
The modern scenario of the bride's redemption is a modern bride price

  • The modern scenario of the bride's redemption is a modern bride price

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    Redemption - a tradition already very long established, without it a rare wedding takes place. To conduct this event, basically, follow the traditional and fairly monotonous scenarios.

    How to organize

    Bride price can be called almost the most spectacular and fun element of the wedding. The ransom is mostly done by witnesses( mostly a witness), but it will be great if the groom himself takes part in this event directly.

    What does the bride "buy"?Usually money, flowers, sweets or hot drinks. In general, this depends only on the fantasy of the witness. But the groom should be ready for any turns of the "plot".

    Often, not only witnesses, but also friends, relatives and even neighbors participate in the purchase. Therefore, money, sweets and everything else will take a lot.

    Redemption of the bride is a Russian tradition. But other nations also have their own ceremonies like ours.

    About ten years ago a ransom broke into fashion again. To produce it is necessary at a time when, after taking witnesses, the groom comes for his bride.

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    For many years the ceremony has changed a little. Now it is much more modern and simple. The main thing is that in redemption, as well as any other event, the main thing is not to abuse only one thing( poems, tasks, questions).The more diverse the ceremony, the brighter and more cheerful it will go. Here the usual rule about the golden mean is important, do not neglect it and then you will get an interesting and memorable ransom.

    Do you need a script

    At first glance, it seems that the repurchase procedure procedure is very simple, laid-back and organize it will not be difficult. But only at first glance. In general, this is quite a difficult part of the wedding, because when it is necessary to take responsibility and preparation. To successfully conduct a ransom, the main thing that needs to be done is to come up.

    And they are probably already bored of order. After all, time changes, and with it, this or that event is constantly changing. Therefore, for the ransom, they began to create and offer more interesting options for holding. Find a modern script for the bride's redemption will not be difficult, because there are a lot of them on the same Internet.

    For the purpose of foreclosure, not only the bride's approach and apartment is used today. How about the water transport? It will be especially wonderful if the wedding ceremony itself takes place on the boat.

    Most likely, such modern variations of foreclosure will please the grooms, who do not like monotony. It's much more fun and exciting than jumping from step to step and searching for the imprint of the lips of your lover on a piece of paper.

    The ransom can help to remove the tension that the young people have accumulated during the preparation for the wedding. During the event, they will have fun, and will please the guests with their talents.

    As an advantage of the modern scenario over the classical one, one can say that it will be more like a play or a fairy tale, and not as a test for the physical and mental abilities of the groom.

    But there is such a version of redemption and its minus: you will have to use costumes, which sometimes is not so easy to find. But this action will not leave indifferent either the participants or the observers.

    Scenario variants

    A great option is a script based on the plot of some familiar game. For example, the groom should collect the keys from the apartment where his lover is waiting. But in order to get each of them will have to work on the task, which if not done - will have to pay a lot. When the young will collect all the keys, for a small amount of time it will be necessary to find the right one and open the door that "hid" his beloved. But if you missed a second - pay a fine.

    Another and no less interesting scenario for ransom is the groom knight who is capable of any feats for the sake of his future wife. Check the groom can be faithful, in this ordeal he will be seduced by beauties in frank dresses, and by courage, let him fight with the evil monster that captured his beloved( monster can play any of the friends).

    You can take as a basis for the script a wonderful story, like an island of treasures. It must necessarily include pirates, maps, the search for a real treasure, which will be the bride. But before the groom finds his beloved, he will have to pass many tests.

    Having gone one, he will become closer to his future wife. In addition, the final place, which the groom so desires to get to, you can make not only the apartment of the bride, but also the house of a friend or grandmother.

    In general, do not be afraid of experiments with the purchase. Remember that the wedding is obliged to leave in memory of all its participants the most pleasant memories and emotions.