
Erythrocytes in the blood are increased: the causes, the norm in women, men and children

  • Erythrocytes in the blood are increased: the causes, the norm in women, men and children

    What does it mean? Erythrocytes - one of the constituent components of blood, plays an important role in the blood and functioning of the whole organism.

    Blood red bodies are denuclearized cells containing hemoglobin, protein and lipids. The word erythrocyte was derived from Greek words - erythro( reddish) and cytos( cage).

    Approximately 25% of all cells in our body are red blood cells. Every second, approximately 2.3 million new cells of erythrocytes are formed in our bone marrow. The task of red blood cells is to transfer oxygen to the tissues of the body from the lungs and in transport from tissues of carbon dioxide to respiratory organs.

    There is approximately 95-96% hemoglobin in the erythrocyte cell, the remaining 4-5% belong to the lipids and the protein. By structure, red blood cells resemble the shape of the discs arched twice. This non-nuclear cell, due to its unusual structure, has a large area of ​​contact with the surface, which promotes good adsorption and high gas exchange.
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    The diameter of the erythrocyte is 7-8 microns, which roughly corresponds to the diameter of the blood vessels. In the lumen of the capillary, the erythrocyte falls easily, curling, which explains its rapid movement through the body.

    Red cell functions

    Erythrocytes perform two important functions - the transport of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Due to a unique biconcave form and a large ratio of area to volume, these cells successfully solve the problem of oxygen exchange and adsorption of harmful substances.

    Erythrocytes protect against toxins and cleanse the body of decay products. Like leukocytes, these cells bind antigens, antibodies, toxins on their own surface and are taken out of our body, saving it from intoxication. Erythrocytes not only normalize respiration of tissues, protect against toxins, but also have a nutritional function and are involved in ensuring acid balance and alkaline balance in the blood.

    Basic properties of red blood cells:

    • protective;
    • is nutritious;
    • providing oxygen exchange;
    • providing acid-base balance of blood;
    • is involved in blood clotting.
    The life span of erythrocytes is at least 3-4 months. The cells in the spleen are crooked, this is a natural process of cell renewal. There are new young cells - reticulocytes. The average number of reticulocytes in the blood is 0.2-1.2% of the number of all red blood cells.

    Read also, the causes of elevated red blood cells in the urine and the rates of normal.

    The norm of red blood cells in the blood: in a child, women, men

    The number of red blood cells depends on the age, sex and body condition.

    In women, the norm is approximately 3.4-5.1 × 1012 / L, in men 4.1-5.7 × 1012 / L, in childhood the erythrocyte norm is 4-6.6 × 1012 / L.A general blood test allows you to conduct initial diagnosis and determine the state of the body.

    The number of red blood cells is a test for health and the presence of pathologies in the body. Sometimes this number decreases or rises, which signals the painful processes taking place in the body.

    The reason for the deviation from the norm of the number of red blood cells is more often associated with a violation of blood circulation and respiration of the body, a lack of oxygen in the blood, in other words, oxygen starvation. In some pathologies, changes in the shape and size of red cells are observed:

    1. 1) Microcytosis. Erythrocytes have small volumes in the anemia of a hemolytic, or malignant tumor;
    2. 2) Macrocytosis. The increase in the size of these cells appears with anemia of folic acid deficiency, malaria, as well as lung and liver diseases;
    3. 3) Megacitosis. Huge size indicates the development of acute leukemia and anemia;
    4. 4) Poikilocytosis. The incorrect form of red blood cells signals insufficient regeneration of cells as a result of anemia.

    Reasons for elevated red blood cells in the blood

    Why are red blood cells raised in an adult, what does it say? Let us consider in more detail the main causes of this state:

    1. 1) The imbalance of blood cells is a sign of pathological processes in the body.
    2. 2) Dysfunction of the respiratory system( bronchial inflammation and dystrophy, laryngitis, pneumonia);
    3. 3) Pathology or heart disease;
    4. 4) Erythremia( Vakez disease) - chronic leukemia, characterized by tumor proliferation of hematopoiesis;
    5. 5) Pickwick's syndrome, Disease of Aears;
    6. 6) Acute infectious diseases( diphtheria, pertussis lead to obstruction of the respiratory tract);
    7. 7) Long stay in the mountains, where the air is depleted and not enough oxygen;
    8. 8) Drinking heavily chlorinated or dirty water;
    9. 9) Oncological diseases( swelling of the kidneys, liver, pituitary or adrenal glands);
    10. 10) Increased blood viscosity.
    Increase of red blood cells to a level of 8-12 units.indicates the course of erythremia, an acute form of leukemia. With prolonged stay in the highlands, compensatory( enhanced cell production) erythrocytosis is observed.

    The same reason for increasing the level of red blood cells is cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency, vascular pathology. The indicator of the level of erythrocytes is affected by the viscosity of the blood, which appears when the body is dehydrated, diarrhea, drinking disorders.

    Reducing the volume of erythrocytes is associated with the appearance of anemia, a decrease in hemoglobin( see the causes of reduced hemoglobin) and the volume of red blood cells is not always mutually proportional.

    The color feature in a clinical blood test describes the form of anemia and the degree of the disease. Under normal conditions, the degree of the color index is 0.86-1.05.In the case when the color sign is more than 1.05, folic acid deficiency anemia may occur. If the color sign is less than 0.8, then a diagnosis of malignant formation in the stomach or iron deficiency anemia is established.

    With a normal color indication, but a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, as well as erythrocytes, there is a possibility of hemolytic anemia, in which erythrocytes are destroyed, or aplastic anemia, in which the bone marrow produces an insufficient number of erythrocytes.

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