  • What are chakras and how do they affect our lives?

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    Chakra value

    It is worth noting the fact that it is very important that the chakras are always kept in absolute order. The more they are opened, the more energy will flow through them into the body, accordingly the person will be much healthier and more realized. It should also be noted that each chakra has a strictly assigned function, and the chakras are a window for us at a certain energy level, this in turn affects us, our lives, health, abilities, behavior, relationships with other people, our strengthdirect influence.

    Chakras are mainly identified in a number of Hindu treatises, many of the researchers believe that the doctrine of the chakras is rather ancient, and refers to the global knowledge of our ancestors associated with outer space much more and closer than modern humanity. The names of chakras are often found in mystical and fiction, as well as in books on psychology and medicine. Including quite often the concept of chakras is resorted to by many authors of esoteric works and various theories about the origin of the world and of mankind as a whole.

    In general, there are seven centers, seven chakras, they are directly in the astral body, but have a connection to the channels in the etheric body and exert their influence directly on the mental body. In addition to the main chakras, there are also many small ones.

    Types of chakras

    The first chakra is Muladhara( Kundalini)

    Muladhara is located at the base of the spine. This chakra answers for basic health, survival, instincts, basic vitality, care for one's physical existence: about food, protection, shelter, reproduction of offspring. In her management is the health and functioning of the legs, genitals, the ability to reproduce.

    Symptoms of a harmonious chakra are directly good physical health, liveliness, activity, courage and self-confidence. Signs of the blocked chakra are feelings of a victim of circumstances, fears, a sense of danger, escape from physical reality, nervousness, selfishness, insecurity, greed, arrogance, excessive tension in the body, lasciviousness, bruises, frequent injuries, problems with legs, feet andlower part of the spine.

    Chakras, mostly closed to all people. At the moment when it opens, it is directly accompanied in a literal sense by an explosion of energy, which in turn enters the body. This happens in cases when a signal about a deadly danger comes. In this case, the chakra automatically opens and gives out a rather large amount of energy to the body. It is in this chakra that an untouchable fount of energy is stored, which is directly intended for the preservation of our life.

    Kundalini, is connected directly to the next chakra and feeds it. The vibrations of this energy are rather low. Therefore, the less developed a person is, the less energy he is able to perceive, and the more in his consciousness there is a manifestation of the survival instinct. And the more developed a person, the less in his mind all instincts are manifested, including this directly and the instinct of survival.

    The second chakra - Svadhistana or the Sacred Chakra

    of Svadhistan is located about five centimeters below the navel. Responds to this chakra for emotions, pleasure, sexuality, self-esteem and relationships with other people, flexibility( physical and physical), attractiveness, physical sensations. This is the chakra of interpersonal relationships and pleasures. It controls directly the health and functioning of the lower parts of the spine and intestines, and the ovaries. The signs of a harmonious chakra are attractiveness, harmonious relations with people, energy, sexuality, respect for oneself, good self-esteem, developed taste, love for one's body. Signs of the blocked chakra are low self-esteem, sexual problems, problems in the family in relationships with surrounding people, feelings of possessiveness, jealousy, frequent guilt, discouragement, irritability, resentment, lust, indulgence to bad habits, reproductive organs diseases.

    Since this chakra is located near the Kundalini chakra, the resultant sexual energy here is the most powerful, as it is subscribed by the energy of the Kundalini. The sacred chakra, like the rest of the other chakras, can perceive and radiate only low vibrations. Consciousness of energy, which is directly perceived and emitted by this chakra, manifests itself in its turn as an instinct for procreation, it is a love for the child itself, a desire for sexual satisfaction, a sexual attraction to another person of the opposite sex, low negative emotions and feelings that arise in that casewhen this instinct is dissatisfied - malice, envy, etc.

    With the direct development of a person, the function of this chakra is shortened, as the direct feeding of its energy ceases, the person no longer perceives low energies, which in turn correspond to the vibrations of this chakra. In this case, the manifestation of jealousy, jealousy, and sexual intercourse ceases.

    Third chakra - Manipura or Vital chakra

    Manipura is located in the solar plexus - under the sternum, where the ribs are located. Responds Manipur for the individual I, will power, influence on the world, power, perseverance and concentration in achieving the goals, significance, self-confidence, optimism. In her diocese - success, social status, charisma, career, financial sphere. It controls the health and direct functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, middle spine, adrenal glands.

