Gonorrhea of the throat, signs and treatment
Gonorrhea is a disease that is caused by a variety of gonococcus, expressing itself in the appearance of a purulent deposit on the tonsils, painful sensations during swallowing.
This form of gonorrhea is a consequence of non-traditional sexual intercourse, i.e.oral sex. The causative agent falls on the mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity, where the further multiplication of pathogenic microflora occurs.
Diagnosis of the disease is a rather difficult task, as the picture of the disease resembles the usual purulent sore throat. There is an acute onset of the disease, fever, chills, pain when swallowing, raids on the tonsils.
In this case, a very important role is played by the patient's life history, since in this way it is possible to significantly accelerate the effective treatment of throat gonorrhea. At the same time from angina this variant of gonorrhea differs the following moment:
Symptoms of gonorrhea of the throat and oral cavity can appear already in the first hours after infection, since the causative agent of this venereal disease acts much more aggressively than the causative agent of simple sore throat.
Manifestation of the disease
The disease spreads very quickly and is characterized by quite pronounced resistance. This is due to the fact that the mucous throat and oral cavity are more susceptible to infection with gonorrhea, in contrast to the mucous membrane of the genital organs.
For this reason, the gonorrhea of the throat very soon makes itself known and quickly passes into a chronic form.
Hormonal gonorrhea is very dangerous, as this form of the disease is next to the brain. If no measures are taken in time, colonies of the gonococci, reproducing very quickly, will soon reach the brain, and the outcome can be lethal.
Local immunity, as a rule, is not able to cope effectively with the gonococcal attack, especially against the background of a rise in temperature and a decrease in the overall resistance of the organism.
How to protect yourself from throat gonorrhea?
The most reliable and proven way to protect against this infectious disease is, of course, sexual intercourse with a regular partner. Using a condom with accidental sexual intercourse will significantly help reduce the risk of infection with gonorrhea of the throat.
In the event of a new relationship, a fair and correct decision will be a joint examination and delivery of the necessary smears and tests. This will allow you to be confident in your new partner, provided that relations with other partners are excluded.
Gonorrhea is more common in women than in men almost twice. In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic. There may be some hoarseness of the voice, discomfort when swallowing. With gonorrhea there is a significant increase in tonsils and regional lymph nodes.
Gonorrheal stomatitis
It is observed in adults and newborns who become infected during labor during passage of infected birth canal. Soon after birth, a yellowish coating appears on the background of the bright red mucous membrane. Then there are bleeding excoriations with purulent secretions. Usually the upper sky, the back of the tongue, and the lips are affected.
The mucous membrane of the mouth in adults is edematic and hyperemic, painful. Symptoms of gonorrhea in the mouth are characterized by its typical manifestation. Observed raids of gray, with a fetid odor, highlighting an unpleasantly smelling exudate.
The mucous gums, lips, lower surface of the tongue, bottom of the mouth are affected. The disease is characterized by a sluggish course.
Is gonorrhea passed through a kiss? Gonorrhea of the throat can be transmitted by kissing, coughing and sneezing, if direct contact with the mucous membrane of a sick person occurs.
Basic principles of treatment of throat gonorrhea
Treatment of gonorrhea of the throat, like any other form of this disease, should be complex. It is necessary to prescribe specific medications, whose action is directed at the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, i.e.gonococci.
The use of antibiotics of the penicillin series is effective in this case. Drugs are widely used:
- Penicillin.
- Bicillin-1, Bicillin-3, Bicillin-5.
- Ampicillin, Ampiox.
Preparations of aminoglycosides, cephalosporin series:
- Ceftriaxone, Kanamycin.
- Ketotsef.
- Biseptol.
- Sulfadimethoxin.
Specific immunotherapy in the form of gonovaccine use. Autohemotherapy is also used. Apply biogenic stimulants:
- Aloe.
- Trypsin, splenin.
- Plasmol.
The local treatment for gonorrhea is the use of antiseptic solutions. Widely used solution of Lugol, chlorhexidine. Used to rinse with decoctions of oak bark, sage and chamomile.
Ointments with antibiotic and wound healing( methyluracil, erythromycin, tetracycline ointment.) Are used.
It is mandatory to use detoxification therapy, use of vascular strengthening agents( quarantil, trental).Assign antiallergic and antihistamines( tavegil, suprastin).
It is mandatory to appoint hepatoprotectors, drugs that prevent the emergence of candidiasis. An important role in the treatment of gonorrhea is played by vitamin therapy. Necessarily, the appointment of vitamins B and C. Also, you should eat foods that are rich in these vitamins, as well as vitamins from other groups.
Responsible approach to treatment of gonorrhea of the throat during pregnancy is mandatory!
Pregnant women should be especially careful and take care of the treatment of throat gonorrhea! Responsibility for the health of the unborn child must certainly influence the choice of gonorrhea treatment. Be sure to become registered in the women's consultation, where there will be an immediate hospitalization of the pregnant woman in the dubious ward of the maternity hospital.
There, a woman will be prescribed treatment by experienced, qualified professionals, which will be conducted under continuous supervision, given the fact that some of the drug groups used in the treatment of gonorrhea are an imminent threat to the fetus.
Preventative measures
The main methods of preventing this disease are the orderly sex life, the absence of casual sexual relations, the use of contraceptive means without fail if there is sexual contact with an unfamiliar partner.
A very important role in the prevention of gonorrhea plays the role of medical institutions, which should conduct public health education, conversations and lectures on the theme of sexually transmitted diseases, their transmission routes and preventive measures aimed at preventing the onset of gonorrhea of the throat and other forms of this infectious disease.
Identification of sources of infection, the work of the patronage service of skin-and-venereal dispensaries, during which there is involvement in examinations, surveillance and medical examination - these methods play a big role in preventing the occurrence and spread of gonorrhea, including its guttural form.