  • How and why should you forget the person you love?

    Everyone has experienced attachment and disappointment at least once in life, as we all consist of romance, dreams and emotions, especially if we love. But here, unfortunately, we must also say that we are not always loved by each other, and then the time of painful questions begins: "maybe he( she) will return - he will call. ..", "He( she) is the most( the)the best and I will never see such a person again. .. ", etc. Such a state is not just an unpleasant sensation, but literally unbearable. It is quite possible to equate even to an easy indisposition, spoiling our vulnerable mentality. But how much precious time can it take? So without bringing the desired result. ..

    So let's collect all the forces into a fist and forget about this man!
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    When should you forget about a person?

    One effective tool with exhausted relationships is to take on your own and start a recovery phase that will surely bear fruit. To rid yourself of the painful thoughts of a departed partner, it is necessary to display the following signals in your relations with him:

    1. Complete absence of contact on his part and on his initiative.

    2. Failure under any pretext more than once in a meeting proposed by you( even with a ghost seemingly valid for that reason).

    3. Complete indifference to you as to the person and to what is happening in your life.

    4. The appearance of your partner with another person of the opposite sex in different places and treason.

    As you can see, there are not many of these signs at all, but they are absolute proof that you are not interested in this person, to put it mildly, as a person, and further relations( maybe besides regular intimate ones) from him is simply not logical, yesand basically stupid."But how so!? And three months of correspondence, a year of relations, a joint vacation in Sochi, and his romantic calls and sms. ..!? "- what was it, exclaim you. Does this all mean nothing?- Does not mean! The partner's remote behavior, especially after a certain time of joint relations( if, of course, you have not done bad things, such as he / she was changed or made another rash act) in reality signals only one unpleasant thing for you - the relationship is no more, andthere will not be, as though to you it was sad not.

    So, how to treat yourself from the old burdensome links, how to forget the person you love? If you are wondering if this is possible, then we answer categorically that yes - it is possible. Let's look at the psychology of this process together.

    An example of bad relations
    The fact that a pair of two people - one loves, and the other takes this love, there is nothing strange. Much here really depends on the initial association with the ideal partner, which somewhere deep in the subconscious is for each of us and that real real person with whom we are in a concrete connection. So, for example, if the "your" type of person is a small growth of a tightly built brunette, then, having met such a man, you will be half already "defeated" by him. And his type of woman, for example, a fair-haired girl with hair up to the waist, but he chose you, although you are brown-haired and have a very short haircut. But you have long legs and dimples on your cheeks, when you smile, which attracted his attention to you. After all, he likes it too. But not like a princess with long hair. .. What will be the result?

    Of course, in terms of the "painfulness" of a possible separation, it will be in his favor. After all, you were already far from his ideal. And so you will suffer completely in vain. This is the first explanation for the painful partings that never end in the head of one "abandoned" partner. The second explanation is in the person's head and no images of pre-love for themselves have.

    Which people should I forget?

    So, let's examine three types of people with whom it is unlikely to build a lasting relationship.

    Smoothies are born rarely. But they often become. Basically, this happens very simply, according to the standard life plan. A guy or a girl at a young age does not enjoy the attention of classmates( which they often because of their own self-shyness and it seems).A few years later, when the appearance of such a girl or boyfriend changes( again, as it seems to the other, the better side), the happiest event for them usually happens. Namely, that someone will certainly show increased interest to them. In 99% of such cases, this interest is only a flirtation, which our "nasty duckling" probably does not know at all.

    After breaking the relationship, the "duckling" instead of "snow-white swan" turns, most likely, into a skilful "manipulator", which prefers to hurt the partner first. Just so that you do not experience this feeling yourself one more time. From this begins a "duckling" a whole series of unrelated links, which he himself breaks off standard, and for reasons unclear to both partners. As a rule, such "ducklings" improve first of all their appearance and prefer to be in the center of attention due to their irresistibility. Although in fact they are only looking for a way to express oneself by bringing pain to another person.

    Of course, many "ugly ducklings" in this life are not so nasty. In them you can really fall in love and attribute thereby many beautiful invented qualities. But their determination to break the relationship does not allow the affairs of the heart to go in a stable direction. Such a relationship can only be quickly broken and let go of such a person. In addition to "ugly ducklings" there are several more categories that are not used to quiet harbor life together.

    "Dreamers" that destroy communication, people are completely unpredictable, and therefore especially dangerous. They themselves believe in their nonexistent ideal. And they believe in him so truly and sincerely that they also force the partner to believe in his game called "serious relationship".At a certain point, when things like at work or somewhere else are going wrong, their idea of ​​an "ideal partner" is, however, bursting.

    They suddenly discover an unpleasant odor of perfume, either too thick a nose or full thighs and begin to enter a state of stupor, looking for any excuse to part. At such a moment, not even a person, but the connection itself starts to irritate them. They try to get rid of this burden as soon as possible and just disappear from your life! This, as a rule, cases when a person says "I will call back. .." and does not call and does not write and does not come. Never!

