  • What if I can not beat cellulite?

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    It's not easy to defeat cellulite. And if you feel that you have not achieved the desired result, do not panic. Be persistent, be patient, listen carefully to the recommendations of specialists and try more and more new tools that help get rid of skin imperfections. Carefully choose medications, consult about this with a doctor and do not buy drugs of unknown firms, the effectiveness of which is very doubtful. Perhaps, until today, you have used just such?

    However, even the use of proven means can go for you in vain. The wasted time and money( and, moreover, considerable) are capable of plunging even very strong representatives of the fair sex into depression. Any failure brings a lot of grief, and even more unpleasant to lose, if so many people around are very successful in solving similar ones. But some representatives of the fair sex will have to learn that in the fight against cellulite can easily lose, despite all the grandiose efforts. And the reason for this is very simple - the abundance of stresses in life. Everyone knows that in the human body everything is in one way or another interconnected. And if in any organ or vital system of the body some problems arise, they somehow influence the general state of a person. Stresses, nervous overloads are considered by many researchers to cause the appearance of cellulite. What is the secret here?

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    It turns out that under stresses and nervous overloads the interaction of the basic systems of the organism is disrupted. There are violations in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the work of the endocrine glands changes significantly;the blood flow slows down Certainly, all these factors do not lead directly to the formation of cellulite, but they excrete the body from the normal rhythm of functioning, so that they can be considered a risk factor.

    It should not be forgotten that frequent stresses negatively affect the work of the adrenal glands. Namely, the adrenal glands regulate the water balance in the body. It is obvious that a violation of the water balance in the body is one of the causes of the appearance of cellulite. In addition, violations in the activities of the adrenal gland can lead to a violation of the sodium-potassium balance in the human body and an increase in adrenaline in the blood.

    Excess adrenaline, in turn, causes the body to be even more stressful. The breath is broken, it becomes intermittent and shallow. As a clear consequence of this is the insufficient supply of oxygen, hence the violation of cellular metabolism, narrowing of blood vessels, restriction of blood circulation in the extremities.

    Alas, we have to state that there is a vicious circle. Stress undermines the strength of the body, making it vulnerable to the appearance of cellulite. And in this case, cellulite, in turn, is the cause for stress. Hence, in the fight against cellulite, do not interfere to analyze all your behavior to find out - are not you too stressed stress and not too suffer from nervous overload. If you come to this conclusion, try to change your way of thinking. Often, this is quite enough to bring the nervous system in order, and therefore, to gain more strength to deal with such an annoying phenomenon as an orange crust.