
Wedding bouquets photo 80 flower compositions from different colors

  • Wedding bouquets photo 80 flower compositions from different colors

    Wedding bouquets: photo 80 stylish flower compositions

    One of the most important and beautiful accessories at the wedding are wedding bouquets, see the photos in our selection. They perfectly complement the image of femininity and tenderness, must be combined with the bride's attire for harmony. Modern florists create truly masterpieces of flower bouquets.


    Perfectly looks a wedding bouquet of peonies - the photo below - which constitute a confident competition to roses, are symbols of health, prosperity and happiness. These very beautiful flowers have a delicate, delicate aroma.

    When creating a wedding bouquet, you can use as openwork, flowered flowers, and young buds of different shades: pink, white, burgundy.

    Classic roses

    Wedding bouquets photo of roses - classic. Roses are a symbol of love and grandeur, they are always in demand and popular. You can make a bouquet of flowers of the same shade or to combine different colors. Such a bouquet always looks chic and adds to the beauty of the bride itself.

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    The wedding bouquet of freesias is unusual and exquisite. This flower is very beautiful flowering and unusually clear lines. Florists call it an aristocratic flower, besides, it retains its magnificent appearance and wonderful aroma for several days.


    Wedding bouquets of orchids have rightly won the sympathy of brides and have become no less popular than bouquets of roses. Such a bouquet symbolizes luxury, purity, tenderness and charm. A bouquet of orchids can be decorated with lace, beads, embroidery, silk. An important plus of these colors - they are persistent and permanently retain their beauty and freshness.


    Callas are unique flowers, symbolizing balance, calm and feminine beauty. A wedding bouquet of calligraphic pictures will be an indisputable decoration. Florists advise not to overload such a bouquet with additional decor, you can simply tie the bouquet with satin ribbon or add a string of pearls.


    For brisk and romantic girls, a bridal bouquet of gerberas is ideal. These flowers symbolize modesty, mystery and joy. A very positive flower that retains its freshness for a very long time.


    A wedding bouquet of chamomiles will not leave anyone indifferent. A gentle white flower, which is a symbol of innocence, purity, youth and love, has become one of the most revered in floristry. Decorate such a bouquet can be a string of pearls, beads, beads. Camomiles are perfectly combined with other flowers.


    A wedding bouquet of carnations will look original and neizbito. This flower with its laconicism and variegated forms speaks of the firmness of spirit and steadfastness, it is often associated with love. Ideally, on the background of a white dress, a bouquet of red carnations will look. White carnations look gentle and laconic, they can be combined with pink flowers.


    Wedding bouquets of lilies photo is an expression of chosenness and nobility. This very exquisite flower, depicted on the arms of the monarchs, will be a worthy decoration of the bride.

    One of the most important and beautiful accessories at the wedding are wedding bouquets, see the photo in our selection. They perfectly complement the image of femininity and tenderness, must be combined with the bride's attire for harmony. Modern florists create truly masterpieces of flower bouquets.


    Perfectly looks a wedding bouquet of peonies - the photo below - which constitute a confident competition to roses, are symbols of health, prosperity and happiness. These very beautiful flowers have a delicate, delicate aroma.

    When creating a wedding bouquet, you can use as lace, loose flowers, and young buds of different shades: pink, white, burgundy.

    Classic roses

    Wedding bouquets photo from roses - classic. Roses are a symbol of love and grandeur, they are always in demand and popular. You can make a bouquet of flowers of the same shade or to combine different colors. Such a bouquet always looks chic and adds to the beauty of the bride itself.


    The wedding bouquet of freesias is unusual and exquisite. This flower is very beautiful flowering and unusually clear lines. Florists call it an aristocratic flower, besides, it retains its magnificent appearance and wonderful aroma for several days.


    Wedding bouquets of orchids have rightly won the sympathy of brides and have become no less popular than bouquets of roses. Such a bouquet symbolizes luxury, purity, tenderness and charm. A bouquet of orchids can be decorated with lace, beads, embroidery, silk. An important plus of these colors - they are persistent and permanently retain their beauty and freshness.


    Callas are unique flowers, symbolizing balance, calm and feminine beauty. A wedding bouquet of calligraphic pictures will be an indisputable decoration. Florists advise not to overload such a bouquet with additional decor, you can simply tie the bouquet with satin ribbon or add a string of pearls.


    For brisk and romantic girls, a wedding bouquet of gerberas is ideal. These flowers symbolize modesty, mystery and joy. A very positive flower that retains its freshness for a very long time.


    A wedding bouquet of chamomiles will not leave anyone indifferent. A gentle white flower, which is a symbol of innocence, purity, youth and love, has become one of the most revered in floristry. Decorate such a bouquet can be a string of pearls, beads, beads. Camomiles are perfectly combined with other flowers.


    Original and neizbito will look wedding bouquet of carnations. This flower with its laconicism and variegated forms speaks of the firmness of spirit and steadfastness, it is often associated with love. Ideally, on the background of a white dress, a bouquet of red carnations will look. White carnations look gentle and laconic, they can be combined with pink flowers.


    Wedding bouquets of lilies photo is an expression of chosenness and nobility. This very exquisite flower, depicted on the arms of the monarchs, will be a worthy decoration of the bride.