
Inflammation of the glands: symptoms, causes and treatment in adults

  • Inflammation of the glands: symptoms, causes and treatment in adults

    Inflammation of the glands is a common disease, is more common in children and can go on into a chronic form.

    Usually, the causative agent is streptococcal infection. The disease manifests itself in traffic jams in the tonsils, tenderness of the lymph nodes, sore throat and high fever.

    The danger of this disease is that the microbe has the ability to mask, for a long time to hide, and at the most inopportune moment to reappear.

    It often happens that the inflammation of the glands is treated incorrectly or engaged in self-medication and the general condition improves, but the infection does not disappear. When hypothermia, stresses, improper nutrition, the microbe again manifests itself. There is tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis - diseases that exhaust the body and reduce its protective functions.

    Inflammation of tonsils or tonsillitis has two forms. Compensated and more complex - decompensated form. With compensated tonsillitis the body struggles on its own, including a protective mechanism. There are no complications, but only symptoms.
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    The decompensated form of the disease threatens paratonsillar abscess and complications of the heart, musculoskeletal system, kidneys and excretory system. An important role in the prevention of inflammation of the glands is the human immunity. The better the protective functions of the body, the less susceptible to the pathogens of the disease.

    Against the backdrop of chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis, immunity and the body's ability to resist microbes is reduced. That is why it is important to cure the acute tonsillitis and tonsillitis until the end, strictly adhering to the doctor's instructions to exclude relapse.

    Causes of inflammation of the

    glands The causative agent of the disease is streptococcal infection. When cooling, contact with sick people, stress, unhealthy lifestyle significantly reduces the protective barrier of the body, and there is a lesion of the larynx and throat. Inflammation of the glands manifests itself more often in the cold season and especially susceptible to this disease children.

    If tonsillitis is repeated, there is a possibility that the disease was initially treated incorrectly. Antibiotics are not always prescribed, but only local drugs, which leads to the attenuation of the disease, but not complete cure. Inflammation manifests itself by fever, chills, weakness, swollen lymph nodes, shortness of breath and sore throat.

    With such signs it is better not to engage in self-medication, and put the patient in bed, give a warm drink and call a doctor. Only a complete examination of the lesion will give an opportunity to assess the degree of complication of the disease and choose a method of treatment.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the tonsils in adults

    Sometimes symptoms of inflammation of the glands do not appear immediately, but a few days after infection. They may not be pronounced - slightly sore throat with a satisfactory condition.

    Another scenario of the development of the disease is possible - severe sore throat, white coating on the tonsils, high fever, weakness and shortness of breath. When inflammation of the anterior wall of the throat appears hoarseness.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the glands:

    • reddening and thickening of the palatine arch;
    • appearance of cicatricial adhesions between the glands and arches;
    • loose, compacted and enlarged glands;
    • purulent or caseous stoppers, accumulation of pus in lacunae;
    • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes.
    When examined, the doctor takes a swab from the throat to determine the specificity of the infection. Sometimes an appointment is made for susceptibility to the antibiotic in order to conduct an adequate treatment for tonsillitis.

    Treatment of inflammation of glands

    If the process proceeds without complications, then it is treated with medicines and phytopreparations. In the treatment of inflammation of the glands, the doctor prescribes a solution of lyugol, furacillin, tartum verde, tonsillotrene tablets, decatin, etc. The physical procedures help well.

    If the work of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, joints is disrupted, it is advisable to consider the question of surgical intervention.

    Tonsils should be removed in the event that conservative treatment of inflammation does not give results. Tonsillectomy( removal of tonsils) is performed under local or general anesthesia. Recently, such techniques as cryo, laser and radio wave therapy are popular. The need to remove glands is determined only by a doctor, since this vital organ plays an important role in the body.

    To understand the nature of the disease, you need to know everything about the functions of the tonsils. Glands( tonsils) and lymphatic tissue serve to protect against germs penetrating with air or food. Microbes get on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and pharynx, and immediately there is identification with lymphocytes. They produce antibodies that destroy the pathogenic microbe, and the disease is prevented.

    Lymphoid organs provide immune protection, which is why tonsils play an important role, especially in childhood.

    Folk remedies of

    The folk remedies are also effective. Broths of chamomile, calendula, sage, turns recommend for rinses 5-6 times a day. Honey has an antibacterial effect.

    The collection "Elekasol" is on sale in the pharmacy, which includes a set of herbs for fighting diseases such as tonsillitis. Also apply garlic, onions, lemon in small quantities. And the main thing is a healthy way of life without bad habits with walks in the fresh air and proper nutrition.

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