    The signs of a harmonious chakra are self-esteem, optimism, self-confidence, a clear vision of their goals, perseverance in their immediate achievement, career success and financial well-being. Signs of the blocked chakra can be considered as difficulties with money, conflicts with business partners, anxiety and complete financial uncertainty, increased aggression, abuse of power, workaholism, suppression of others, finicky, criticality, great demands, excessive control, shyness, indecisiveness, nausea, weaknessin the body, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, dizziness.

    Next to Minipura is the spleen, this in turn is the gates of the etheric body, directly through it and energy flows into the spleen and saturates the physical body through numerous channels. Consciousness of energy, which is received through this channel and radiated, manifests itself as a herd instinct, that is, the desire to be like everyone else.

    As for the active perception of energy by this chakra, it strengthens the destructive tendencies of the individual, the desire for violence, the sense of one's animal power, this happens if the person is not yet developed. Having a high level of spiritual development in a person, the consciousness of this chakra in turn manifests itself as an aspiration to manifest itself in this world, striving for activity, for creativity, for organizing this life.

    Fourth chakra - Anahata or Heart chakra

    Anahata is located in the center of the chest, exactly between the nipples. This chakra answers for feelings, love, sympathy, sympathy, compassion, joy, acceptance, a sense of harmony and grace, delight. Manages directly the health and direct work of the heart, chest, upper spine, arms, shoulders, lungs. The signs of a harmonious chakra are the harmony in love, the feeling of goodness, joy, happiness, caring, empathy, benevolence both in relation to oneself and to surrounding people. Signs of the blocked chakra: the feeling that life is gray and faded, lack of joy, problems in love, callousness, indifference to people, inability to sympathize, or vice versa, too great a manifestation of compassion and sacrifice, the desire to please others, dislike of self, self-pity,frequent feelings of antipathy towards others, dependency, capriciousness, heart disease and other organs for which Anahata directly responds.

    This chakra is capable of both perceiving and radiating highly vibrational energy. And the immediate opening of this chakra is the main task of all spiritual practices. At the moment when this chakra opens and begins to perceive highly vibrating energies, a beautiful astral body begins to be "constructed."Man in turn becomes loving, benevolent, cordial. All these states arise precisely when the highly vibrational energy is perceived by the heart chakra.

    In this case, the human body itself begins to vibrate similarly and very highly. This person suffers this vibration as a corresponding highly emotional state.

    The fifth chakra - Vishudha or throat chakra

    Vishudha is located at the base of the throat. This chakra answers for speech, creativity, ability to form thoughts and feelings in words, ability to convince and cause authority( organizational, leadership abilities), learning ability, self-expression, authority. Manages the health and functioning of the throat and neck directly.

    The signs of a harmonious chakra include: successful communication, the ability to harmoniously represent oneself to the world, the constructive impact on other people using words, speech, the production of ideas, the successful realization of their potential. Signs of the blocked chakra: difficulties in communication, problems with self-realization, self-expression, inability to express clearly and convincingly your thoughts, inability to speak convincingly, insecurity in your opinion, arrogance, arrogance, snobbery, stagnation of thinking, dogmatic, insecure, falsity, increased appetite, frequentangina.

    This chakra is inherent in perceiving the energy of mental planes. It can also be called the chakra of creativity. The throat chakra perceives the high energies of the mental and spiritual spheres of the universe. Consciousness of the energy of this chakra allows one to manifest in a person abilities for higher creation, as well as to individual manifestation in the fields of art and science. Consciousness of this chakra in turn is manifested as genius. Very few people have this opened, operating, this chakra. To reveal it is to reach the highest point of spiritual development.

    The sixth chakra is the Ajna or the "third eye" chakra

    Ajna is located on the forehead at the point between the eyebrows. This chakra answers for internal knowledge, intuition, memory, wisdom, understanding of the situation as a whole, image manipulation, superconsciousness, global vision, awareness of being, clairvoyance, conscious perception. Manages Ajna's health and functioning of the nose, eyes and ears.

