  • Sigmoid colon: inflammation, symptoms, treatment

    The sigmoid colon is passing into the rectum by the lower part of the colon. It begins in the area of ​​the upper aperture of the small pelvis.

    "Sigmoid" gut was named because of its shape of arrangement, reminiscent of the Greek alphabet "sigma".There is a sigmoid colon in the left part of the abdomen, and takes a very direct part in such an important process for the body of any person as the digestion of food.

    In more detail, it should be noted that it is this body that absorbs the amount of water distributed throughout the body. In addition, the sigmoid colon takes part in the process of solidification of fecal masses. Based on the above, we can safely say that the sigmoid colon is one of the most important organs of the entire human body.

    General information

    Sigmoid disease is a very serious problem and usually leads to serious disruption of the whole body, and in some cases, to death. In this article, we will talk about such a form of her disease as inflammation, or, in scientific terms, sigmoid.

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    Sigmoiditis is an inflammation of the sigmoid colon, which is a kind of colitis. This disease is not as bad as, for example, cancer of the sigmoid colon, but the consequences of careless treatment can also be sad.

    There are two forms of this disease: acute and chronic. There are a lot of causes of sigmoiditis, but it is especially worth noting the wrong diet, and trauma.

    Symptoms of

    The main symptoms of acute sigmoiditis are pain in the sigmoid colon( in the ileum region), accompanied by a change in the intensity and color of the stool. In case of inflammation is chronic, diarrhea and constipation are observed in the patients, as well as the appearance of pain during defecation and after it.

    Also, characteristic symptoms are eructations, nausea, vomiting and bloating. In addition, it is worth noting that patients with sigmoiditis, as a rule, dramatically lose weight and feel constant fatigue against the background of constantly elevated body temperature.

    Treatment and prevention of

    The treatment of inflammation of the sigmoid colon is quite complex and requires the presence of both moral and physical forces, and material. The treatment is especially difficult if the patient was initially diagnosed incorrectly, therefore, in order to avoid problems later, when the symptoms of the disease first manifest themselves, it is necessary to turn to specialists and conduct the necessary laboratory tests, that is, to pass tests( urine, feces, blood).

    The main principles of treatment of inflammation is adherence to bed rest and diet. By the way, the right diet for sigmoid colon disease is the key to a speedy recovery.

    As a rule, a diet is made individually for each patient, taking into account its physical( height, weight) and age data, but at the same time, regardless of this, implies an increase in the intake of light foods, that is, vegetable and fruit dishes, while reducing the consumption of fatty foodsfood.

    In addition to diet, patients are prescribed antibacterial, antispasmodic, enveloping and sedatives. Also quite popular and effective is the use of all kinds of herbal infusions, suppositories and corticosteroids.

    As a rule, if the patient follows all the recommendations of a doctor, adheres to bed rest, diet, and takes the necessary medications, the result of treatment is positive.

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