  • Hepatosis of the liver: the whole truth about the treatment

    Hepatosis of the liver is a disease in which there is a disruption of nutrition and metabolism in the liver cells( hepatocytes), there are dystrophic changes in the liver parenchyma.

    In other words, normal healthy liver cells are replaced by fat, there is fatty infiltration. In people, this disease is also called "fatty liver".

    Causes of the disease

    Physicians distinguish two forms of hepatosis of the liver:

    1. acute
    2. chronic

    The causes of the development of this disease include:

    • excess weight,
    • abrupt changes in body weight,
    • metabolic disorders,
    • long-term drug intake,
    • alcohol abuse(alcoholic hepatosis).

    Acute hepatosis occurs with toxic liver damage. Causes of development: poisoning with arsenic, fluorine, phosphorus, poisonous inedible fungi, taking high doses of alcohol, certain medications.

    Often acute hepatosis occurs with complications of sepsis or viral hepatitis. Chronic form is most often associated with alcoholism, also the cause may be:

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    • severe forms of pancreatitis,
    • enteritis,
    • deficiency of vitamins or protein,
    • effect of bacterial toxins,
    • toxins effect with hepatropic action( carbon black carbon, organic phosphorus compounds),
    • metabolic disordersin the body( obesity, thyrotoxicosis, hypovitaminosis, diabetes mellitus, etc.).

    In the progression and intensification of dystrophic changes, in addition to the direct effect of the damaging factor, toxicological and allergic processes also play a significant role. With prolonged toxic or fat load on the human body, hepatosis usually develops to 40 years. But in recent years, younger people are also facing this disease.

    Diagnosis of

    Disease Hepatic hepatosis is usually diagnosed on the basis of the following studies:

    • patient complaints,
    • clinical picture,
    • blood biochemistry,
    • ultrasound
    • computerized tomography.

    Of course, the final diagnosis can be set biopsy of the hepatic tissue, in the study of which the fat drops are found. When ultrasound is diagnosed with liver enlargement, rounded edges, a diffuse change in its echogenicity( increase), the structure of the liver parenchyma remains intact, but "granularity", uneven density appears. Computer tomography reveals areas of fatty infiltration around unchanged hepatic tissue.

    Symptoms of liver hepatosis are characterized by:

    • nausea,
    • problems in digestion of food,
    • pain in the right upper quadrant,
    • rarely itching, jaundice, fever.

    The most constant sign of this disease is an enlarged liver. Pain can be either palpation or permanent. Hepatosis persists for a long time, and exacerbations can be associated with physical, mental stress, alcohol intake or infection.

    Alcoholic hepatosis is typical for the abuse of ethanol-containing beverages. Alcohol leads to an increase in the proportion of fatty acids that enter the liver, and also disrupts the transformation of free fatty acids and lipids in the muscles.

    A prolonged course of alcoholic hepatosis leads to alcoholic hepatitis, and further to the development of liver cirrhosis - a serious disease, when the parenchymal tissue of the liver is replaced by a fibrous tissue. Hepatosis in pregnancy is associated primarily with an increase in sex hormones - estrogens in the body of a woman, with an increase in the viscosity of bile and manifests itself in the form of nausea and pruritus. The development of the disease can cause a number of complications, including hypoxia of the fetus.

    Can liver hepatosis be cured?

    Treatment of liver hepatosis is possible under the strict supervision of a specialist. First and foremost, therapy should be focused on excluding the causes, symptoms of frustrated digestion, on the regeneration of liver function. In this case, nutrition plays a significant role. It is with the correction of nutrition you need to start treatment for hepatosis. It is strictly contraindicated:

    • alcoholic beverages,
    • fatty and fried foods.

    Balanced dietary nutrition prevents the development of this disease. It is necessary to limit the intake of foods rich in cholesterol, table salt. But to increase foods rich in fiber, vitamins, pectin, carbohydrates, drink more liquid.

    All dishes need to cook for a couple, boil or bake, but not fry. Diets with hepatosis are strict, but adhering to it you can significantly improve your health. Do not consume foods such as green onions, garlic, legumes, tomatoes and mushrooms, fat meats, strong broths( both vegetable and meat), coffee, carbonated drinks, cocoa, smoked products, pickles, canned foods. It is useful to eat cereals, fresh salads, dairy products.

    After elimination of the causative factor, prescribe course medication. Drugs used in the treatment of liver hepatosis contribute to reducing fat and cholesterol levels in the blood, increase sensitivity to insulin, reduce inflammation of the liver in the patient. These drugs:

    • reducing the degree of lipids( fats) in the body,
    • improving blood flow in the body,
    • insulin-containing.

    Regularly, every 2-3 months, assess the physical condition and well-being of the patient, once every six months they perform ultrasound. Of course, there are also folk remedies for treating liver hepatosis. These are cholagogue collections of herbs, which are taken internally by courses every month.

    Even with improvement of well-being, treatment should not be stopped. Very good for this disease helps decoctions of corn stigmas and dogrose. A good preventive effect has apricot kernels, the nucleoli of which are eaten daily in an amount of 3-5 pieces.

    They are rich in B15 vitamins, they help to normalize liver function and to regulate bile secretion. But before you start treatment with folk methods, you should always consult with your doctor.

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