  • Superficial gastritis: symptoms and treatment, diet, prevention

    What it is? One of the most important diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is gastritis, especially the superficial.

    Catarrhal or superficial gastritis is recognized as a form of chronic gastritis, characterized by an inflammatory process of the mucosa and an increase in the secretory function of the stomach.

    As a result, digestive, secretory and motor function is disrupted, which leads to destruction of stomach tissues and noticeable complications. The disease manifests a painful syndrome in the upper abdomen, nausea, heartburn, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

    Symptomatic reminiscent of normal gastritis, but with superficial gastritis, the functions and normal state of the gastric membrane remain. Classify a superficial gastritis on such kinds as weak, moderate and strong.

    Causes of superficial gastritis

    The main cause of superficial gastritis is malnutrition, non-compliance, it occurs with bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle. Heredity often plays a role.

    If the family has a predilection for digestive system diseases, the risk of gastritis, as well as stomach ulcers or other gastrointestinal diseases, increases. Causes:
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    • is a genetic predisposition to disease;
    • smoking;
    • excessive alcohol consumption;
    • addiction to spicy, salty and smoked food;
    • consumes hot or cold food;
    • power failure;
    • specific infections;
    • diseases of the heart, pancreas and thyroid.
    The cause of the disease can be a poor state of the mouth. Infection that develops in the patient's teeth or gums, falls into internal organs and provokes an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the stomach. To promote the development of gastritis can endocrine disorders, heart failure, as well as diabetes.

    Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive. People who eat dry, do not eat, eat snacks, are more prone to the disease. The main importance is the drinking regimen. To maintain the health of the whole body, it is necessary to drink up to 1.5 liters of liquid, and for the prevention of stomach diseases it is recommended to drink alkaline mineral water before eating.

    If there are taste preferences for spices, spicy foods, bitter and sour dishes, you should use gastrointestinal dishes that are beneficial for the stomach. These include fruit or milk feta, oats, wheat porridge, milk. Bad negative effects on the state of the shell of our stomach are such negative habits as smoking and alcohol abuse.

    Even excessive fondness with carbonated sweet drinks can cause the development of superficial gastritis. The disease can also develop due to constant stress.

    Experts believe that one of the main causes of gastritis is Helicobacter pylori infection. Such a bacterium is transmitted by close contact, kissing, using a shared dish. However, one can not help but note that many are carriers of infection, but not all get gastritis.

    Human immunity plays an important role, the protective function of the gastric mucosa, therefore everyone has an individual reaction to the carrier of the bacterium.

    Symptoms of superficial gastritis

    The superficial form of gastritis coincides with symptoms with gastritis and has pronounced symptoms. Always feel discomfort in the stomach, pain in the epigastric part, taste in the mouth and unpleasant odor, sucking, especially in the break between meals.

    After receiving bitter or spicy food, there is a painful syndrome in the right side or epigastrium. Symptoms:

    • nausea;
    • vomiting;
    • discomfort;
    • pain;
    • heartburn;
    • indigestion.
    If after the reception of ordinary boiled or mineral water there is relief, this indicates the flow of a mild form of this type of gastritis. The launched form can lead to the development of ulcers and other complications, so gastritis is necessary in time and properly treated.

    If you find yourself uncomfortable symptoms of gastritis, immediately consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis and competent treatment will help to avoid chronic disease!

    See also what are the symptoms of erosive and atrophic gastritis.


    A gastroenterologist can diagnose a presumptive diagnosis according to the patient's complaints, but an examination of the body for accurate diagnosis is always prescribed.

    To establish the correct diagnosis and choose the treatment tactics, prescribe a general blood and urine test, blood biochemistry, stomach gastroscopy and, if necessary, radiography. X-ray examination helps to determine the functionality of the mucous membrane and exclude the development of a malignant tumor.

    How to treat superficial gastritis?

    As a rule, the treatment of superficial gastritis is aimed at stopping the inflammatory process and restoring the tissues and functions of the stomach. If the cause of the disease is an infection, then antibiotics are prescribed.

    For getting rid of the bacteria, it is recommended to take metronidazole, amoxicillin, and de-nol. The protective film is created by such preparations: almagel, maalox, vikalin. To normalize the acidity take omez, ranitidine. To improve digestion and strengthen motility helps motilium, enzymes.

    To accelerate the regeneration of tissues, prescribe vitamins, aloe extract, sea buckthorn oil. In the morning on an empty stomach recommend taking before eating one tablespoon of sea-buckthorn or olive oil, a composition based on aloe, cahors and honey.

    When a disease of the gastrointestinal tract is important diet. Doctors recommend sharing meals for 5-6 receptions. The diet should be observed so that the break between meals is no more than 3-4 hours.

    Food is a must for protein food, as proteins play a building role in the body and help regenerate tissues. Concerning protein food, patients with this disease can eat rabbit, chicken, veal, sea or river fish. Wheat porridge, buckwheat and oatmeal are useful.

    The main thing is that the food is well cooked and ground. Mechanical damage increases the inflammatory process, so the dishes should be gentle and light. Vitamin balance requires vegetable and fruit purees, pumpkin porridge, herbs, non-acidic juices, compotes and broth of wild rose.

    In order not to create a food load, the portion should be small, and the products are properly cooked. You can not fry, smoke foods for the sick, it is better to steam them, stew and cook, as well as to eliminate fatty, bitter, sour and spicy food. It is advisable to use fresh and natural products, prepare them not for long to preserve minerals and vitamins.

    See also how to treat gastritis with high acidity.

    Complications of

    In case of non-observance of the doctor's recommendations, a superficial gastritis can give a number of complications.

    Often the result of gastritis is gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, exacerbation of pancreatitis, intoxication of the body. Wrong treatment or neglected form can provoke tumors.

    Prevention of superficial gastritis

    Prognosis of superficial gastritis is very comforting with proper treatment and following the recommendations of a doctor. For prevention, you must follow the diet, not smoking, not to abuse alcohol and carbonated drinks.

    The main condition for recovery is a healthy lifestyle, moderate physical activity, strengthening of the body. Proper and healthy nutrition will become a guarantee of health, and a calm state without stress and nervous loads will help to preserve the mucous membrane of the stomach. An important condition for the normal functioning of the mucous membrane is the balance of vitamins and minerals.

    Therefore, a patient should eat fresh fruits, vegetables, melons, nuts, honey every day. Useful broths of dogrose, and for prevention, you can take tincture of calendula, chamomile, decoction of yarrow, St. John's wort, immortelle, nettle and string. If the appetite is disturbed, the decoction of their leaves of plantain is effective.

    If you have a badly shaky nervous system, consult a psychoneurologist or a psychotherapist. Often, because of unnecessary anxiety, the disease becomes aggravated again.

    Although superficial gastritis is the very first and not so much a dangerous stage of the disease, it is still necessary to treat it. It will not be superfluous to note that self-treatment in this case is not very effective, and it is necessary to follow the recommendation of your doctor.

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