  • Hernia of the cervical spine: symptoms, treatment, causes, diagnosis

    The intervertebral hernia is an extreme degree of osteochondrosis of the spine, that is, it is a far-reaching stage, especially if timely treatment was absent.

    Osteochondrosis is a degenerative and dystrophic lesion of discs that connect the bodies of adjacent vertebrae.

    Depending on the level of damage, the hernia can be classified as follows:

    1. 1) Cervical hernia
    2. 2) Breast department
    3. 3) Herniation of the lumbosacral portion, which is most often diagnosed.
    According to statistical data, the prevalence of intervertebral hernia ranges from 7 to 10%.The disease, as a rule, begins at the age of 30-40 years, but the patient for medical help addresses after some time( about 10 years already passes).In the structure of the total incidence of intervertebral hernia, cervical lesions account for 35-40% of all cases.

    Causes of cervical hernia

    Finally, the causes that lead to the development of the intervertebral hernia of the cervical region, have not been clarified. Therefore, different theories distinguish, but none of them can fully explain why it develops.
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    At present, this disease is considered as multifactorial, that is, various causes lead to it. Among the main causative factors are the following:

    • weighed down the heredity
    • metabolic disorders
    • overweight
    • increased physical activity
    • microcirculation disorder in the cartilaginous tissue
    • allergic mood
    • traumatic spine injury
    • spinal cord anomalies, etc.

    Symptoms of the hernia of the cervical spine

    The main clinical syndromes of the hernia of the cervical spine are the following:

    1. 1) Instability of the spinal column, that is, the vertebrae are not fixed to each other, as it should
    2. 2) Disturbance of the spine biomechanics in the affected
    3. 3)core.
    All these pathogenetic changes cause the emergence of specific symptoms of the hernia of the cervical region, which are characterized by:

    • neck pain
    • paresthesia, which are associated with the jamming of nerve roots. They show crawling sensation in the hands, face, neck, back
    • weakness of the neck muscles that is associated with trophic disorders
    • numbness in the hands of
    • dizziness
    • headache that can be very intense
    • staggering gait
    • impaired coordination of movements
    • can suffer the function of the pelvicorgans, which is manifested by incontinence of urine, feces, gases.
    It is important to note that for a long time the hernia of the cervical spine may have some other disease, for which the patient is unsuccessfully treated. Usually it's about essential hypertension, heart disease, etc.

    Diagnosis of the cervical hernia

    Diagnostic search for suspected cervical spine is the following:

    • X-ray
    • computed tomography
    • nuclear magnetic resonance.
    Neurological examination is also important. It allows to reveal the degree of violation of organs, which are innervated by these nerve roots.

    With the help of X-ray study it is possible to detect the presence of protrusion in the region of the cervical spine. Usually, the same side shows muscle atrophy, which develops from inaction. Confirm this state allows elekroneyromiograficheskoe study assessing the nerve conduction in the muscle tissue.

    Treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine

    Treatment of the intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine is performed both by conservative and operative methods, depending on indications and contraindications.

    Conservative treatment includes the following measures:

    • massage
    • physiotherapy
    • chondroprotectors that allow partial restoration of the cartilaginous tissue structure
    • antiplatelet agents preventing the development of thromboses that contribute to the progression of
    • disease non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that effectively stop the pain syndrome developing with this disease
    • , when ineffective, shows the use of corticosteroids, which can be prescribed inide local injection.

    Surgical treatment of the cervical hernia aims to restore the normal anatomical structure of the spine, as well as the creation of a fixing support for the affected segment of the spinal column. Clinical improvement occurs almost immediately after the end of the recovery postoperative period. However, there are also definitions of the disadvantages of this method of treatment, which include:

    1. 1) The possibility of recurrence of hernia
    2. 2) Traumatization of the spine during surgery, which can also lead to disability.

    Prevention of cervical hernia

    Preventive measures for the prevention of intervertebral hernia are as follows:

    • weight loss
    • performing gymnastic exercises that affect the cervical spine( see exercises for hernia)
    • blood coagulation monitoring to detect underlying disorders in the
    • folding systemtimely treatment of anomalies in the development of the spine
    • with the development of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is shown wearing a specialof fixing corset, well-proven massage and physiotherapy.
    In conclusion, it should be noted that the hernia of the cervical spine is a fairly common disease that affects a person even at a working age.

    In the absence of timely treatment, which is observed quite often, the disease progresses steadily, limiting the habitual way of life of a person. Therefore, when the first clinical signs of the hernia of the cervical department appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for help. Treatment, which he will appoint, is complex and includes both medicines and methods of physical impact.

    The doctor also determines the indications for surgical treatment, which allows to solve the problem cardinally( but there are certain complications of the surgical method of treatment).

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