  • How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy at home

    Heartburn is an unpleasant burning sensation in the epigastric region, which can last from several minutes to several hours.

    Many people have experienced heartburn, the causes of which are very diverse.

    But most often with heartburn facing pregnant women.

    Even if a woman did not suffer from heartburn before pregnancy, then closer to the third trimester, there is a great chance to feel this unpleasant burning sensation in the chest area.

    Causes of heartburn during pregnancy

    Heartburn occurs as a result of ingestion of gastric juice into the esophagus. The sensitive mucosa of the esophagus reacts to such an invasion by irritation, so a burning sensation appears. Normally, the esophagus and stomach are separated by a sphincter, which prevents the return of food and the ingestion of gastric juice into the esophagus. But in some cases the sphincter ceases to perform its functions or performs them partially, which leads to the appearance of heartburn.

    A person may experience heartburn as a result of gastrointestinal( GI) diseases, irregular eating habits, eating too sharp or fatty foods, abuse of chocolate or coffee. In addition, a sharp change in body position and exercise with frequent squats or inclinations can provoke an attack.
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    The reasons why heartburn develops in pregnant women is somewhat different. First, during pregnancy, hormone progesterone is actively produced, which reduces the tone of all the muscles of the body, that is, relaxes them.

    Due to the effect of progesterone, the sphincter does not completely block the passage between the stomach and esophagus. As a result, heartburn may develop in the early stages of pregnancy. Secondly, at later stages of pregnancy the uterus thoroughly presses on the internal organs, including the stomach, lifting it, which increases the likelihood of heartburn.

    The appearance of heartburn in a woman in the second and third trimester of pregnancy is often associated with the position of the body, which explains the predominant occurrence of heartburn immediately after sleep. Of course, the nutrition of a woman also depends on the appearance of symptoms. Many pregnant women complain of heartburn immediately after eating, especially if the food was heavy, acute or oily.

    Many women may not experience the appearance of heartburn until the last months of pregnancy, others may suffer from burning in the chest and an unpleasant sour taste in the mouth all pregnancy, and sometimes the appearance of heartburn only in the early stages. Apparently, all individually, but the main thing remains the fact that three out of four pregnant women face heartburn.

    There are several factors that increase the likelihood of heartburn symptoms in pregnant women, namely:

    • irregular diet;
    • rough, spicy, fatty foods;
    • frequent inclines, lying position;
    • increased level of progesterone;
    • of the gastrointestinal tract.
    In addition to all of the above, to provoke heartburn can even light stress. A woman during pregnancy suffers from impressive physiological changes, which is a strong stress for the body and, of course, increases his susceptibility to external factors.

    Thus, in some cases the body of a woman may overreact to the nervous environment, which will manifest itself in psychosomatic disorders, including in the development of heartburn.

    Clinical manifestations of heartburn

    The standard symptom of heartburn is a burning sensation in the upper abdominal or chest area. Sometimes the burning sensation can reach even the throat, which is often found in women in late pregnancy. Sometimes heartburn manifests itself as a sour or bitter taste in the mouth, as well as an unpleasant eructation.

    All symptoms usually increase with tilts, squats or lying down. Pregnant heartburn often appears in the morning due to the long horizontal position of the body, but within a day passes.

    By itself, heartburn does not pose a danger to the child. In rare cases complications arise in the form of bleeding in the esophagus and the formation of strictures( narrowing of the esophagus due to scarring).In the event that such manifestations as bloody vomiting, tarry stools or severe nausea occur against the background of heartburn, the woman should seek qualified medical help as soon as possible, since such a condition can endanger the life of the child.

    How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy?

    Many pregnant women because of their situation do not agree to take even those drugs that are allowed to them. Moreover, many specialists do not support the appointment of drug treatment, especially when the problem of a pregnant woman is typical for her because of her position.

    To get rid of heartburn completely or significantly reduce its manifestations, a pregnant woman should take a very thoughtful attitude to her diet.

    General recommendations in this case are as follows:

    • adherence to a diet that implies the rejection of acute, oily and irritating foods;
    • fractional food, that is, food 5-6 times a day in small portions;
    • frequent intake of food antacids - milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, eggs.
    Sometimes it happens that the power setting is already enough to make the woman feel relieved. In other cases, the exclusion of torso and squatting is shown, which can trigger the ejection of gastric juice into the esophagus.

    It is worth remembering that a pregnant woman is not recommended to stay for an hour after eating. In addition, very often unpleasant feelings in a pregnant woman come in the morning, immediately after sleep, so a woman is recommended to sleep with a raised head. This can be done with a second pillow.

    There are some general recommendations that will significantly reduce the likelihood of heartburn during pregnancy, namely:

    • should exclude from the diet all acidic foods, as they increase the acidity of gastric juice;
    • vegetables and fruits should not be eaten raw;
    • the last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime;
    • it is necessary to refuse from taking antispasmodics;
    • clothing should not be cramped;
    • should be excluded from the soda, chocolate, black tea and coffee;
    • food should not be too cold or hot;
    • should adhere to the correct posture.
    Some pregnant women, tormented by heartburn, go to extreme measures and take a solution of baking soda to at least somehow ease the symptoms.

    But this method gives a short-term effect and, in addition, after taking a solution of baking soda heartburn after a while comes back with more severe symptoms. Of course, there are situations when none of the above methods help a pregnant woman get rid of painful heartburn. In this case, a specialist consultation is necessary. Only a doctor can assess the condition of a pregnant woman, prescribe the necessary tests and recommend possible medications.

    In addition, do not forget about folk medicine. Sometimes reduce the burning sensation in the breast with the help of broths of golden yolk, heather, decoctions of the leaves of black currant, immortelle desert and root of ayr. In addition, a simple effect of camomile tea. It has a slight anti-inflammatory effect and "calms" the stomach.

    But it is worth remembering that the use of herbal decoctions, when a woman is in position, is possible only after consulting a specialist.

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