
Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children: on guard of health vitamins and medicinal herbs

  • Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children: on guard of health vitamins and medicinal herbs

    The most common infectious disease recently is aphthous stomatitis, which is also referred to as an aphthous ulcer. For this pathology is characterized by the presence of rashes in the mouth of numerous ulcers, due to which it is often confused with herpes. The risk group includes children of different age groups. Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children requires correct care and use of pain medications.

    The Dangerous Stage of

    The degree of permanent recurrence, or chronic aphthous stomatitis in children, is in some ways a puzzle for physicians, since the mechanism of its inception is still in the process of detection. With confidence, doctors can only say that there is a link between pathology and the state of the immune system. The presence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and blood also plays a role.

    The main causes of the disease, according to doctors, are associated with the course of an allergic reaction and a decrease in the protective functions of immunity. According to some reports, chronic aphthous stomatitis in children develops against a background of genetic predisposition.

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    There are children from one to three years at risk. This age is characterized by active knowledge of the world. A child can get sick just because he pulled a toy or hand into his mouth.

    How does the disease manifest itself?

    Symptoms of aphthous stomatitis in children are almost identical to those of a cold. Pathology develops gradually, and each of its stages has its own signs.

    Specialists in the field of medicine distinguish the following symptoms of aphthous stomatitis in children:

    1. Lethargy, malaise.
    2. Loss of appetite.
    3. The presence of high temperature.
    4. Inflammation of the occipital lymph nodes.
    5. Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes.
    6. Changing the shade of the mucosa.
    7. The emergence of specific ulcers( topical for the progression of pathology in the second stage), whose diameter is five millimeters.
    8. Strong painful sensations during eating and talking.

    Professional child care

    To avoid unpleasant consequences, the treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children should be performed by a qualified doctor. The main methods should be considered:

    • treatment of the mouth with a solution of hydrogen peroxide( often using a solution of baking soda);
    • application overlays on the affected areas.

    Features of nutrition

    Aphthotic stomatitis in children involves a delicate approach. It is important to revise its diet and exclude from it not only aggressive products( citrus and sour), but also made from them juices.

    Temporary taboo should become and products such as:

    • garlic;
    • chocolate;
    • sugar;
    • wheat.

    During the healing of aphthous ulcers, one must feed the patient with aphthous stomatitis with natural yoghurts, which contain live cultures. It's good to include soups and soups in the diet.

    The use of food additives

    Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children should be comprehensive. In accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician, it is necessary to give the sick child nutritional supplements. Sufficiently effective means in the fight against aphthous stomatitis in children is considered to be:

    1. Vitamin C, which contributes to the rapid regeneration of tissues( the most desirable is to use non-acidic calcium ascorbate, which is not acid-aphitic).
    2. Multivitamins that supply substances that are weakened to a child's body, which help to restore damaged tissues.
    3. Zinc, which promotes the strengthening of immunity and healing of affected areas of the skin.
    4. Probiotics, due to which enter into the mouth cavity accompanying the rapid healing of damaged skin areas of bacteria.

    Application of medicinal plants

    Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children allows such medicinal plants as:

    1. Mirra( you should apply a little undiluted myrrh to a cotton swab and treat the painful area).
    2. Propolis( it is most desirable to use tincture or spray).
    3. Licorice root( glycyrrhinate), which, when diluted in a glass of boiled water, should be insisted, and then given to the patient to rinse the mouth.


    Often in the treatment of dangerous pathology, unconventional methods are used, the most common of which is aromatherapy. This method involves regular rinses. The healing solution is prepared as follows:

    • combine the oils of lavender, eucalyptus and tea tree( one drop);
    • to stir one teaspoon of baking soda;
    • dissolve all the ingredients in one glass( two hundred milligrams) of boiled water;
    • rinse at least four times a day.

    No less popular are applications intended for application to affected areas of the skin. To make the application it is necessary: ​​

    • several drops of vegetable oil mixed with a similar number of drops of tea tree oil;
    • apply to the bandage and attach to problem areas for twenty minutes.

    It is important to remember

    Treatment of pathology will not be long and tedious if it is detected in a timely manner. Unfortunately, often the trip to the doctor is delayed due to the fact that the symptoms of the early stage of the disease are confused by parents with signs of ARVI.

    Treatment of acute form can last for several months. Sometimes a patient needs intensive care in a hospital setting.

    In order to avoid relapses, it is necessary to disaccustom the child from bad habits in time and encourage him to properly comply with hygiene requirements.

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