
Causes, main symptoms and ways of treating herpetic stomatitis in children

  • Causes, main symptoms and ways of treating herpetic stomatitis in children

    In some cases, specific sores of small size appear on the oral mucosa of the baby. Extremely painful, they contribute to the occurrence of discomfort and painful sensations. When chewing food and even swallowing water there is a painful syndrome. Its cause is herpetic stomatitis in children.

    This pathology is one of the most common types of inflammation of the oral mucosa. The virus, having penetrated into the fragile children's body, provokes defeat of the skin, eyes, and the nervous system. There is a herpetic stomatitis in children in the oral cavity, as well as in areas near the lips and nose.

    Why the disease develops

    The main reason for the emergence and rapid progression of herpetic stomatitis in children is the penetration into the body of the causative agent of the disease. The risk group includes children with weakened immune system, as well as children suffering from chronic pathologies.

    From year to year, primary infection occurs. This is explained by the fact that the child's body "did not have time" to form its own protective systems, and the antibodies received from the mother for this period disappear.

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    Recurrent pathology

    Infectious viral pathology, or acute herpetic stomatitis in children, is caused by the herpes virus. The young children are more likely to get sick.

    Symptoms of herpetic stomatitis

    Specialists in the field of medicine distinguish the following symptoms of a dangerous childhood pathology:

    1. Increase in temperature.
    2. Increase in the size of the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes.
    3. Appearance of puffiness( soft tissue is affected).
    4. Change in the color of the skin( redness) of soft tissue.
    5. Permanent salivation.

    Symptoms of recurrent pathology

    In ill children, the symptoms of recurrent pathology appear on the third to fourth days after infection. Acute herpetic stomatitis in children is manifested as follows:

    1. Bubbles form in the oral cavity.
    2. The appetite decreases( the child can refuse to eat because of a strong painful syndrome).
    3. Swallowing is difficult.
    4. Salivation increases.
    5. The kid becomes irritable, often naughty.
    6. In the oral cavity, specific ulcers come to replace the vesicles.

    This type of pathology has external similarities with aphthous stomatitis. The difference is in the localization of areas of hyperemia and the nature of mucosal lesions.

    Establish a diagnosis of

    This disease is a rather dangerous pathology. In order for the treatment to bring the sick child benefit, it is necessary to establish a correct diagnosis.

    Today, the diagnosis is based on an analysis of the clinical picture. Also one of the most widely used diagnostic methods is immunofluorescence.

    When doctor's help is needed

    Do not hesitate to call a doctor at home if the sick kid has a fever. Signal to action should also be the emergence of specific sores that provoke the emergence of painful sensations. Otherwise, the organism of the child refusing food will be dehydrated.

    Modern treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children can be:

    • local;
    • common;
    • is symptomatic.

    Use of topical preparations

    The purpose of topical treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children is to stop or reduce the painful syndrome in the mouth and prevent recurrence. The attending physician prescribes the following drugs:

    1. Oskinin ointment.
    2. Ointment is tebrofen.
    3. Interferon( solution).

    These medicines should be applied to the mucosal zone unaffected by pathology. The course of treatment continues until full recovery.

    Also, local therapy involves the use of:

    1. Sea-buckthorn oil.
    2. Oily solutions.
    3. Oxygen cocktail.
    4. Rosehip oil.

    General treatment features of

    General treatment of herpetic stomatitis includes:

    1. Ingestion of antiviral drugs.
    2. Use of drugs that stimulate immunity.
    3. Passage of the course of vitamin therapy.

    The treatment regimen depends on the severity of the disease and is assigned by the doctor on an individual basis.

    Features of symptomatic treatment of

    This approach involves the use of local anesthetics. In most cases, the doctor prescribes the use of special gels for gums or anesthesin solution.

    After arresting the inflammatory process, the patient is assigned to take drugs that heal the wounds and restore the oral mucosa.

    Features of the diet

    Particular attention in the treatment process is given to proper nutrition. The diet should be vitamins rich and full. It is necessary to refuse from bitter, sour, sweet and salty foods.

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