  • How to decide on a divorce: advice of a psychologist

    Everything has its beginning and its end. Any relationship is gradually coming to naught. Some live with this, because everything suits, others do not want to put up with indifference and cooled feelings.

    If everything is bored, relations in the family do not get along, the cold and dullness of the soul from the thought of once a native half, you need to take some action. If you think that it makes no sense to waste time recreating a family nest, you torture yourself and your spouse, it's time to get divorced. After many years of living together, because of children or property, many do not know how to decide on a divorce.

    There is no need to hurry, you need to think it over, maybe for some time to leave. Alone, it becomes clear whether you need a family life or it's time to change everything.

    You need to start the conversation in a relaxed atmosphere, you need to talk, and not silently collect things and leave. It is important to state the entire situation, your feelings and fears, feelings and concerns. It is necessary to find such words, so as not to injure and not cause hysteria, scandal, and what is worse, massacre.

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    I do not think that scratches on the face decorate. It must be said that you simply do not see the need to make efforts to preserve such a family. What a long time thought about this situation and came to this decision.

    No need to argue and blame another person for the fact that love is no more. If a stream pours on you, full of pain, anger and despair, then it's better to listen in silence. Divorce is a serious step and you need to think it over carefully, so you do not regret it later.

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    1. It is necessary to make a decision about divorce independently, because this is a crucial decision that changes your whole life.

    2. Considering this problem, you need to ask yourself two main questions: "why and why am I doing this?".So you can understand what exactly does not suit you, and evaluate whether it is possible to change the situation, or there is no need to fight.

    3. As a result, you will see the ultimate goal, understand what you want from the relationship and how to achieve it. In a situation where it is problematic to determine independently, it is better not to focus on the experience of friends, but to visit a psychologist who will help understand the situation that has developed in your family.

    4. Only a professional will help you understand yourself, understand the reasons for what is happening and exclude them in the future. The psychologist will help to understand how much you are willing to fight for the relationship, and whether it is worth it, or it is better to choose a divorce.

    5. To understand your attitude to the situation, you need to take a blank sheet of paper and write on it a series of questions that help assess your attitude to your own family.

    6. Answering these questions, you will formulate what is so often difficult to express in words, this will help weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision. It is important to remember that the men around you are also far from ideal, and no one guarantees you that the following relationship will be better than the previous ones.

    7. Therefore, experts advise in easy cases to try to change the situation or simply adjust their attitude towards it. Sometimes it is much easier than divorce and further difficult searches for a new life partner.

    8. Do not take divorce as a way to get rid of problems. It is necessary to work on relations, and to resort to resort only in an emergency.

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