  • Sleep disorders: causes, treatment, types of sleep disorders

    Sleep disorder is a widespread phenomenon among modern people, which is associated with the emergence of difficulties with the emergence and maintenance of sleep.

    Scientists have long proven that when hypersomnia there is an increased need for long and prolonged sleep. The failure of the rhythm of sleep is accompanied by a sharp shift in the time spent on falling asleep and disturbing sleep during the day.

    Sleep disorder manifests itself as insomnia or increased drowsiness. This uncharacteristic condition for a healthy person is due to poor circulation or as a result of being in a depressed state. Duration of sleep of a healthy person varies - from 6 to 9 hours. The main indicators of quality sleep is your condition after rest.

    Types of sleep disorders

    As a major form of sleep disturbance, physicians have isolated insomnia, which is a disorder of the nervous system.

    Doctors identified the following classification of poor sleep:

    1. 1) Insomnia. Disorder of the ability to be in a dream the necessary amount of time that a healthy person spends on this process. In this case, insomnia, as a rule, is provoked by several signs: diseases that are of a mental nature, as well as frequent use of drugs that increase excitability, coffee, alcohol, periodic stress.
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    2. 2) Hypersomnia. Physicians also call this syndrome chronic drowsiness. This phenomenon can be triggered by a number of diseases: infectious or of a mental nature. In addition, the use of narcotic drugs and drugs can also not have the best effect on the quality of sleep. Hypersomnia is different from waking and sleeping. It can be triggered by factors such as a floating work schedule.
    3. 3) Parasomnias. During this type of sleep disturbance, phase failure occurs, and a partial awakening accompanied by motor activity occurs. This includes such common pathologies as enuresis, epileptic seizures and night terrors.

    Causes of sleep disorders

    Factors that cause sleep disturbance include susceptibility and "hypersensitivity" to the situation, as well as individual characteristics of the body and mental state.

    It is remarkable that patients whose psyche is easily excited are most susceptible to failure of sleep and wakefulness. In this case, it is psycho-emotional loads that can induce insomnia to begin to develop. And if we are not talking about a short-term process, then the main causes that cause sleep disturbances include somatic disease.

    The range of factors provoking a sleep disorder is incredibly wide: mental, nervous disorders, as well as malignant tumors in the brain, an abnormality in the endocrine system. Similar causes can be observed in children.

    The main causes of sleep disorders can also be attributed to the excessively frequent abuse of medicines. This is especially true in cases of self-treatment. Here doctors treat the use of caffeine-containing drinks( energy drinks, coffee, green tea).Those who regularly use harmful substances, such as drugs and alcohol, are at risk.

    If we talk about the causes of sleep disorders in children, doctors here include a pathology associated with the defeat of the nervous system, especially this is observed with the acquisition of postpartum trauma.

    By the way, an improperly composed sleep, food and place that hardly meets all the necessary requirements, can also serve as the reasons why insomnia begins to develop.


    Due to the fact that sleep disturbance is the result of a number of psychological illnesses, this phenomenon requires urgent medical intervention, so do not postpone the diagnosis. This is especially necessary if you notice a decrease in working capacity, attention and feel constant fatigue.

    In this case, the doctor necessarily conducts a neurological and general examination using laboratory methods( biochemical indicators of urine, blood) and hardware( brain tomography, EEG and ECG) diagnostics.

    Treatment of sleep disorders

    Treatment involves the use of many techniques. The most sought after and tested are below.

    Sleep hygiene. It is necessary to fall asleep at the same time and in familiar surroundings. Take note that the curtains should also be closed so that light does not penetrate into the room. Try to make sure that the room is not penetrated by unpleasant odors, as well as sounds.

    Before you go to bed, you need to properly ventilate the room and make a leisurely walk along the alley. It is not superfluous to take a relaxing bath with sea salt, chamomile and lavender.

    Take note that it is possible to restore mental and physical strength from 22.30 to 4.30, but to approach the dawn, sleep becomes as shallow as possible.

    At night, be sure to take such soothing drugs as Novo-Passit or Persen.

    More serious medications or sleeping pills can be prescribed to you by a doctor, but only after you find out the causes of insomnia. Almost all soothing drugs provoke addiction, with few exceptions.

    If the dream is longer than 6 hours, but unsatisfactory quality, in this case, the doctor does not prescribe medicines - without psychotherapy can not do. It is necessary to allocate an impressive amount of time for sleep. Doctors recommend to rest at least 7-9 hours, in order to be active and cheerful in the morning. It is necessary to turn off the TV, as well as a computer and a mobile phone, because the waves emanating from them, activate brain activity.

    Doctors prescribe a sleeping pill if the patient has a short-term sleep disorder or with insomnia, when she does not give a rest more than 4 times in 7 days.

    Which doctors should be treated at the first sign? At the first stage, you need to seek help from a psychotherapist or a neurologist. In addition, you may need to consult the following specialists:

    • rheumatologist
    • nephrologist
    • psychologist
    • endocrinologist
    • cardiologist
    Do not delay the treatment of insomnia, because such an insidious disease can address a number of consequences.

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