  • Dangerous consequences of gonorrhea

    Gonorrhea is an infectious disease that is transmitted sexually. The causative agent of gonorrhea is the gonococcus, which lives and multiplies in the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system, the intestines, the throat. There is a lesion of the mucous eyes.

    Consequences can be extremely unpleasant and dangerous, because the disease itself can be acute, and most often - imperceptibly and asymptomatically. In such cases, we have to talk about the chronic, neglected form of gonorrhea.

    It happens that the disease is recognized so late that there are irreversible consequences that are expressed in organic lesions and changes. A sad consequence of the chronic form is infertility.

    Consequences of gonorrhea in women

    Infertility in this case is the most common form of complication of gonorrhea. It can also be caused by any inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages in acute and chronic forms. The risk of such complications increases with the use of IUD( intrauterine device).There is also a type of complication, such as the risk of an ectopic pregnancy arising from inflammatory diseases in the fallopian tubes.

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    Inflammation of the fallopian tubes shows accumulation of exudate in the lumen of the tube. It can be a transparent yellowish liquid, and in case of stagnant phenomena and infection, this liquid becomes purulent, substantially exacerbating the patient's condition.

    This disease is called hydrosalpinx, and is at the same time life-threatening for women, because there may be a rupture of the fallopian tube and the release of purulent contents into the abdominal cavity. This can lead to peritonitis and is a deadly danger! Hydrosalpinx is manifested by drawing pains in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, intoxication of the body. The fallopian tube is greatly increased in size.

    After infection with gonorrhea, bartholinitis( inflammation of the large vestibular glands) can develop. This inflammation begins about 2-3 weeks after infection with gonorrhea. Gonococci penetrate the ducts of the glands and cause inflammation. In this case, the painful tendons appear in the groin, with pressure on which the excretion of pus is possible.

    If the mouth of the gland is closed, then a painful tumor can be noted, the size of which can be from a small pea to the size of a chicken egg. This tumor is mobile, it can protrude from the sexual slit. There is a strong soreness in the groin, the area of ​​the external genitalia, there is a pain in walking, sitting.

    There may be a rise in temperature to a low-grade figure and higher. After a certain time, a rupture of this tumor can occur, pus poured out and some improvement in health, a decrease in temperature. If you do not take measures, then there is a re-accumulation of pus.

    The problem of preventing complications in chronic gonorrhea in women is very important. These complications can also be lethargic and asymptomatic, like gonorrhea itself. Sometimes it happens that the inflammatory process in the uterus and its appendages occurs with the presence of a number of characteristic signs:

    • pain in the lower abdomen;
    • vaginal bleeding;
    • headache, fever, poor health.

    Infertility can become a sad consequence of gonorrhea in women.

    Complications of gonorrhea in men

    The most severe complication of this disease in men can be in the form of testicular inflammation( orchitis), its epididymis( orchiepididymitis) and inflammation of the prostate gland( prostatitis).

    Inflammation of the epididymis in gonorrhea develops sharply, manifested in fever, redness and swelling of the scrotum. There are severe pains in the affected testicle, which makes walking very difficult. Spermatogenesis is strongly inhibited. The ability to fertilize is lost. In the end, male infertility develops, as a consequence of gonorrhea.

    The consequence of gonorrhea in men can also be expressed in the form of prostatitis, which can be acute and chronic. A common cause of impotence and infertility is chronic gonorrhea prostatitis.

    It is also possible the appearance of inflammation of the seminal vesicles( vesiculitis) and narrowing of the lumen of the urethra. It is important at the same time to begin treatment in time, avoid hypothermia, heavy physical exertion, alcohol consumption, leading to the development of gonorrheal complications in men. It is also important to temporarily stop the sex life.

    In severe cases, the spread of gonococcal infection leads to dissemination and damage to the brain, heart, joints, skin, liver. It is very important to identify the disease in time, because the incubation period of gonorrhea in men can be relatively long, although the symptoms usually appear faster than women.

    If the pathogenic microflora enters the eyes, then there is a development of gonococcal conjunctivitis. Gonorrhea is a serious complication of gonorrhea, leading to blindness. With this complication there is a strong edema of the eyelids, the release of purulent contents from the eyes. If you do not start active complex treatment in time, you can lose sight organ.

    The latent danger of gonorrhea

    Gonorrhea is a sufficiently hidden and insidious enemy of health because, with the probability of asymptomatic flow, this disease increases the risk of serious violations and damage to organs and their systems.

    So, what is it dangerous? The most unpleasant thing is that gonococcal infection is most often found in combination with a number of other pathogenic microorganisms( chlamydia, trichomonas, ureaplasma).

    Diagnosis of gonorrhea in such cases is significantly hampered. Very often gonococci can be detected only after the destruction of trichomonads, etc. Also, it should be noted that the complications of concomitant infections are treated even more severely and for a long time.

    It is very important to prevent the onset of gonorrhea, because a number of preventive measures aimed at preventing the onset of the disease will help to avoid not only the troubles associated with the treatment of this infectious disease, but also help to preserve not only your own health, but also the health of your close people!

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