
CROSS APPLICATIONS: Schemes for decorating children's clothes

  • CROSS APPLICATIONS: Schemes for decorating children's clothes

    We make crochet applications: car, airplane and owl patterns for decorating children's clothing

    Needlework has always been valued, and it has been a popular hobby of many female representatives. There is a large number of technologies for making applications from dry leaves, paper, fabric and other improvised materials, a special place in this variety is the application of crochet. Knitting patterns are different: from simple models to increased complexity. Thus, any woman will be able to choose the scheme that is available to her. Crop applications are made on various topics. Production plans can be found on the Internet or developed by yourself. Many schemes are given in our article.

    How can I apply such crafts?

    Children are very fond of colorful crochet applications. They can act as toys or decorations of a child's room. Also, many moms use crocheted crochet patterns to decorate children's clothing. This is a very fascinating process, so after completing one application you will immediately want to make another, the most original and interesting. Children's applications vary in gender. So, for example, applications for boys - it's basically a typewriter, an airplane, a ball, cartoon characters. For girls, appliqués can be flowers, berries, animals. Let's consider children's applications in more detail.

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    It happens that a child's hat or sweater wants to decorate with some figure. Or on the clothes of the baby there was a hole or stain, which must be closed. For this case, the applique is suitable. Consider schemes of applications for the boys machine and aircraft.


    Linking the machine, as in the photo above, can be quite simple. The machine is made up of several parts, such as a body and wheels.

    We'll start knitting with the machine's body. Below is a diagram of knitting.

    We collect 22 air loops and we tie a row with columns without a crochet. This will be the first row of the hull. The next three rows are also tied with columns without cords. The fifth row consists of two connecting posts and eighteen columns without a crochet. In the sixth row, you need to connect one connecting column, then the columns without crochets, not counting the last two loops. In order to tie the machine, you need to tie four SS, and then dial twenty-two air loops, pull away from the second edge and in the fifth loop to tie two RLS.Then you need to tie three bars without a crochet. After that, tie two sticks without the crocheted out of their hinge, then two sticks without the crochet in the next loop. Next, you need to tie a column without a crochet, then from the next loop connect the two pillars without a crochet, from the next three loops, fasten one bar without a crochet. Then two columns without a crochet, and in the next two loops one column without a crochet, etc. The last loop in the row should be tied with a column without a crochet. After that, you need to tie in two stiles without the napkin in the base. In the next rows, you need to tie a column from each loop without a crochet and two stitches without a crochet into the base. Subsequently, you need to dial eight air loops and tie a column without a crochet, attaching them to the roof, then one RLS to the roof. Now we need to turn the typewriter and knit the bars without the crochet over the formed chain. At the end, you need to fix the work thread and cut it.

    For the machine you need to tie 2 wheels. To do this, we collect six columns without a crochet. In the second row we knit two bars without a crochet in each loop, we will get only twelve posts. The third row is selected one by one in the RLS and 2 in the RLS.In conclusion, we make a smooth end of the series, fastened with a connecting post. To connect the headlight, you need to dial 6 columns without a crochet, then the connecting post must be fixed to the first column without the crochet. After all the details are connected, you need to put them together. The machine is ready.


    Application aircraft will look like the picture below.

    To make it more convenient to knit, it is also necessary to look at the diagram of our figure. The white triangle on the diagram means the beginning, the black end.

    The aircraft must be started from the nose. For his knitting you need to tie a ring from the air loops. Then, on one edge of the aircraft, we connect the connecting loops to the wing, the lower wing is tied. Crop the existing thread. Tie the upper wing.

    As already mentioned, the applications for girls have a few other topics. In this case, we will consider the Owl's application.


    For the convenience of understanding the process of knitting an owl, consider the master class. When performing the master class described below, you should get such an owl.

    Materials needed: yarn, optimal size hook, needle, eye buttons. For convenience, it is advisable to use the circuit.

    To start work from the main color yarn, we collect four air loops, then with the help of a connecting column we connect them to the ringlet.

    The first row we impose on each loop two RLS, we finish the series with one connecting column.

    The second row of knitting is the same as the first.

    The third series consists of two RLS, one RLS, then two RLS and one RLS.In general, we untying a circle.

    To make a head, you need to make three lifting loops, then in this loop we sew two COS, then one RLS in each of the next two loops. Next we knit the PS, and in the other loop we make 2 SSNs.

    We turn the work and knit the 2nd row - 2 PS, 4 SCN, 3 PS as on the diagram. The owl's trunk is ready. Now it is necessary to sew eyes to it, which are made of buttons.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that the main thing is to show patience and a little imagination. Examples of different works are below.

