
The scenario of the bride's bride purchase in winter is the winter scenario of the bride's redemption

  • The scenario of the bride's bride purchase in winter is the winter scenario of the bride's redemption

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    When planning a bride price in the winter, several options should be considered, depending on the specific weather conditions.

    Several variants of conducting

    Weather forecasts are not always true, therefore, the organizers of the buyback can plan several versions in advance: firstly, in order not to depend on the weather, it is possible to redeem only in the premises taking into account the specifics of the season, and secondly, it can becombined option, when half of the trials-competitions would be held on the street( in the yard), the other half in the room, and thirdly, you can choose the option with redemption only on the street( in the yard).

    Most often the best option is the second one - combined, in this case the organizer is sure that the guests participating in the purchase will be comfortable, they will not have time to freeze even at the lowest temperatures.

    But if there is a desire, it is possible to prepare separately the first and third variant, and then, according to the weather conditions, choose one of the three options, because mixing the first and the third option, one can be the one that was designated as optimal.

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    When tests are planned for the groom and his friends in the ransom only on the street, there is no need to cut out snowflakes, snowmen and create other attributes of winter time, they are all already present in the space where the ransom is organized( provided the snowy winter, of course).

    Depending on the month

    In addition, it is important in which of the snowy months is the wedding. If in December - it will be original to prepare a test related to New Year's attributes and, of course, with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

    For example, the task for a groom and his friends to give presents to present guests as soon as possible, sweets, coins, etc. can serve as gifts. Another variant of the test in December is to decorate the tree as best as possible, so that the matchmakers would like it.

    In January, attributes of redemption are associated with Christmas, Epiphany frosts. In this case, the matchmakers can ask questions to the groom about important dates in the life of future newlyweds, i.ะต.The birth of their couple, for example. Thematically, with the Epiphany frosts, the test of the groom and his friends can be connected with cold and snow.

    February is often associated with snowstorms and inconsistent weather, so the groom can be asked questions about how he will love his wife, i.e.whether it will be permanent, as well as questions for the groom's friends about his qualities, among which courage, readiness to defend his future wife should be called.

    How to create the necessary atmosphere

    How to create an atmosphere

    When the ransom is organized indoors: on the floors, at the apartment doors, in the elevator - winter can come to this rite through the carved snowflakes, frozen windows painted on the paper. They are called to create a holiday atmosphere in the winter.

    Then the contests can be the same as in other seasons, you can add "winter" elements to them. For example, traditionally there is a competition, within the framework of which they ask the reasons for the marriage;so one of the answers might be unwillingness to go out on a date in the cold. Still it is possible to offer the groom as a test to recollect some poem on a winter theme.

    In addition, the very attributes of winter can be part of the tests: either cut as many snowflakes as possible in a certain time, or pull out a snowflake key in order to open the door, behind which the bride is hidden, while talking about the qualities of the bride, her promisesfor the future. Another option: on a frozen window( present or painted on paper) to paste a declaration of love to his bride, describe the bride.

    To be in a fairy tale

    Also it is not necessary to forget about Russian culture in which there are stories( fairy tales, most often) about winter, there are characters that are associated with winter time. One of these may be the Snow Queen. And the competition, organized with it, is connected with the fact that the groom and his friends need to conjure the bride, having stolen from the Snow Queen, or is connected with the necessity to kindle the heart of the bride in a certain way.

    Other heroes can be the Nutcracker and Rat King. Appearing on ransom, Rat King offers to the groom's friends to disenchant the groom. Before this test, the matchmaker is given the look of a Nutcracker, or putting on it a hard frame or just a suit. A task for friends involves the need to crack the walnut( for example, in Greek) in any way.

    If the space in which the ransom is organized can be linked to the "Twelve Months" fairy tale, for example, to fulfill the task of each "month".

    When organizing a bride price, one should always be guided by the sense of proportion: whether all tests should be tied to winter time, this is another argument for choosing a combined version, when tests on the street and in the premises are distributed evenly.