
Hemiparesis right-sided, left-sided: symptoms, treatment, causes

  • Hemiparesis right-sided, left-sided: symptoms, treatment, causes

    What is it: hemiparesis, hemiplegia - a disease that is one of the branches of extensive pathologies related to the classification of paresis or paralysis.

    Is the result of the defeat of higher cortical functions - due to local brain damage. Characterized by a partial loss of sensitivity - incomplete paralysis, either side of the body.

    Is manifested - right-sided, left-sided, upper or lower pathology. The defeat of the same limbs, mostly of the hands, is called spastic( congenital) hemiparesis.

    Clinical evaluation of

    Why hemiparesis develops, and what is it? The clinical picture of hemiparesis allows to determine the degree of brain damage, localization and the nature of pathology. Basically, hemiparesis is evidence of hemispheric focal brain damage. Assessment of the level of pathology of the trunk depends on the manifestation of alternating symptoms in relation to the focus of traumatic compression of the brain.

    Selective, tonic contraction in extensor and pronator, signs of diffuse muscular hypotension in hemiparesis - indicate intracranial hematoma. In medical practice, the degree of hemiparesis is determined by the manifestation of the maximum statistical muscle strength, with a six-point estimate:
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    1. 1) Zero points - loss of muscle activity in the muscles.
    2. 2) One point is marked - absolutely insignificant muscular contractions with the preservation of hardly noticeable stirring. Refers to a pronounced form of hemiplegia.
    3. 3) Two points are estimated - the total volume of movements with the presence of support( provided there is no external resistance)
    4. 4) Three points corresponds to the total volume of active movement( with external counteraction) of the limbs.
    5. 5) Four points corresponds - an easy form of reduction of statistical muscle strength
    6. 6) Five points is estimated - the total preservation of statistical muscle strength.
    The consequence of hemiparesis in most cases is spastic pathology in various departments - central paralysis.

    Causes of hemiparesis

    The cause of the disease is a multitude of congenital anomalies characterized by abnormal development, and acquired pathologies as a result of various reasons.

    • stem cells outside and intracerebral tumors.
    • epidural and intracerebral trauma.
    • as a result of subdural hydromas of a traumatic nature.
    • cerebral strokes, heart attacks, and acute ischemia.
    • as a result of a parenchymal hemorrhage.
    • of intracerebral hematoma
    • due to carotid artery thrombosis
    • in Todd's paralysis( as a result of epileptic seizure), Phara disease( presence of brain stones), hysteria.
    • for multiple sclerosis, and hemiplegic migraine, spontaneous or hereditary.
    • for syphilitic gum( soft tissue swelling) and Brown-Sikar syndrome( cervical spinal cord)
    In children, hemiplegia is often congenital in nature, due to fetal development of brain pathologies or as a result of labor activity in traumas of nerve roots causing jamming. As a rule, it is manifested by left-sided pathology.

    Symptoms of hemiparesis of right-sided, left-sided

    Symptoms of hemiparesis depends on the location and degree of brain damage. The main symptoms are:

    1. 1) Manifestations of agnosia - violations of a different type of perception;
    2. 2) Violation of speech;
    3. 3) Manifestations of emotional and personality disorders;
    4. 4) Sensitivity disorders in the innervation zones;
    5. 5) Manifestation of unilateral or bilateral apraxia( inaction)
    6. 6) Systematic epileptic seizures.
    Many of these manifestations are accompanied by:

    • with prolonged headaches;
    • fever;
    • lack of appetite;
    • great fatigue;
    • joint pain;
    • by sharp weight loss.
    The presence of spasticity( involuntary movements) suggests that the connection of the brain and limbs is not lost and this is a good sign that gives patients hope for successful treatment.

    Treatment of hemiparesis

    The main thing in the treatment of hemiplegia is as early as possible to start individual medication and the appointment of a cycle of measures aimed at normalizing muscle tone. To do this:

    1. 1) Systemic and drug therapy - is aimed at eliminating the cause of paralysis and getting rid of tremors of the extremities.
    2. 2) Selection of exercises for therapeutic gymnastics, for the restoration of fine motor skills;
    3. 3) Water gymnastics and Nordic walking;
    4. 4) Healing mud in combination with massage - vortex, physiotherapy and hydro-massage on the limbs.
    5. 5) Reflexotherapy.
    Timely treatment and compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor, allows you to quickly put children on their feet, and already to achieve adolescence from pathologies may not remain a trace.

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