    Also you can see video materials on the topic:

    Needlework has always been valued, and it has been a popular hobby of many female representatives. There is a large number of technologies for making applications from dry leaves, paper, fabric and other improvised materials, a special place in this variety is the application of crochet. Knitting patterns are different: from simple models to increased complexity. Thus, any woman will be able to choose the scheme that is available to her. Crop applications are made on various topics. Production plans can be found on the Internet or developed by yourself. Many schemes are given in our article.

    How can I apply such crafts?

    Children are very fond of colorful crochet applications. They can act as toys or decorations of a child's room. Also, many moms use crocheted crochet applications to decorate children's clothing. This is a very fascinating process, so after completing one application you will immediately want to make another, the most original and interesting. Children's applications vary in gender. So, for example, applications for boys - it's basically a typewriter, an airplane, a ball, cartoon characters. For girls, appliqués can be flowers, berries, animals. Let's consider children's applications in more detail.

    It happens that you want to decorate a child's hat or sweater with some figure. Or on the clothes of the baby there was a hole or stain, which must be closed. For this case, the applique is suitable. Consider schemes of applications for the boys machine and aircraft.


    Linking the machine, as in the photo above, can be quite simple. The machine is made up of several parts, such as a body and wheels.

    We'll start knitting with the machine's body. Below is a diagram of knitting.

    We collect 22 air loops and we sew a row with columns without a crochet. This will be the first row of the hull. The next three rows are also tied with columns without cords. The fifth row consists of two connecting posts and eighteen columns without a crochet. In the sixth row, you need to connect one connecting column, then the columns without crochets, not counting the last two loops. In order to tie the machine, you need to tie four SS, and then dial twenty-two air loops, pull away from the second edge and in the fifth loop to tie two RLS.Then you need to tie three bars without a crochet. After that, tie two sticks without the crocheted out of their hinge, then two sticks without the crochet in the next loop. Next, you need to tie a column without a crochet, then from the next loop connect the two stitches without a crochet, from the next three loops to tie one bar without a crochet. Then two columns without a crochet, and in the next two loops one column without a crochet, etc. The last loop in the row should be tied with a column without a crochet. After this, you need to tie in two stiles without the napkin in the base. In the next rows, you need to tie a column from each loop without a crochet and two stitches without a crochet into the base. Subsequently, you need to dial eight air loops and tie a column without a crochet, attaching them to the roof, then one RLS to the roof. Now we need to turn the typewriter and knit the bars without the crochet over the formed chain. At the end, you need to fix the work thread and cut it.

    For the machine you need to tie 2 wheels. To do this, we collect six columns without a crochet. In the second row we knit two bars without a crochet in each loop, we will get only twelve posts. The third row is selected one by one in the RLS and 2 in the RLS.In conclusion, we make a smooth end of the series, fastened with a connecting post. To connect the headlight, you need to dial 6 columns without a crochet, then the connecting post must be fixed to the first column without the crochet. After all the details are connected, you need to put them together. The machine is ready.


    Application aircraft will look like the picture below.

    To make it more convenient to knit, it is also necessary to look at the diagram of our figure. The white triangle on the diagram means the beginning, the black end.

    It is necessary to start the plane from the nose. For his knitting you need to tie a ring from the air loops. Then, on one edge of the aircraft, we connect the connecting loops to the wing, the lower wing is tied. Crop the existing thread. Tie the upper wing.

    As already mentioned, the applications for girls have a few other topics. In this case, we will consider the Owl's application.


    For the convenience of understanding the process of knitting an owl, consider the master class. When performing the master class described below, you should get such an owl.

    Necessary materials: yarn, an optimal size hook, a needle, buttons for the eyes. For convenience, it is advisable to use the circuit.

    To start work from the main color yarn, we collect four air loops, then with the help of a connecting column we connect them to the ringlet.

    The first row is imposed on each loop for two RLS, we conclude the series with one connecting column.

    The second row is knitted just like the first.

    The third row consists of two RLSs, one RLS, then two RLSs and one RLS.In general, we untying a circle.

    To make a head, you need to make three lifting loops, then in this loop we sew two COS, then one RLS in each of the next two loops. Next we knit the PS, and in the other loop we make 2 SSNs.

    We turn the work and knit the 2nd row - 2 substations, 4 scs, 3 substations as on the diagram. The owl's trunk is ready. Now it is necessary to sew eyes to it, which are made of buttons.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that the main thing is to show patience and a little imagination. Examples of different works are below.

    Also you can see video materials on the topic: