  • Hindoree of Windinda

    Ch. Wendlandiana

    The plant forms relatively large leaves up to 1 m in length. Leaflets are also noticeably larger: up to 40 cm long and 5 cm wide. At the base of the barrel, air adnexal roots are formed. They appear especially large, if the base of the stem is wrapped around with damp material( moss, stick, etc.).

    A hybrid, introduced by gardener F. Katzer at the end of the 19th century, is also known: • Ch. Katzeriana hort.

    ( Ch. Concolor x Ch. Ernesti-augustii).

    The growing conditions for this hybrid are the same as for the genus as a whole.

    Courtship. Plants are not at all demanding on the level of illumination. Perhaps even the content on the northern windows, which is unusual for palm trees. This is explained by the fact that the hoodores are the inhabitants of the dark tropical forests. On the contrary, when placing on the eastern and especially southern windows of the plant, it is necessary to shade curtains from the sun, light curtains or paper. Bright light in combination with dry air weaken the plants, contribute to yellowing and drying up the leaves, leading to damage by the red spider mite. Watered regularly and abundantly( Especially in the summer months).In winter, need watering with warm water( 30 ° C).In the summer they need daily spraying and washing the leaves. The optimum temperature is 20-24 ° С.In winter, the temperature can be lowered to 14-16 ° C.It is necessary to systematically ventilate the room, but not to allow drafts at the same time. The composition of the nutrient mixture should be as follows: turf land, humus earth, peat land, sand( 4: 1: 1: 1/2).

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    Reproduction. Easily propagated by seeds and vegetatively. Seeds can sprout spontaneously( samosevom), hitting the pot of the mother plant. At home, they are sown in moist sand or light sandy peaty-pale soil with the addition of charcoal. Germinate at a temperature of 19-24 ° C.Many offspring species multiply vegetatively, by separating and rooting the offspring. Ch. Ernesti-augustii and Ch. Wendlandiana reproduce by cuttings, which are cut from the stems: each stem must bear the developed accessory roots.

    Chrysalidocarpus yellowish, golden palm

    Chrysalidocarpus lutescens

    Homeland - Madagascar, Comoros.

    The trunk and bases of the petioles of the leaves are yellowish, covered with small black dots. Leaflets are bright green. The total length of the wai( leaves) to 1.5 m. At the base of the trunk of the adnexal buds are formed young shoots.

    Courtship. Requires bright lighting. It grows better near the eastern, south-eastern and southern windows. The optimum temperature in the summer is 22-24 ° C.In winter, the temperature should be at least 16 ° C.Watering in the summer is abundant, daily sprinkling with warm soft water is necessary. In winter, watered moderately( water temperature is not lower than 30 ° C), do not allow the drying of the earth coma. The root neck with protruding accessory roots must be covered with damp material( moss, pectice, coconut fiber).An earth mix is ​​recommended with the following composition: heavy turf ground, light turf ground, peat land, humus earth, sand( 1: 1: 1: 1/2: 1).

    Reproduction. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively, by separating young shoots.