  • Reduced acidity of the stomach symptoms

    Traditionally, two types of gastritis are distinguished: the first - with reduced acid formation( with it, the formation of hydrochloric acid and enzymes is reduced) and the second - with normal or high acidity. More information about gastritis with high acidity, see here. In the latter case, increased acid formation is not associated with inflammation( not its consequence), but has a genetically determined character. These symptoms are manifested in different ways.

    Gastritis with reduced acidity is such a form of gastritis is one of the most common and occurs mainly in middle-aged and elderly people. As a rule, these people in their youth liked to eat well, their diet abounded with spicy, pickled, smoked, fried dishes with lots of spices, especially pepper. Although, of course, this gluttony does not necessarily end with gastritis, but in any case will create problems for the stomach.

    What happens with gastritis with decreased acidity? Gastric glands, working for the time being properly, gradually change and begin to work worse. Consequently, the production of enzymes and hydrochloric acid necessary for digestion is reduced. As a result, the food can not be processed properly and is not ready for further digestion in the intestine.

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    The most common symptom, that accompanies this disease, is a feeling of heaviness( overflow, raspiranie) in the stomach that occurs soon after eating( in half an hour, hour) or even during it. This unpleasant sensation arises due to the fact that the food stretches the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach, and it begins to be felt as a medium sized lead ball. This feeling can arise after a few spoons of soup, and to prevent it, a person tries to limit himself in eating. In addition to the feeling of heaviness, painful aches can arise in the stomach region, not very intense, but tiring. Improvement of the condition with this disease is often observed after, on the advice of relatives or from own experience, a person will eat some enzyme preparation( such as festal).

    In gastritis with low acidity, there is often a belch - involuntary discharge from the stomach into the oral cavity of gases or even small amounts of food. In general, the eructation of air can also be in healthy people with overeating or, say, physical exercises, if they are performed immediately after eating;when using certain foods( fresh bread, legumes, cabbage) and carbonated water. An eructation caused by a gastritis, arises because of amplification of processes of putrefaction and fermentation. At the same time, it can have the smell of rancid oil, be acidic or with the smell of rotten eggs due to the long delay of protein products, from which hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are released when rotting.

    Sometimes patients complain of the frequent nausea that usually appears after eating, especially after some errors in the diet. Sometimes even vomiting may occur( or a person calls it herself), which brings relief. Persistent vomiting is not typical for this disease.

    Heartburn is more typical of gastritis with increased acidity, but sometimes it occurs with reduced acidity. Causes heartburn accumulated in the stomach organic acids, which are thrown into the esophagus. Patients also sometimes complain about unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth and increase salivation.

    Those symptoms that have been listed come from the stomach, but gastritis also grabs the intestines, and he reacts by frightening patients with persistent diarrhea. In this case, in the abdomen( in the papular region) rumbling, transfusion, bloating( flatulence) is often felt.

    Persistent diarrhea in the future can lead to serious consequences, as the digestion of food is disrupted, and a person begins to lose weight, he lacks vitamins. Symptoms of hypovitaminosis are well known: dryness and flaking of the skin, fragility of nails and hair, seizures in the corners of the mouth, weakness, fatigue - anemia, in general, the consequences of malnutrition( in addition, often the appetite of such people is lowered).

    So, you now know the symptoms of gastritis with a low acidity, but in order to feel confident in your diagnosis, it is better to consult a doctor and get a gastroscopic examination( when using a probe to examine the stomach mucosa), which, incidentally, after 30years it is desirable to do all once a year.