    Symptoms of a harmonious chakra consist in good intuition, wisdom, subtle feeling of other people and their moods, intelligence, developed mental abilities. Signs of the blocked chakra: the lack of a full picture of life, the feeling that your life does not make sense, fears, feeling like a loser, misunderstanding of the goal, anxiety, clouded consciousness, illusions, confusion in the head, authoritarianism, pride, shyness, insomnia, shyness, headachespain.

    This chakra perceives the energy of the spiritual worlds, it is the energy of the intuition plan. In the event that this chakra is revealed, it begins to perceive the energies of the higher worlds. It is then that a person gets the opportunity and the ability to perceive information that comes from the higher worlds, from the higher subplanes of the mental world and the plan of intuition. The consciousness of this chakra finds such manifestations in a person as prophecy and clairvoyance. It is revealed directly in a person who has reached a very high level of development, but not at all who declares that he has the ability of clairvoyance. True clairvoyance is the result of a rather high level of human development.

    Seventh Chakra - Sahasrara or Brahma Chakra( Lotus)

    Sahasrara is located in the crown area. This chakra answers for revealing spiritual potential, spirituality, opening and trust to the world as a whole, understanding of the essence of things, insight, connection with the deity, with the energies of the Cosmos, with destiny and life purpose. Manages Sahasrara directly health and functioning of the pituitary gland, brain and skull. The signs of a harmonious chakra are the feeling of one's connection with God, unity with the world, with other people, awareness of one's own uniqueness and place in this world. Signs of the blocked chakra can be considered: a sense of lostness, depression, abandonment, loneliness in the crowd, isolation, unwillingness to communicate with others, loss of taste for life, fear of death.

    This chakra perceives the energies of the highest cosmic spheres. Consciousness of this chakra makes man a Godlike being.

    Features of chakras

    Each chakra is characterized by the perception of a certain frequency of vibrations. In the event that only the vital or predominantly sacral chakra is opened, then the person perceives energy only of the appropriate frequency and manifests itself in accordance with the consciousness inherent in the energies of these chakras.

    It is worth noting the fact that we primarily perceive the energies of ten planets, that is, the energy of the small cosmos, which affects the earthly life most of all. They are directly perceived by the chakras of a person, influencing the vibrations of his astral and mental body, thus evoking certain feelings and thoughts depending on which chakra is most open. It is very important that the chakras are not only centers concentrating energy, but also centers of consciousness. When the chakra begins to perceive energy, then it accumulates a certain energy, and this in turn means that the consciousness begins to form a subplane corresponding to the vibrations of the astral body.

    Many of us are used to think that consciousness is in the head, but this is a mistaken opinion. The brain is only a tool of the physical body, which in turn has the ability to automatically regulate the functions of all physical organs. The brain gives only orders. This is to some extent a computer that has a screen, a display on which the activity of the mental body is reflected, the design into words and actions. Since our astral body is directly connected with the mental, our senses, emotions and states we comprehend, characterize words, our thinking is colored by one or another characteristic feeling.

    It is worth noting that not everything that we feel in the world around us, we can expose in words, much we just do not realize. In the case when the vital chakra perceives the energy of Mars, for example, there is a feeling of irritation. We can not always understand the reason why they suddenly became angry. If the energy of Mars was perceived by the sacral chakra( this energy is more low-vibration), then a strong sexual desire arises. We, in turn, simply react to external influences.

    We feel quite a lot, react to very much, perceive very much, manifest in unison with many influences, but we can not understand and understand. Therefore, we can not regulate, consciously manage these processes, hence, we are simply blind pawns, devices that have the ability to turn on and off without our own knowledge, in addition to our will.

    The average person uses two chakras - the vital and the sacral. The chakra of Kundalini is closed, the heart chakra of Anahata is also not revealed. These two chakras, in turn, are directed horizontally and, therefore, largely trap the environment. We can feel the mood of the people around us, to some extent vaguely feel the sexual appeal or vice versa, rejection, feel anger, envy, but we do not always understand this.

    Spiritual development of a person says that he begins to perceive a wider range of vibrations, is able to perceive energies from vibrations related to higher chakras. As a person develops spiritually, he begins to perceive more and more subtle vibrations. And not just to perceive them, but to radiate. At the moment when the heart chakra is opened, the astral body begins to be created, which in turn consists of the energy of the higher subplanes of the astral world.

