  • Methods and frequency of fertilizer application

    Special place in the fertilizer system of fruit and berry plants, which are perennial crops, should be given preplant soil preparation, in which a better improvement of the soil structure and nutrient enrichment of the root layer can be achieved for a long time. It is during the laying of plantations that obligatory application of organic fertilizers is required. They ensure the conservation and reproduction of humus, the organic matter of the soil, which determines its fertility, improve the physicochemical properties and increase the effectiveness of the application of mineral fertilizers.

    In the young planting of pome and stone fruit crops, the first 4-5 years of fertilization are carried out all over the entire area of ​​the pristrial circle.

    Then the application zone is expanded, spreading them around the tree according to the projection of the crown. Fix fertilizers digging, trying not to damage the roots: the stem - smaller, to the periphery of the crown - deeper.

    If the garden is under sinking( with regular mowing of grass and leaving it in place), then care for it includes the following works:

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    - the annual application in the spring of high doses of nitrogen fertilizers( 1.5-2 g ai per 1 m2);

    - frequent mowing of grass in the first half of summer - after 7-10 days, then - after 14-20 days, not allowing grass height above 10 cm;

    - top dressing( after the next mowing) with small doses of nitrogen fertilizers simultaneously with watering 2-3 times per season;

    - systematic watering of the garden in a dry time.

    In fertile orchards, fertilizers are dispersed evenly over the entire area of ​​the near-trunk circles and row spacing.

    It is possible to introduce fertilizers and foci into wells, grooves or furrows. At 1 m2, 1-2 wells are made to a depth of up to 40 cm( for an adult tree, 16-25 wells).Fertilizers are applied in dry or liquid form, with mandatory filling of the wells with soil. In the second case, fertilizers are introduced into furrows or small grooves( depth - 25 cm, width - 25-30 cm) along the projection of the tree crown. After applying fertilizers to the furrows are covered with soil.

    The area of ​​fertilizer application for gooseberry is located mainly under the crown of the bush, the currant and raspberry quickly overflows. The main method of application is entirely over the entire area, with a seal at a depth that does not allow severe damage to the roots. Especially carefully it is necessary to seal up fertilizers on raspberries, since the root system is located close to the surface( the most saturated layer is 10-20 cm).In addition, the preservation of the buds that form on the roots, which later give rise to the replacement shoots, on which the crop will be formed, also dictate the need for careful sealing of the fats. Fertilizers on strawberries are applied all over the whole area, since the root system is powerful, highly branched and is not deep( up to 90% of the roots are in the soil layer up to 15-20 cm).

    The periodicity and timing of fertilizer application also depends on the mechanical composition of the soil. Since organic, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers have sufficient aftereffect, clay and loamy soils can be applied periodically once in 3-4 years in autumn or spring, correspondingly increasing doses in 3-4 times. On light soils, organic and phosphoric fertilizers can be applied 1 time in 2 years, and potash fertilizers - only annually. At the same time, the term for entering is spring.

    Nitrogen fertilizers are applied annually on all types of soils, better in two terms: in the first half of the vegetation period( in the spring before flowering) and at the end of June and the beginning of July.

    At this time, nitrogen storage in the soil is not great, and its consumption of fruit and berry plants is particularly active in the spring and early summer, when leaves, shoots and fruits grow intensively.

    On strawberries on all soils, in contrast to other crops, half of the nitrogen dose is applied in the spring, and the second half and the entire dose of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers after harvesting. This is due to the fact that the nitrogen fertilizer introduced in the spring has a stronger effect on the formation than on the harvest. To aggravate this by introducing a full dose of nitrogen should not be. In addition, due to the fact that the end of fructification for strawberries is the time for the laying of the future crop, it is very important to give extra food just after harvesting.

    As for the forms of nitrogen fertilizers for fruit and berry plants, almost all those that are commercially available are suitable. The most concentrated solid nitrogen fertilizer is urea( or carbamide).It contains 46% nitrogen. You can also use ammonium sulfate( 21% nitrogen) or ammonium-sodium sulfate( 16% nitrogen).On acidic soils, sodium( 16% nitrogen) or calcium nitrate( 17% nitrogen) should be preferred, as they have an alkalinizing effect.

    To provide fruit trees and berry bushes with nitrogen, you need to make any of the nitrogen fertilizers, focusing on the following approximate doses( g per 1 m2): urea - 15-20, calcium nitrate - 40-50, sodium nitrate - 25-30, ammonium sulfate- 30-40.If phosphorus and potassium fertilizers have not been introduced since the fall, then these fats can be given in the spring. In this case, it is convenient to use complex fertilizers that have two or more nutrients in their composition. For example, you can make any of the following fertilizers: nitrophosco - 55-75 g / m2, nitroammophosco, carboammofuscus, diammonitrofusco - 35-50 g / m2, fruit and berry mixture - 100-135 g / m2.

    Due to the fact that nitrogen fertilizers are readily soluble and easily move in the soil, nitrogen slow-acting fertilizers can be used to slow down the intake of excess nitrogen in plants. Their positive property lies in the fact that they give the plants food elements gradually, as necessary. The prolonged( prolonged) action of these fertilizers is provided by coating( encapsulation of their granules) with special membranes of different degrees of permeability or using less soluble salts as fertilizers. The most well-known slow-acting nitrogen fertilizers are MFU( urea formaldehyde fertilizer) with a content of 38-40% nitrogen, ammonia-zeolitic nitrate with additions of zeolite from 15 to 24%, and others.