    "Great nehochuha. ."
    This person, as a rule, is by no means a scoundrel in his human essence. He really is looking for a serious relationship - he finds and actively supports! But in his heart he does not understand that he is absolutely not ready to take responsibility for another person. And the older this "type" becomes, the more difficult it will be to incline, that is, to accustom it to a normal healthy connection, implying, in the final analysis, the union of two adults. Typical "great nehuchuhi" have the following pronounced identification signs:

    • The habit of suddenly disappearing and appearing, as if nothing had happened, "saturating" the beginning of the conversation with a non-binding joke or standard question: "hello, how are you?".

    • Surface interest in your personality. Talk about parents, work, generally your way of being, is usually ALWAYS translated into a joke and there are no deepening in this topic.

    • A propensity to joint visit only entertainment facilities in order to. .. have fun.

    • The embarrassment will appear with you sick, not "so" dressed, just cleaning potatoes or even afraid to relax once more. ..( increased mannerisms, fabulous perception of ordinary reality)

    "Great nehochuha" seems to want love and family, but does not knowto the end, what does this mean by itself. He lives in his little world, woven from only his led ideals. By the way, this type of person can be really true to his partner and not give cause for betrayal. Promotion of the same relationship with him in the mainstream "family, children. .." is usually completely excluded.

    So, if you are really looking for a serious relationship - recognize non-serious partners in time and drop them. Rehabilitate your soul and look further. And make sure that you will be absolutely happy. Now let's look at the break-up period and the stage of "recovery", what is happening in them and how to behave correctly in this case.

    What to do after parting, to quickly forget your loved one?

    So, it happened. .. All. You are no longer together."When will he finally call?!. .. Maybe something happened. ..?" - Remember forever, such a simple rule, if something has happened, you will be called even faster than if nothing happened at all. Of course, if your relationship was really serious. Otherwise, keep in mind that a person has left and returned, i.e.renew contact - do not intend. What are your actions here that are correct? Here is a short instruction of these actions.

    - Do not call, do not write, do not say hello.
    Because you did not disappear, and he. According to the sober logic of a healthy human mind, the first must make itself felt - just announced.

    - Do not guard the "loss" and do not try to meet suddenly.
    From this it is better neither you nor him( her) will not. After all, this way you force the "loss" to explain something. Well, and what can be frank conversations on compulsion? !

    - AVOID the places where you can face him( her) nose to nose.
    Thus, you get rid of yourself - from unpleasant explanations, and he( she) gives you the opportunity once again to think about your bad behavior, to put it mildly.

    - REMOVE all contact details of the missing person.
    Your data is with it - it probably still remains, because it's not you who "disappeared".And in general, even if he( her) has had your contacts, think about whether you need a person who calls you in case you did not call anyone else on "this evening". .. It's sad and cruel? But the truth! So, remove everything under a clean one. In addition, bearing in mind the weak character of some people, it will be better for them not to have access to the contact information of the "missing person", so as not to create "stupidities".For example, after taking alcohol.

    - If "missing" still calls, carefully listen to the cause of the loss. If it does not follow - do not insist on its scoring. AND THE MOST PAST.
    Believe me - this tactic will be the most correct. First, you will remain a man worthy of respect, even in your own eyes. Secondly, you will teach the abuser. Well, and thirdly, you do not need a person who does not consider it necessary to explain the reason for his loss. Since he himself does not put you in anything. Well, what kind of serious relationship can be built on this attitude to you?

    Methods, how to forget the person you love, and reduce the pain after parting?

    Actually, "recovering" from love is not difficult, but it will not be possible to do it as quickly as one would like."Out of sight - out of mind!" - this saying is not so pointless. If you do not see the object of your sighs for a long time and do not hear his voice, you seem to fix your own, still painful attachment to a person, only based on an old memory. That is, at the time where you were still together. As the statistics show( collected by the specialists of the Vse-Sekrety.com website), only 13% out of 100 people found each other the same coveted and attractive, after seeing a lot of time. And the rest of the percent did not even recognize the face or figure of the partner. So, here's a practical guide to cleaning the "soul":

    1. Make a rearrangement in the house - change the tablecloths, curtains on the windows, floor mats.
    This is a good psychological move. Changing the usual interior, where you have been thinking still attached to a person - will take you to reality, where it no longer exists. You will start life as a clean slate, which means that the feeling will become more dull and, in the end, disappear.

    2. Find yourself any routine for every day. For example, start learning a foreign language. Or invite your friends to tea each day.
    As all the same psychology shows, distraction through other sources of "unloading" completely switches the consciousness of a person and makes him not think about the past. What dulls the pain from the experienced gap is exactly three times. In addition, you can actually do useful things during this time.

    3. Get to know the person who is interested in you.
    Communicating with another partner, even on a friendly basis, will not let you go deeper into your pain, all the further putting to yourself a pointless question - "Will he or she call?" In fact, it does not matter whether he calls or not. The important thing is that you, thus, will drive your "wedge" of a mortal stupor and stop perceiving reality inadequately, that is, dreaming and living in the past. Which, of course, will also return you to the promised land.

    Of course, writing advice and following them is two big differences. After all, our heart is made from living tissues, not from microcircuits. But you must clearly understand through all the indignation and pain of loss that all the time spent on waiting is time wasted. After all, you can not deceive fate. So build it yourself, make lemonade out of lemonade, as the great Dale Carnegie wrote. And you will certainly see that this will help you to become cheerful, cheerful again and most importantly - a free person !Good luck!

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