming.

    Unloading day on bananas and milk

    • Milk low-fat - 3 cups;
    • Bananas - 3 pcs.

    It is necessary to distribute these products evenly throughout the day. Milk can be drunk separately or added to tea. Be sure to drink plenty of water in addition.

    Unloading day on bananas and kefir

    • Bananas - 3 pieces;
    • Low-fat kefir - 3 cups.

    In kefir you can add a little cinnamon, which will perfectly satisfy the hunger.

    Unloading day for bananas and cottage cheese

    • Curd leavings - 500 g:
    • Bananas - 4 pcs.

    Distribute the total number of products four times. In each meal, eat 150 grams of cottage cheese and 1 banana.

    Unloading day on bananas and water

    • Menu for a day - bananas -1.5 kg, water - 2 liters.
    • Eating meals divided by six times. Eat a banana with a feeling of hunger.
    • This day, you can not eat dairy products and drinks that contain sugar.

    Unloading day on bananas and apples

    • Apples and bananas - a total of 1.5 kg.
    • Eat alternately when hunger occurs. As in previous versions, a generous drink is recommended.

    Unloading day on bananas and cucumbers

    • Bananas - 2 pieces;
    • Apple - 2 pieces;
    • Cucumber -1 pcs.

    In the morning, you need to eat bananas, then until 5 pm apples, for dinner a fresh cucumber with greens. Exclude salt, sugar. Drink plenty of fluids.

    Unloading day on bananas and green tea

    • Bananas - 7 pieces;
    • Green tea - no limits.

    Fruits eat only when you feel hungry. Tea without sugar or herbal decoctions can be drunk at any time and in any quantity.

    We also recommend that you read the article Unloading day for milk.

    Unloading day on bananas: testimonials, results, real stories of losing weight ^

    According to nutritionists, a banana-free day is relatively safe for the body. After all, the use of bananas separately from other products prevents the occurrence of fermentation in the intestine and the deposition of excess fat stores. Such a small shake for the body is considered very useful.

    Do not forget about the correct way out of the fasting day, in order to reliably save all the results. The next day you need to include in the diet as much as possible fruits and vegetables, dairy products with a low percentage of fat and seafood. Excluded are sausage and smoked products, pickles and marinades.

    The results of fasting days on bananas continue to amaze and delight beautiful ladies, despite the fact that the product is chosen very unusual for dietary nutrition. The greatest result, which was obtained after banana discharge - a loss of 2 kg of excess weight.

    Reviews of the banana weight loss day also speak for themselves. Here are some responses from our regular readers:

    Alena, 27 years old:

    "I'm a sweet lover, so banana unloading is my favorite! Unloading day passes easily, without acute attacks of hunger. Sometimes I make a milky banana cocktail in a blender. Hearty and tasty, I lose about 1 kg the next day. »

    Ludmila, 34 years old:

    « Unloading on bananas is a pleasure! For the whole unloading day, I ate bananas - 4 pcs and drank 3 cups of milk 1.5%.The result is excellent - exactly minus 1 kilogram. From time to time I practice this procedure. "

    Elena, 44:

    " Initially, I was very wary of the proposal to try a banana day off, because these fruits are not dietary food. But still decided to try. During the day, I ate bananas and yogurt. In kefir added a little cinnamon. I felt quite normal, there was no special weakness. About 800 g of fat could melt "