  • Overcoming difficulties in conception

    A study conducted in the UK in the 1980s shows that only one in ten couples who wanted to conceive a child was infertile( that is, could not conceive a child, or she needed medical intervention to determine a reasonable length of time, favorablefor conception).By the early 90s, a similar study suggests that every sixth married couple now has difficulty in conception of the child. However,

    many couples tried to conceive a child at a later age.

    In the UK, doctors recommend couples continue to attempt to conceive for one year and only then go to the doctor to determine the causes of infertility and undergo the appropriate course of treatment. If the age of the couple does not exceed 35 years, then it is probably better for the spouses to see a doctor as soon as possible. If the difficulty with conception arises from sexual problems, then a consultant with experience in dealing with such issues can be of considerable help. If one or both partners have any physical deviations, then they need the help of specialists.

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    A married couple who believes she has had difficulty with the conception of a child can contact:

    • with her doctor;

    • to the family planning clinic( women's consultation);

    • in a private clinic or private doctor;

    • to a specialist in charitable institutions.

    It is believed that the first thing a couple should do is contact their doctor. Then the survey will be either free, or it will cost inexpensively. However, it is possible that the couple will have to wait a long time for their turn. In addition, the level of provision of such services varies depending on where the spouses reside. Visiting a private doctor or a charity clinic is more expensive, sometimes much more. But the survey and the results of the tests you will get faster. And if it so happens that the couple asked the doctor, in any case, the survey will take more than one month,

    Taking into account that couples have taken into account the advice, and also that they have excellent health, infertility can suffer either male, or a woman.

    Infertility cases in women are often associated with problems with either ovulation, or with fallopian tubes, or with abnormalities of the uterus, or because her cervical mucus is infertile. In some cases, such conditions can be caused by a violation of the hormonal balance, and sometimes it is the result of the appearance of any ulcers or lesions caused by an infectious disease. Congenital factors may play a role. Problems of infertility in men are usually associated with a decrease in the number of spermatozoa produced by his body, or with their non-viability. The cause may be in damage to the testicles, birth defects, and also in hormonal or immunological factors( in the body of some men antibodies that kill spermatozoa are produced).

    Carrying out surveys to determine the cause of infertility

    If a couple's attempts to conceive a child within a year have failed, this is a good reason to call a doctor. The doctor conducts the tests, and then sends the couple to a special clinic in order to establish:

    • the fact that the woman's ovulation occurs regularly. This is determined through blood analysis;

    • the number and quality of spermatozoa produced in the body of a man. For this, the male takes a sample of spermatozoa, which is then examined in the clinic;

    • The fact that male spermatozoa penetrate the cervical mucus in an amount sufficient to cause conception. This is revealed in the analysis, which is carried out after the sexual intercourse. In this case, the couple should have sex one or several days before the onset of ovulation, and then visit the clinic. The interval between the sexual intercourse and a visit to the doctor should not exceed 16-18 hours. The clinic takes a smear from the cervix and analyzes the behavior of spermatozoa.

    After all of the above tests are completed, doctors usually advise the spouses to continue the examination. For women, this examination includes:

    • a more detailed study of hormones, which will require a blood test, urine and cervical mucus;

    • Testing a sample of the lining of the uterus that reflects hormonal changes. In addition, the analysis will help to establish the presence of infectious diseases;

    • X-ray and endoscopic examination of the uterus.ovaries and fallopian tubes to make sure the

    that they are OK;

    • ultrasound scanning is performed to check the passage of ovulation, the process of liberation of female germ cells, as well as to examine the shape of the uterus;

    • Conducting chromosomal testing to identify genetic or physiological problems that cause abnormalities in female germ cells.

    For men, the examination includes:

    • carrying out hormonal tests that require a blood test. Such tests help establish the causes that affect sperm abnormalities;

    • testing for antibodies that can destroy spermatozoa;

    • X-ray examination and other types of scanning to identify the possible presence of places that interfere with the supply of testicles with blood;

    • carrying a testicular biopsy to identify possible abnormalities;.

    • Conducting a chromosome test to identify possible genetic disorders that cause damage to spermatozoa.

    Treatment of infertility

    There are a number of possibilities to cure infertility. But it all depends on the reasons it is caused. Approximately 50% of cases of infertility is due to violations in the body of women and about 30% of cases is associated with the causes that caused infertility in men. In other cases, the cause of infertility is caused by disorders in both men and women. Examples of combating infertility are listed below.

    • If a woman has a problem with ovulation, she is asked to take a course of anti-

    estrogen tablets. After the course of treatment a woman can become pregnant within six months.

    • If the cause of infertility is related to the obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the woman needs a surgical operation.

    • Artificial insemination is usually that male sperm cells are placed in the female vagina during ovulation. However, this method of fertilization is used only in those cases when the problem of infertility is associated with physical disorders that make it difficult for the sexual act.

    • Artificial insemination, in which spermatozoa are placed directly inside the uterus, is used in cases where there are difficulties associated with the penetration of spermatozoons into the uterus. The effectiveness of this method is estimated at 30%.

    • If male spermatozoa are not viable, donor sperm are usually used. Few couples decide on this. In the case of the couple's consent to the donor, the spermatozoa are taken from another healthy man and artificially injected into the woman. The child born as a result of this is not biologically related to the woman's constant partner.

    If all of the above methods do not work or do not suit the couple, then it is possible to carry out artificial conception. To do this, specialists, using various medical technologies, receive an egg of women and spermatozoa of a man who cross by artificial means. This method is known as the "baby from the test tube".The difference between this method of fertilization and others lies in the fact that fertilization occurs outside the human body.

    In the body of a woman, a follicle-stimulating hormone is produced - a female sex hormone that promotes the release of several female germ cells during a single menstrual cycle. These eggs are removed from the body of a woman and mixed with the most mobile spermatozoa. The latest scientific and technological achievements made it possible to carry out the process of penetration of spermatozoa into the

    of the female germ cell. After fertilization, the embryo is placed inside the uterus, where it is implanted and develops further.

    In the UK, the effectiveness of such operations conducted by centers for artificial insemination outside the human body is 12-30%, depending on the age of the spouses and their specific problems. To carry out such an operation is not easy. It requires not only high qualification, but also time. Great value in this case is the physical condition and emotional mood of the couple.

    There is also another method that is an alternative to the above described method of fertilization of an ovum outside the human body. Him.the essence is that the female egg and male spermatozoa are first extracted from the body of the woman and the body of the man, and then introduced into the fallopian tube, where fertilization and implantation are performed in a natural way.