
Is it possible to stop the development of Alzheimer's disease?

  • Is it possible to stop the development of Alzheimer's disease?

    Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common progressive forms of dementia, mainly manifested after 50 years. Signs of this disease loss of short-term memory, changes in behavior and intelligence, slowing thinking. Studies have shown that it is possible to minimize memory impairment and halt the development of Alzheimer's disease.

    The effectiveness of treatment of this disease lies in the early diagnosis and taking measures to treat this disease. With this disease, you must adhere to proper nutrition.

    Fresh fruit, green vegetables, mostly leafy, cereal and soy products are useful for the brain. These products, due to the fact that they are enriched with antioxidants, phytonutrients and other useful substances, can protect from damage to the brain cells. In food, you must eat foods that are low in fat. Since fat can block the arteries of the brain, which leads to a decrease in blood flow.

    Thanks to research, it has been proven that animals have a very beneficial effect on people with Alzheimer's disease. Communication with animals has a beneficial effect on people with this disease.

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    The intake of vitamins E and C, can delay the development of dementia. Physical activity also has a positive effect on slowing the development of dementia, since even minor physical activity improves blood flow to the brain and saturates it with nutrients.

    A positive effect on the suspension of the development of the disease is provided by brain training. Reading and discussion of the information received, solving crosswords, learning foreign languages ​​- well promotes interconnections to brain cells, which significantly reduces the risk of developing the disease.

    It is very important to avoid stress when treating this disease. When stress is damaged cells of the brain. From stress you can get rid of meditation and relaxation, or just sit, remembering something pleasant.

    There are also medicines to combat Alzheimer's disease. For example, at the first stage of the disease, it is possible to slow down the development with the help of drugs Aricept, Exelon, Reminyl. Ibuprofen may also delay or prevent its development. But before you start medication, you need to see a doctor.

    Suspension of Alzheimer's disease is possible only with early diagnosis. This is the most important condition in the treatment of this disease. In the case when the disease is missed, unfortunately, the disease can not be suspended. As the disease progresses with great speed.

    There are also no ways to prevent or cure Alzheimer's disease, but there are positive aspects of progress in this direction. For most dementia diseases, it takes many years to develop them.

    Therefore, the earlier the disease is diagnosed and the measures taken to prevent brain diseases are taken, the greater the chances of maintaining health over many years.

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