  • Cariota, wine palm


    The sheet shares( leaves) have an irregular diamond-shaped shape with a torn edge, resemble fins of fish, hence the other name for these palms is the "fish tail".Three types of culture were introduced:

    Caryote burning S. urens

    Homeland - Eastern India, Sri Lanka.

    Slowly growing view. The leaves are biparous, up to 3-5 m long( in natural conditions).The share of the leaf is up to 20 cm. The flesh of the flesh is burning, which is due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. The bark of the trunks, being moist, when touched, causes skin irritation( hence the Latin name urens - burning).

    Cariota offspring S. mitis

    Homeland - Philippines, Malaysia, Fr. Kalimantan.

    Leaves up to 2.7 m long( in natural conditions).The shares of the leaf reach 17.5 cm. A distinctive feature is the development of numerous offspring at the base of the main trunk.

    Kariota Rumfa S. rumphiana

    Homeland - New Guinea, Solomon Islands. Has densely arranged short leaves( up to 2 m long - in adult plants).The shares of the leaf are relatively thick, sessile, up to 15 cm long.

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    Courtship. During the whole year they are kept in a well-lit place, best of all at the windows of the eastern or south-eastern orientation. In the summer( especially on the south and south-east side) you need to Pritenyat from direct rays of curtains or paper. The optimum temperature is 22-24 ° C.In winter it can be kept at a temperature of 14-16 ° C, but it also withstands lower values ​​(8-10 ° C).At constant high temperature and low humidity( such conditions are common in winter in heated rooms) is affected by a red spider mite. Young specimens are transplanted every 2-3 years. It is necessary to ensure good drainage. It is made up of coarse-grained sand, shards, brick crumbs and charcoal. For cultivation prepare a nutritious mix from a turf the ground, deciduous ground, a hotbed earth, sand( 2: 1: 1: 1).

    Reproduction. Propagated by seeds, which are sown in a light sandy soil with the addition of a small amount of peat and charcoal. You can sprout the seeds in wet( but not wet!) Sand with the addition of charcoal. It germinates at a temperature of 22-25 ° C.C. mitis propagates in a vegetative manner, with the rooting of offspring. This works well at room temperature. Rooted plants grow slowly.