  • Sauna and bath prevent cellulite?

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    Regular visits to saunas and baths really have a beneficial effect not only on the body of a woman as a whole, but also on the condition of her skin, and hence on the prevention of cellulite.

    Since ancient times it is known that the sauna has a beneficial effect on the skin, contributes to its rejuvenation. If you pay much attention to "problem areas", most likely, you will be able to rid your skin of the likelihood of cellulite.

    Hot bath steam helps the skin to become soft, steamed. This effect in combination with hot water leads to the elimination of sebum, the sebum dissolves, the skin gets rid of the dead cells of the stratum corneum.

    Remember that the water you use in the bath should not be too hot. Water of a very high temperature is harmful to the body as a whole, and therefore, to your skin.

    Skin, freed from dead cells, is much better "breathes".Due to this, the formation of new fat deposits is slowed down. In general, water is itself a wonderful tool for maintaining healthy skin. It can create temperature changes, which are known to improve blood circulation and promote skin cleansing.

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    Sauna allows you to get rid of excess body fat. Of course, it is impossible to lose weight and prevent cellulite due to this method alone. But to underestimate it, too, is not worth it. Only in the sauna and the bath can achieve maximum sweating. In this way, cellulite is treated, it is also prevented. Sweat emanating through the pores, brings with it harmful substances and slags, which is very important, in order to keep the skin smooth and tender.

    Of course, you need to prevent cellulite only by methods and means that you personally are not contraindicated. If you suffer from red veins, then you'd better completely abandon the sauna or steam room or sit in them only on the lower shelf. Do not raise your legs on the shelf, as this will increase stagnation under the skin. If you take a shower after a sauna or a bath, then do not make a jet of water very strong, on the contrary, try to water gently massaged your skin.