  • Are there anti-cellulite cosmetics?

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    Yes, there is. It is produced by many world leaders in the manufacture of cosmetics. Anti-cellulite cosmetics are available in various forms-gels, lotions, creams, aromatic oils, etc. The main conditions for the production of anti-cellulite cosmetics are ease of use, little time and effort with satisfactory results.

    The gel has one important property - it does not need to be rubbed into the skin. When applied to the body, it is absorbed almost immediately, leaving no residue on the clothing. Non-alcoholic anti-cellulite gel is perfect for sensitive skin type, gives a feeling of freshness and acts like a deodorant.

    It takes more time to apply the cream, since it needs to be rubbed with massaging movements in order to absorb the active substance into the skin. Therefore, creams are often offered in combination with small mechanical devices for massage.

    The advantage of creams is that, due to a smaller metabolism of active substances, their effect is longer. Active substances stay longer in the skin, better contribute to the process of removing from the tissues of liquid, and with it slags.

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    There are thermal cracks, the action of which also warms the surface of the skin, which, in turn, makes it easier to get rid of water in fat cells. Redness of the skin can last for a long time, so if you often have hemorrhages or you suffer from varicose veins, use this cream very carefully, without forgetting to consult a cosmetologist in advance.

    Since the time when scientists have announced that in the fight against women with cellulite, aminophilin containing creams are really very effective, several such creams have been introduced to the markets around the world.

    Some of them have an extract from highly effective Chinese plants. They are based on the silanoteopheline combination of ingredients. In addition, they contain aminophylline, ginkgo biloba, and netssterovolovye components, recently discovered and developed in China, the US and Europe.

    This cream easily and deeply affects any part of the body where the skin is deformed and sagged. After a few weeks, the folds disappear, the body becomes much slimmer, and the skin - smooth and soft.

    Along with anti-cellulite creams, use ointments that enhance the effects of techniques on the skin. Most creams to reduce the volume of the thighs and buttocks act simply by removing excess water from fat cells. But the water soon returns again to the fat cells, so the results of the effects of the creams are only temporary.

    In those areas of the body where cellulite is formed, fat is delayed and not released due to poor circulation of blood near the surface of the skin. Normal reduction of fat cells occurs when hormones in the blood release fat from cells, hitting the receptors on the outer wall of the cell. But since the blood circulation in the areas of cellulite accumulation is very poor, the receptors are inactive, and the fat cells continue to store and store fat, rather than isolate it.

    A special ointment used in tandem with an anti-cellulite cream contains hydroiodide, ethiodized oil and silanol, which act on subcutaneous fat deposits, improve the appearance of uneven, cellulite-affected skin. This ointment helps to remove postnatal stretch marks and tumors.

    If the cream is combined with a wrap or a deep cellulite massage, the results are much more effective, and appear in a shorter period. And together with gymnastic exercises, proper nutrition, a cream with the correct application of them will help you achieve incredible results.

    Lotion, like a gel, is easily applied to the skin: it is enough to sprinkle the skin lightly. It quickly absorbs and dries, without making the skin greasy and shiny, as it has a water-alcohol base. The use of lotion should be discarded due to individual intolerance to his body and allergic reactions.

    Oils are indispensable when conducting an electric massage. Oil creates a protective film on the skin and promotes better transmission of electrical impulses to muscle tissue.

    Jelly does not contain fats and is prepared from substances that absorb water well. Such substances are mainly gelatin, agar and starch. Jelly are solutions of these substances in the water-glycerin medium.

    They are used in cases where the skin does not tolerate the fats that make up cosmetic products. It is suitable for oily and normal skin. There are various recipes for making jelly. Here are two of them.

    Jelly "Glycerol"

    Required: glycerin 56 g, water 40 g.corn flour - 4 g.

    Preparation: Mix all the ingredients and let the mixture stand for two hours to make it more homogeneous.

    Jelly "Honey"

    Requires gelatin - 3 g, rose water - 34 g, boric acid - 3 g, honey - 1 g, glycerin - 50 g.

    Preparation: gelatin is dissolved in rose water, add boric acid, and then pour in the heated honey. Stir well and allow to stand for 4-5 hours.