    In this case, the person emits energy, which the surrounding people perceive with great pleasure. This energy to some extent calms the surrounding people, making them more peaceful and benevolent. The energy that radiates such a person harmonizes the surrounding world, and also improves people. Those around him say that he is kind, cordial, calm to sympathy, compassionate. He is beginning to be loved. Thus, his higher consciousness appears, the consciousness of the heart chakra, the level of human development lies in the development from the sacral to the heart chakra. Above this level is only the consciousness of the superman.

    There are seven subplanes between the main chakras. This is a conditional division. Man gradually learns to understand more subtle vibrations. In some cases, we experience subtle vibrations. And they find manifestation in us as a feeling of bliss, love, ecstasy and delight. But this happens to us very rarely. At the average level of development a person can not always be in a state of love, compassion and tenderness. Meditations help us learn to perceive more subtle energies, hence it helps us build a more perfect astral body and reveal higher chakras.

    What does the state of ecstasy mean? When the etheric body is full of energy, it causes a state of sexual ecstasy. This happens directly with sexual contact, as there is a flow of sacral and vital energies in partners. In the case when both partners are developed approximately equally, that is, the energies of the sacral and vital chakra in each partner vibrate with the same frequency, then the saturation of the etheric bodies in them occurs equally, and they themselves also experience ecstasy equally. If one of the partners is developed more, then he gives more energy and more subtle energy in contact, the second can not give him adequate energy for vibrations, the more developed spiritually sexual partner in a state of ecstasy will never be in such a partnership.

    When the sacred chakra is overflowed with energy, ecstasy of the so-called first degree arises. This is a condition that occurs as a result of sexual intercourse. If the higher chakras are filled with energy, then the state of bliss is strengthened, a feeling of power arises. In the event that the heart chakra is filled with energy, a joyful perception of life, love of everything arises. A state of ecstasy, ecstasy can also cause beauty, art, nature, love for the highest ideal.

    What does the state of nirvana mean? This is an unspeakable delight, bliss. Such a state is experienced by a person when the higher chakras, beginning with Ajna, are filled with energy. The more the chakra is full of energy, and the higher the chakra itself, the more prolonged the state of ecstasy will be.

    If we look at an example of how our consciousness manifests itself depending on the body in which it is concentrated. For example, in the morning you got out of bed and felt weak: something hurts somewhere, you directly listen to this pain and are not able to think about anything else. Your consciousness at this moment is in the physical body at the level of the kundalini chakra. In this case, the instinct of survival begins to show itself quite strongly.

    There is a feeling of anxiety, you can hardly think about anything other than your physical condition. After the pain subsides, there is a feeling of hunger, a desire to eat, this in turn manifests the consciousness of the etheric body, it needs energy feeding. They ate and calmed down. Then we feel satisfaction. The energy reserve necessary for our life is replenished. The instinct of survival is satisfied.

    But suddenly a friend came and told you some bad gossip about you. You already perceive this information negatively. It will affect your astral body. There is a feeling of indignation, anger and irritation. In this state, you radiate energy from the sacral chakra, from the level of the astral body. Then you calm down and begin to think about how to act on your boss in order that he would raise your salary - the consciousness is on the vital chakra.

    Then you remember that soon the child should return from school - the consciousness in this case is concentrated in the heart chakra, on the astral level. In this case, a state of tenderness arises. Thus, our consciousness is concentrated in this or that body, manifesting itself from the level of different chakras. It is rather important to know from which chakra you emit energy at each moment of time and energy, what chakra of other people acts directly on you. Knowledge of the chakras, the vibrations that they emit, allows a person to understand the principle of interaction and relationships with surrounding people much deeper, to live in this world more harmoniously and wisely.

  • We have all heard the word chakras many times, but not many know what it really is and how it relates to our lives. So, the chakras are in turn energy centers of a person, it is through them that he takes part in various energy processes, both private and global. Chakras interact with the electromagnetic field of the earth and contribute to filling us with life force from space, which in turn is called prana. Energy in turn, through the chakras, enters the nerve plexuses, and then into the organs of the body, through special channels called nadi.

    Article content:

  • Chakra value
  • Types of chakras